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When I first bought this computer it came with 512 MB of RAM installed, I asked the supplier to up grade the RAM to 1 GB

By adding a second 512 MB , now I would like to up grade again to 2 GB and have just looked inside the computer and

Found it seems that there are only 2 slots for RAM, both have 512MB all ready installed, so it looks as if I have to

Throw away the 2 x 512MB and install 2 x 1GB into the Two RAM slots, it seem’s a shame to have to throw away the

Two 512MB’s due to the fact there’s only two RAM slots on the mother board, not knowing too much about computers

And this may sound a silly question but is there a ‘’ adaptor ‘’ that I could slot into one of the RAM slots that would then

Take two RAM’s in other words a One to Two adaptor..?

Thanks .... Mumbo

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Why throw away something with that much value? Find a shop that sells new and used hardware and trade it in, or try selling it here.


Is it DDR or DDR II?

If it is DDR II, I could buy one and you could snap a 2GB, so ur computer will have 2.5GB.

Even if it is DDR, plz tell me the price, maybe u can get my money :o

Thanks .... Mumbo

What's that bug doing on my screen? And it's not going away!! AAAwwww... very realistic :o

There used to be adapters like this but they were pretty unreliable and you'd need a different one for each different RAM type so I don't think they are manufactured anymore. I don't think they ever were popular.

Your best bet would probably be to trade the 512s for 1Gbs, but you will have to search around for a bit since 1GB sticks _still_ seem to be hard to find in Thailand.

If this is a laptop, I may have a 1GB stick for you - the shop offered me 2000 Baht for it so I kept it instead. Rather stupidly since I have no use for it :D

And if you are running Windows XP I would recommend upgrading to 1.5GB instead. I have 2GB and the system hardly ever uses more than 1.5 even though I have tons of heavyweight apps open. In other words, I don't think Win XP is optimized to work with 2GB. In theory, if 2GB are available, the system should use it all - that would ensure maximum performance. WinXP doesn't do that with 2GB.

Vista is another matter, it's happiest with 3GB or even more, so 2GB are recommended in your case.


HI Thanks for the replys , on my computer spec it shows .... Memory ........ 1,024 MB ddr-II RAM

I did not think of adding one 2GB RAM, as to the price of the 512MB RAM, ive really got no idea..?

any one know what a 2GB RAM would approximately cost...?

Thanks ..... Mumbo

Is it DDR or DDR II?

If it is DDR II, I could buy one and you could snap a 2GB, so ur computer will have 2.5GB.

Even if it is DDR, plz tell me the price, maybe u can get my money :o

Be carefull taking this route, some motherboards will only let you fit matched pairs. Check out your motherboard manual before you do this.


You will also need to know the memory speed your mainboard supports.

1 GB DDR2-533 (533MHz) Kingston ValueRAM - 2100 Baht x2 = 4200 Baht

1 GB DDR2-800 (800MHz) Kingston ValueRAM - 2110 Baht x2 = 4220 Baht

Since the price differential is so small may as well get the DDR2-800 for future proofing.


Hi nikster, thanks for your comments the my computer is a desk top ( Acer E500 ) with the following current spec…

Processor.... Intel Pentium 4 650 - 3.4Ghz L2 cache / FSB800 EM64T ( dual core cpu + 64Bit )

Memory ........ 1,024 MB ddr-II RAM ( expandable up to 2GB )

Hard Drive .....250 GB HDD SATA ( 7,200 rpm )

Optical Drive..DVD / RW 16x ( DVD Writer Dual Layer Function )

VAG Card .......Pci Express card X600 Pro 256 MB (16x) with TV -out / DVi +

Sound Card ... Creative Audigy value ( 24Bits )

Monitor ........... LCD 17''

Speakers........ Creative speakers 5B370 With Sub Woofer

Operating System ... Windows XP Pro Media center

TV Tuner Card ( built in )

System remote control with E Mode Management Software

ATi Radeon Express 200 Graphic Chipset with 16x PCI Express Slot

9 - in - 1 Media Reader with IEE 1394 Port

Intergrated Ethernet 10 / 100 ( Lan Built In )

56 k ITU V.90 External fax / Modem . Wake On Lan ready

Intregated Realtek ALC880 Audio Codec With 7: 1 Channels Audio Support

Support S / PDIF ( Sony / phillips Digital Interface) output

Multi Media Wirless Keyboard and Mouse

Logitech SX 2000 Web Camera

it looks as if I can only expand the RAM up to 2GB, so as ajarnmark commented (snap a 2GB, so ur computer will have 2.5GB) is not possible on my computer,

so the way to go seem’s to be having to remove the 2 x 512MB RAM , and replace them with 2 x 1 MB RAM , my thoughts on doing this is of course at some time I would like to give Vista a try , it’s a shame my computer will only up grade to 2GB.

