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Farangs In Thailand


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I don't know the classifier for "roti", do you?

'chin' most likely, or phaen perhaps. Chances are that either of them will work when communicating with a roti vendor.

Being fluent / comfortable doesn't mean you have to get all words right 100% of the time. Also in English I don't get all words right 100% of the time. Still I consider myself pretty fluent.

People slagging off foreigners in Pattaya I think mostly stick themselves to those parts of town where the 'worst' specimens are found, then apply it to the entire Easten Seaboard. :o

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As in all walks of life some good some bad. However for the more part most farangs that I have contact with are fairly nice relax easy going. Many look a little silly at 75 plus walking with his 20 something girlfriend but at 75 it great just to be able to walk. :D:o "enough said"

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Not so sure about farangs in Thailand. But majority of farangs on this forum have certainly given me a certain impression, and I will let all my Thai friends know about it whenever I have an opportunity. :D :D

Then you're just as judgmental about people you've never met as the farangs you criticise, aren't you?

I did say majority of farangs on this forum. :o

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Ok. Here's a couple of satang.

Have a read of this, then answer my question below. Bear with me, I'm feeling a wee bit philosophical.

There are drug using people. There are sober people.

There are people that used to do drugs but are now sober. There people who have been sober, who now are drunks.

There are fat people. There are thin people.

There are people who once were fat, but now are slim. There are people who once were thin, but now are fat.

There are kind people. There are unkind people.

There are people who once were kind, but now are jaded. There are people who once were jaded, but now are kind.

There are people who are good most of the time. There are people who are more often not so good.

There are wealthy people. There are poor people.

there are people who once were.... you get the drift here...

There are people with a lot of spirituality in them. There are people with little spirituality in them.

etc... etc...

NOW. My question is this: What Nationality/country am i referring to?

Andorra ? :D


Well written Kayo, but LaoPo you just made my day, thankyou.


Edited by larvidchr
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Ok. Here's a couple of satang.

Have a read of this, then answer my question below. Bear with me, I'm feeling a wee bit philosophical.

There are drug using people. There are sober people.

There are people that used to do drugs but are now sober. There people who have been sober, who now are drunks.

There are fat people. There are thin people.

There are people who once were fat, but now are slim. There are people who once were thin, but now are fat.

There are kind people. There are unkind people.

There are people who once were kind, but now are jaded. There are people who once were jaded, but now are kind.

There are people who are good most of the time. There are people who are more often not so good.

There are wealthy people. There are poor people.

there are people who once were.... you get the drift here...

There are people with a lot of spirituality in them. There are people with little spirituality in them.

etc... etc...

NOW. My question is this: What Nationality/country am i referring to?

Every country on the planet, well written.

But... the farang in Thailand are very different from the Westerners in India, Japan and Mongolia.

There are more drunks in Thailand due to the cheap booze.

There are more druggies due to the availability of drugs.

There are many sexual deviants.

There are many whoremongers.

There are many fugitives.

There are retired people.

There are many Buddhists.

All in all I think we are a pretty mixed up bunch which makes it interesting meeting others. However things are changing and too many "normies" seem to be appearing.

Can only be bad new when retired dentists and schoolteachers start coming here to live.

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I don't know the classifier for "roti", do you?

'chin' most likely, or phaen perhaps. Chances are that either of them will work when communicating with a roti vendor.

They do work ok -also "aan" seems to be what they use in my part of the country. If you don't know a classifier us "an" 50% of the time you'll be right. Quite funny now as my 4 year old asks me what the classifier for some things are and she is a lot more fluent than I.

Quite often I speak English to the roti guys. Many can understand Hindi/Urdu too. It's important in vital situations like roti buying that ou get the correct message across.

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Seems to me that alot of peolpe come here and behave in ways they never would back at home.

I notice alot of expats lack any routine / discipline in their life and end up drinking alcohol 24 / 7.

Not saying these people are bad or rude, but I do find it sad


I think you'll find most people behave on holiday in ways they'd never do back in their home countries. It's just more extreme in Thailand as many of them have the impression that anything goes. That and the fact that they can get away with a lot more merely encourages them to push the limits further. Also the fact that you can probably get a two week package deal to Thailand cheaper than the same period in Blackpool means the more, shall we say, alternative thinking :o characters are travelling.

