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How much money are you saving while under lockdown?


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4 hours ago, baansgr said:

300+1,000+5 small Leo's and a tube of KY

what can you do with a small leo bottle and a tube of KY?

oh yeah, got it now

I just need to work out the part with '300+1,000+5'

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At first it saved me money but then I replaced the alcohol with green and got used to the green, so needed more and more green, resulting in spending the same.
So right now I am not doing any of those things anymore, I also doubt to ever return to the bar scene as COVID was kind of the final killer since 2014.

Other than that it is actually costing money as my wife her business is only doing 20% of before. Mine is luckily unaffected.

Many friends about to bankrupt their Thai biz and most Expat friends left Thailand or are in the process of leaving Thailand (COVID is just confirming their idea).

Personally quite fed up with the gov their dealings, my great grandmother in law was even bribed by the headman village for her 5K (he took 1K of everyone).
Not sure if I want to raise my son with this never ending BS, hoping for protests or change within the next 2-3 years, else we leave for sure.

Would not be able to forgive myself being selfish to stay while it costs my son proper culture, education, fair chances etc.
Despite a private school can be the fix for a part, he would still need to see how his neighbourhood friends are not going there + be influenced regardless.

Makes him the spoiled rich kid of the village for sure aside of already being called Luk Krung instead of Thai. Sometimes even farang, think my wife is the maid.
And to avoid that, would need to move to an area of fakeness, with only rich kids OR I would need to sacrifice education and send him to the same school.

Guess it been easier to be more stupid and ignorant, then I would just have stayed in Thailand without thinking about this too much.
OK, I just realised I went WAAAAAYYYY off topic. I will leave the post anyway.

Edited by ChaiyaTH
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10 hours ago, OneeyedJohn said:

almost every thread on TV if given the opportunity has posters bragging about their wealth, from people saying they spend 30 - 40 thousand baht a month on food to others who talk about transferring 3 million baht and of course those that have electricity bills way over 10,000 baht a month because of the pool and the mansion with its a/c.

Tiresome in the extreme. 

Lol, 10K on electric is actually little to brag about in a mansion. I had bills of 4500 in a 3 bedroom house + tiny tiny pool only.
If one would always eat out in medium places in BKK, foreign food, together with Miss, easily get to 30K a month too. I wouldn't do it but it ain't that special.

You would get mad knowing my clients electric bill avg 15K and private school fees for 2 kids at 80K before anything else...
Everyone has his own low and high standard I guess. Not sure it is worth naming bragging actually. I personally be more proud having lower bills.

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After reading three of the 7 pages of comments I am posting so if there are others in the next pages that said this I am sorry.


I am in Indonesia right now waiting for Thailand to allow one year extension holders back in (Yes a long time probably).  So I have more expenses since I am not at my condo.  Maybe 20,000 baht extra. 


But then there is the 50,000 or so baht I have given to families in April in Thailand, Indonesia and The Philippines.


I know so many that have no food or no money to enroll kids in school that my expenses are way up.


I am still waiting on the $1,200 from the US which I am sure will help more families eat.


I truly believe that money you earn is your to do with as you want.  As for me any windfall I am getting is going to help people not to starve.


Sorry for being preachy.

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16 hours ago, brokenbone said:

just, how ?

Very easy - village living. No rent, cheap electricity, no bars or restaurants or BigC/Makro 7/11 within a 2-3 hour drive. Right tnow buy all meat/veg etc from local vendors.


As I said my main additional expense of going regular holidays has been halted for almost 3 months now.

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