Thanks Mumbo


tywais, thanks for the advice... how would I find out the memory speed the mainboard supports

and mac.wheeler thanks for your advice, If I have to buy 2 x 1 GB ddr-II RAM , could I ask for a

matched pairs of RAM, ....? and how would I know if they are matched...?

Thanks .... Mumbo

tywais, thanks for the advice... how would I find out the memory speed the mainboard supports

and mac.wheeler thanks for your advice, If I have to buy 2 x 1 GB ddr-II RAM , could I ask for a

matched pairs of RAM, ....? and how would I know if they are matched...?

Thanks .... Mumbo

Same brand, same model = matched

Unless you want tightly speced RAM then you can go to GEIL or Corsair Twins, but probably not worth it with a Pentium 4 processor.

Your manual should have a table of memory combinations and speeds. I personally would just spend the 20 baht or so difference for the DDR2-800 in case you change mainboards later on.

tywais, thanks for the advice... how would I find out the memory speed the mainboard supports

and mac.wheeler thanks for your advice, If I have to buy 2 x 1 GB ddr-II RAM , could I ask for a

matched pairs of RAM, ....? and how would I know if they are matched...?

Thanks .... Mumbo

Just order two identical sticks of RAM mate, or if you buy it over the counter in a shop you can see they are the same.

Matched pairs don't necesarily need to be identical, just of the same spec, it's not like the old days when you couldn't even mix RAM with different chip configurations even though the spec was the same.

buy one 2GB stick.. That way you can upp it to 4GB when your playing with vista later..

His mainboard specs state 2GB maximum memory.

Is it DDR or DDR II?

If it is DDR II, I could buy one and you could snap a 2GB, so ur computer will have 2.5GB.

Even if it is DDR, plz tell me the price, maybe u can get my money :o

Be carefull taking this route, some motherboards will only let you fit matched pairs. Check out your motherboard manual before you do this.

Also check the mobo manual to see if there's a maximum amount of RAM it will support. Acer/Aopen were notorious for capping this capacity. Put too much RAM in some of them and your system will no longer boot.


Thanks Guys for the comments, this computer only came with a users manual, there's nothing

in it to show information on the Mother Board...? , Ive just run Belarc Advisor and it shows ...

1024 Megabytes Installed Memory

Slot 'DIMM0' has 512 MB (serial number SerNum0)

Slot 'DIMM1' has 512 MB

Main Circuit Board b

Board: ACER ERC410Mÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Bus Clock: 200 megahertz

BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. R02-A3 06/02/2006

is the Bus Clock: 200 megaherts important , with changing the RAM...?

and do I need to find out ( Google search ) any more about the Main Circuit Board

American Megatrends Inc , before I go and buy more RAM...?

Thanks ...... Mumbo

buy one 2GB stick.. That way you can upp it to 4GB when your playing with vista later..

His mainboard specs state 2GB maximum memory.

I didnt see his mainboard specs.. I still dont..

Where are they above..

Thanks Guys for the comments, this computer only came with a users manual, there's nothing

in it to show information on the Mother Board...? , Ive just run Belarc Advisor and it shows ...

1024 Megabytes Installed Memory

Slot 'DIMM0' has 512 MB (serial number SerNum0)

Slot 'DIMM1' has 512 MB

Main Circuit Board b

Board: ACER ERC410Mÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Bus Clock: 200 megahertz

BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. R02-A3 06/02/2006

is the Bus Clock: 200 megaherts important , with changing the RAM...?

and do I need to find out ( Google search ) any more about the Main Circuit Board

American Megatrends Inc , before I go and buy more RAM...?

Thanks ...... Mumbo

American Megatrends Inc is the name of the BIOS manufacturer, not the mainboard.

ACER ERC410Mÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ that's your baby, but a quick google didn't turn up much. Maybe contact Acer?

Hi nikster, thanks for your comments the my computer is a desk top ( Acer E500 ) with the following current spec…

Processor.... Intel Pentium 4 650 - 3.4Ghz L2 cache / FSB800 EM64T ( dual core cpu + 64Bit )

Memory ........ 1,024 MB ddr-II RAM ( expandable up to 2GB )

Hard Drive .....250 GB HDD SATA ( 7,200 rpm )

Optical Drive..DVD / RW 16x ( DVD Writer Dual Layer Function )

VAG Card .......Pci Express card X600 Pro 256 MB (16x) with TV -out / DVi +

Sound Card ... Creative Audigy value ( 24Bits )

Monitor ........... LCD 17''

Speakers........ Creative speakers 5B370 With Sub Woofer

Operating System ... Windows XP Pro Media center

TV Tuner Card ( built in )

System remote control with E Mode Management Software

ATi Radeon Express 200 Graphic Chipset with 16x PCI Express Slot

9 - in - 1 Media Reader with IEE 1394 Port

Intergrated Ethernet 10 / 100 ( Lan Built In )

56 k ITU V.90 External fax / Modem . Wake On Lan ready

Intregated Realtek ALC880 Audio Codec With 7: 1 Channels Audio Support

Support S / PDIF ( Sony / phillips Digital Interface) output

Multi Media Wirless Keyboard and Mouse

Logitech SX 2000 Web Camera

it looks as if I can only expand the RAM up to 2GB, so as ajarnmark commented (snap a 2GB, so ur computer will have 2.5GB) is not possible on my computer,

so the way to go seem’s to be having to remove the 2 x 512MB RAM , and replace them with 2 x 1 MB RAM , my thoughts on doing this is of course at some time I would like to give Vista a try , it’s a shame my computer will only up grade to 2GB.