As for drinking 24/7 this is one of those throw away lines that pepper people's rants about other people. I don't think there's a person alive who could drink 24 hours a day, seven days a week even for one week. But it sounds good and uses up a bit of oxygen. Just because you see a man sitting drinking a beer 10 in the morning and then see him with a beer at 10 in the evening don't join the dots, you have no idea what he's done in between. Having said that I've known a couple of guys, nationality unimportant, who for their entire holiday would drink from early evening right through to next morning when they'd retire until early evening and repeat.

Why should this behavious be sad? The guys I mentioned above were perfectly happy, and they are spending their money living their lives how they want and, to my knowledge, never impacted the lives of others. Just because we may think this is a terrible waste of a life does not make them bad men.

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I don't know the classifier for "roti", do you?

'chin' most likely, or phaen perhaps. Chances are that either of them will work when communicating with a roti vendor.

They do work ok -also "aan" seems to be what they use in my part of the country. If you don't know a classifier us "an" 50% of the time you'll be right. Quite funny now as my 4 year old asks me what the classifier for some things are and she is a lot more fluent than I.

Quite often I speak English to the roti guys. Many can understand Hindi/Urdu too. It's important in vital situations like roti buying that ou get the correct message across.

As far as I am lead to believe, "aan" is the correct classifier for roti. It is a "general" classifier as Neeranam points out, & will generally be understood when you can't remember the correct classifier for an object.



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When I find some time I shall do a roti-purveyor-survey and post back statistics on their preferred classifier. :o

I always thought 'chin' were just slices of something, but then people seem to use it for condoms also. A condom is not a slice.

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In this thread I hear the terms farang, foreigner, and nationality being used somewhat interchangeable which they are not. Thai's use the term 'farang' specifically to refer to someone that looks caucasian (white) . Other races are not called farang regardless of where they are from but are referred to by their specific race. The good part of this is that if an Indian, Asian, or any other race makes an ass out of themselves it does not reflect badly on us because they are not farangs. Only us white guys can give the word 'farang' a good or bad reputation ! :o

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When I find some time I shall do a roti-purveyor-survey and post back statistics on their preferred classifier. :o

I always thought 'chin' were just slices of something, but then people seem to use it for condoms also. A condom is not a slice.

It could also be "thoong". not sure as I never buy them.

Thanks for the survey.

Knowing classifiers can impress people. telling the teller at the checkout in Big C that I had "soda song taat" turned her "oh dear another farang illiterate scowl" into a nice big grin and chat.

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When I find some time I shall do a roti-purveyor-survey and post back statistics on their preferred classifier. :D

I always thought 'chin' were just slices of something, but then people seem to use it for condoms also. A condom is not a slice.

It could also be "thoong". not sure as I never buy them.

Thanks for the survey.

Knowing classifiers can impress people. telling the teller at the checkout in Big C that I had "soda song taat" turned her "oh dear another farang illiterate scowl" into a nice big grin and chat.

"chin" - closest translation to english is "piece". Slices or sheets of stuff is "pairn". ie ham "sorng pairn krup". or fish balls - "look chin bplah yee sip baht krup"

As for dingers - "toong yahng" - literally "rubber bag" :D

As to falangs living in thai, I don't know that many expats here, but 90% of the ones I have met are decent people trying hard to fit into a different way of living. :o I have, however, met a couple of absolute ######s, who think they own the place, and the whole world revolves around them. Needless to say, I go out of my way to avoid them. :D



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We are all different. For example,I have just arrived here this week and am getting married on the 23rd. I will be returning to live permanently in November.

We live in a nice green suburb of Bangkok. I have only seen one farang here. Yesterday I went to the local store whilst my gf waited in the car. The farang was there so I said hello as I passed him. He ignored me. When I came out of the shop he was staring at me so I smiled to no reaction!!

Now I am not the most outgoing person but I did feel a little disconcerted by his reaction, it felt like I had entered his yard without invitation.