Indeed - the specs for the E500 are very clear: 2GB Max. So 2x1GB is your only choice here.

I don't think matched pairs matters all that much these days. Sure, you need it to squeeze the last bit of performance out of the machine (Vista!!) but back in the days when I was reading computer magazines which actually went through the trouble of measuring real-life performance of matched vs unmatched pairs, it was generally negligible. There are just so many other factors in the system that you will notice the difference only in specialized apps that use loads of memory, like Photoshop editing large images and so on. Intel chipsets at least don't require matched pairs - are there really chipsets out there that require matched pairs?

are there really chipsets out there that require matched pairs?

Matched usually means the memory size, speed and latency. So any two that match those 3 parameters will be fine.


Thanks Guy's ive just sent Acer an email requesting the full spec for my Mother Board,

tywais, your comment ... ( I would get the DDR2-667 (667MHz) memory. ) matched Pair 1GB each

if I cant seem to get any more info from Acer , about the Mother Board whats the chance that

if I just install 2 x 1 GB DDR2-667 (667MHz) memory RAM's there may be a problem

with not knowing the Mother Board spec, only that the Max you can install is 2GB ...?

Thanks ..... Mumbo

Thanks Guy's ive just sent Acer an email requesting the full spec for my Mother Board,

tywais, your comment ... ( I would get the DDR2-667 (667MHz) memory. ) matched Pair 1GB each

if I cant seem to get any more info from Acer , about the Mother Board whats the chance that

if I just install 2 x 1 GB DDR2-667 (667MHz) memory RAM's there may be a problem

with not knowing the Mother Board spec, only that the Max you can install is 2GB ...?

Thanks ..... Mumbo

Guess you missed my link > http://www.acer.co.th/product/aspire/E500/index.htm

This has sufficient information regarding the memory on that page. It states DDR2 400/533/667 memory is allowed up to 2 GB.


Thanks tywais, I was thinking about your past comment ..( You will also need to know the memory speed your mainboard supports. ) which ive requested from Acer, I had a look at the Acer web site,

but did not see any thing on the memory speed my mainboard supports, I was just wondering if i could not get this info , if I just install 2 x 1 GB DDR2-667 (667MHz) memory RAM's would it possibily

cause a problem not knowing the memory speed of the mother board..?

Thanks ..... Mumbo

if I just install 2 x 1 GB DDR2-667 (667MHz) memory RAM's would it possibily

cause a problem not knowing the memory speed of the mother board..?

Thanks ..... Mumbo

Not a problem - I'm assuming it is the Acer Aspire E500 at which it states the following on their website.

A choice of Intel® CPU, including the dual-core Pentium® D processor, powers multimedia applications with confidence

Genuine Windows® XP Professional Home edition

The ATI RADEON® XPRESS 200 chipset delivers superior integrated graphics capabilities

Up to 2 GB of DDR2 400/533/667 MHz memory enables prompt application response


Thanks again , tywais sorry to be a pain in the bum, ( computer newbie ) but does...

( The ATI RADEON® XPRESS 200 chipset delivers superior integrated graphics capabilities

Up to 2 GB of DDR2 400/533/667 MHz memory enables prompt application response )

tell the memory speed your mainboard supports ... ? and is this speed important when up grading the


Thanks ...... Mumbo


Mumbo, go here and download SIW (System Information For Windows) its a tiny program but will tell you everything you need to know about the internals of your PC. You might even find your main board supports higher spec than the manufacturer says, as I found with my Toshiba.

Up to 2 GB of DDR2 400/533/667 MHz memory enables prompt application response )

tell the memory speed your mainboard supports ... ? and is this speed important when up grading the


:o That does state the memory speed the mainboard supports 400MHz 533MHz and 667MHz. Get the fastest memory your mainboard will support, in this case 667MHz or you will be running below its potential. Sorry I mentioned about the memory speed. :D Get 2 1GB DDR2-667 memory modules and you will be set.



Many Thanks tywais, its just me being a newbie, getting all worked up about memory speed's

your info has been very help full , Ive just downloaded SWI , and will post the results, and also if I get a reply from Acer...?

Many Thanks ...... Mumbo

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