This was confirmed when my gf told me about the conversation he had with a Thai woman. She asked him why he had not spoken to me. He replied that he used to be the only farang in the village!!!

What to do? I will keep going to the shop and keep saying hello in the hope that he is just shy or British(!!!Joke I am a Brit and we are not the most garrulous).

However if you are reading this. I am not a threat BUT you are no longer the only farang in the village. Sorry.

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Many need to be thai-trained (broken-in)!

Imagine if you will you are a thai and you are with a loved one - be it a wife, daughter, brother, sister, son, husband, friend, lover, etc. and you see a farang checking out your loved one with - $$$ - in his eyes. How would you feel?

Looking is fine - BUT - don't stare - at a girl, women, mother, wife when they are with someone - it's just plain rude.

When this ridiculous superiority that they come with just because they were born somewhere developed allows them to have an advantage should not be a reason to disregard civility. Or perhaps it is asking too much from luddites.

Imagine this happeneing every time they venture out from their homes.

I am not surprised the sentiment of late.

It can only get worse as more and more people retire and vacation in LOS.

But there are some fine people here too!

I would be all too happy if the baht hits higher than 20-1 and the prices here double. It would still be a great place to visit and live part time. And we would lose a lot of the problem.

Hopefully this sentiment is now a sign of a recognition of a problem and change is in the wings.

This post sums it up for me :o

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This was confirmed when my gf told me about the conversation he had with a Thai woman. She asked him why he had not spoken to me. He replied that he used to be the only farang in the village!!!

Yeah, you do occasionally get this kind of response. He's just miffed that he's no longer the top dog or centre of attraction. You say it's a suburb of Bangkok so that surprises me that he has this attitude. Maybe his perception of himself placed him in somekind of frontier territory.

Personally I'd have a couple more attempts and if he still stonewalls you, and you can assert that he's a Brit or speaks English, ignore the ignorant tw@t. There's more important things to be getting on with than wasting your life trying to communicate with that type of person.

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Many need to be thai-trained (broken-in)!

Imagine if you will you are a thai and you are with a loved one - be it a wife, daughter, brother, sister, son, husband, friend, lover, etc. and you see a farang checking out your loved one with - $$$ - in his eyes. How would you feel?

Looking is fine - BUT - don't stare - at a girl, women, mother, wife when they are with someone - it's just plain rude.

When this ridiculous superiority that they come with just because they were born somewhere developed allows them to have an advantage should not be a reason to disregard civility. Or perhaps it is asking too much from luddites.

Imagine this happeneing every time they venture out from their homes.

I am not surprised the sentiment of late.

It can only get worse as more and more people retire and vacation in LOS.

But there are some fine people here too!

I would be all too happy if the baht hits higher than 20-1 and the prices here double. It would still be a great place to visit and live part time. And we would lose a lot of the problem.

Hopefully this sentiment is now a sign of a recognition of a problem and change is in the wings.

This post sums it up for me :D

Unfortunately not very realistic and bit of dreaming going on!!! :o

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ok, I'm maybe gonna be flamed or cut, but I'll say it whatsoever :

let's face it : a vast majority of residents here a old guys coming to buy young females, and that's it.

love for the country ? yeah, right, so why aren't they able to speak more than 20 words of thai after living here many years (I speak fluently, read and write but slowly, after not even 2 years in thailand and I'm not einstein).why the immense vast majority is totally blankly ignorant about thai culture, arts, history ?

love for their wives/girlfriends ? well, this is the part that's gonna get me cut : who can talk about love when you have no more than 20 words possibly understable by each other, and everybody knows the first reason of your relationship is you're rich (as per thai standard), she's not ????

and then the usual spectacle in major expat cities : bunch of red skinned farangs drinking beer after beer, waiting to have fun with the girls at night, talking about it and about beer at day.

those same that stare at your girlfriend/daughter, thinking any thai woman is available for money


(though I agree, this is only the really smelly ones that you notice, not all of us)

yes, there are a lot of descent expats over there, certainly not the majority in my experience.

I love my son, and he does not speak at all. He does sign pretty good for his age. No, he not deaf, it is just that sign language is easier for him. Crazy kid!

I have a falang friend in the neighborhood that married a great woman, maybe 15-20 years his junior, they have been together maybe 10 yrs. From her English ability at this time, I would venture to say the probably only shared 20 words at the time of their mariage. I am not flameing you, just letting you know, love is strange. Also, I have been in Thailand for 1 year, and unfortunatley my Thai is pretty sad. Wish I had the time to get better at it, but I work a tremendous amount of time. Maybe if I had more time it would be better. Will I be as fluent as you after 2 years? I doubt it, at my rate of progression, I really doubt it.

I learned to speak Mandaring Chinese in 2 years, but I was younger then, and that was my purpose in being there to being in that part of the world in the first place. So please, I apologize, but do not judge folks by what little they know or speak. I am sure everyone tries.

Public appearence. It is pretty sad, really. I do try, but considering when I was in the US I refused to be a victim of fasion. I tramped around in shorts and T shirts before and I still do. But when I go out with the wife, I put on a nice button down shirt.... but I still feel I look like a tramp. (but I do bathe)

Oh well, at least I try.

Agree with you wholeheartedly!

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Thread sounds like a bit of fishing....

The type of expats, and tourists for that matter, you will get in any specific area will surely depend on the type of area it is. You're very unlikely to find a lot of Swedish divers in Namibia.

So for those that love bashing some of the flotsam and jetsam that wash up on these shores, remember it is the country's reputation that may be attracting them......

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I think much of this farang bashing was done in another recent thread and I also think that many nice farangs give a negative visual impression purely because of the way they dress. In my experience, most expats take a little more trouble with their appearance, maybe because they have a woman to groom them. Many tourists on the other hand tend to wear what they please and their dress sense is conspicuously lacking. Thailand is also dress conscious and to many Thais, you are what you wear. Shorts, Tshirts and flip flops are regarded by most Thais as beachwear, not recommended for a stroll through the business centres. In the bars of course, anything goes and nobody cares how you look. IMO, we score negatively for grooming alone - add to that the "Stuff you, I'm on holiday" attitude and you might have a better understanding for why we're not seen as desirable visitors.

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I think much of this farang bashing was done in another recent thread and I also think that many nice farangs give a negative visual impression purely because of the way they dress. In my experience, most expats take a little more trouble with their appearance, maybe because they have a woman to groom them. Many tourists on the other hand tend to wear what they please and their dress sense is conspicuously lacking. Thailand is also dress conscious and to many Thais, you are what you wear. Shorts, Tshirts and flip flops are regarded by most Thais as beachwear, not recommended for a stroll through the business centres. In the bars of course, anything goes and nobody cares how you look. IMO, we score negatively for grooming alone - add to that the "Stuff you, I'm on holiday" attitude and you might have a better understanding for why we're not seen as desirable visitors.

I am getting ready to move here in November so I have not needed to start working yet but spend most of my time in and around Bkk. It seems to me that flip flops tee shirts and cut off combats are the order of the day for Thais and farangs alike. I guess if you are working it's different but I rarely see very smart people in the malls. Maybe I just go to the wrong malls!!

I have a woman to groom me (one who is a clothes horse and who makes Imelda Marcos look like a shoeless village girl) and whenever I go to put shoes on she tells me flip flops is cooler and easier.

Maybe she wants me to not buy shoes so that she can have more!!

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how can you tell if a person is smart or not so by just looking at them? people who let a woman dress them who specializes in horse clothes cant be too bright.....lol.

You didn't understand what he said did you? :o

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I would be all too happy if the baht hits higher than 20-1 and the prices here double. It would still be a great place to visit and live part time. And we would lose a lot of the problem.


Can't agree with that one, yes we would get rid of some of the open shirt (or no shirt) brigade walking round drinking from a bottal of beer but we would still have the fortuner drivers, those arrogant Bas---ds exaggerating their own importance everywhere they go. if you have a set of lights flashing behind you you can bet your bottom dolla its one of them <deleted> with the mindset, get out of my way Im a farang, just F off. the only thing that will get rid of those <deleted> is when they start getting shot.

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