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Just seen on Sky news that the company that makes and sells kevlar lined stab proof "hoodies" is in talks with schools about supplying stab proof uniforms. They quote that they belive it is really needed. :o

Don't notice any kevlar on show when I drop the sprogs off at school here. :D

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The headline grabbing news this month is teenage violence (7 teenage deaths through knife/gun violence since January in the UK).

So we have 'knee jerk reactions'

The government promise to get tough on teenage violence (well there are elections in the offing) and little Johnny is caught in his parents back garden playing with his granddad’s Swiss army knife, so he's dragged off to court and given a police record.

Meanwhile some half wit of a sales exec decides there's a bob to be made here and so comes up with selling stab vests in schools.

Ask yourself. How many millions of children go to school each day and don't get stabbed?

But never mind, let's trumpet the news that the UK has descended into a violent society.

And forget the gang violence that is endemic in Thai society.

If Thai society is so safe and law abiding what are all those houses doing with bars on the windows?

The headline grabbing news this month is teenage violence (7 teenage deaths through knife/gun violence since January in the UK).

So we have 'knee jerk reactions'

It was the seventh kid under 16 in London since January.

It was the seventh kid under 16 in London since January.

No the 7th nationaly.

And this, you need to remember, is one particular aspect of violence. If we look at all violence I'm quite certain Thailand is way more violent than the UK.

Don't believe me. Ask your Thai wife/girlfriend/friends.


As with all places in the world it is where you live in that country that dictates the level of risk / violence that you may encounter.

By and large, if you live in a city you are going to be at greater risk to a mugging or a stabbing than you would be out in the countryside

The other BIG difference between Thailand and the UK is that the UK police tend to get their man or boy when a murder has occurred. In Thailand it simply gets swept aside as some kind of foreigner committing a suicide and usually the man / boy / woman gets off scott free or with a minor 'under the table' fee to pay.

Both places can be as equally safe or as dangerous as YOU want them to be and no matter where you go you will always be safe if you are the type of person who stays in the background. The question is are you that kind of person or are you simply the cultural bull?


Guest House seems to be on his high horse.

UK has descended into a violent society? UK is a violent society.

Surely 1 teenage death is one to many in any country.

One particular aspect of violence, what about the pregnant woman getting murdered parking her car last week?

It was the seventh kid under 16 in London since January.

No the 7th nationaly.

A seventh teenager has been arrested in connection with the murder of 14-year-old Paul Erhahon.

The 17-year-old is in custody, along with two 15 year-olds, who are also being questioned at east London police stations, Scotland Yard confirmed.

Paul died from a stab wound to the heart after he was attacked in the foyer of a block of flats in Leytonstone, east London, on Friday.

He was the seventh Londoner aged under 16 to be murdered since the end of January.


in all poor countries there are extreme values in terms of violence, however in Thailand it just so widely published in media and with a unormal graphical focus. I lived in south africa for a few years, thailand ain't nowhere near the violence there - and its sad to see humans have no respect whatsoever for others or their own life, which is a consequence of their economical/environmental status...what the teenagers around the world are messing their heads up with these days I have no idea, its worth a note that most of these fights include first or secondgrade immigrants, the worlds are mixing - and it doesn't work very well, no specific race, but we ought to stay were we are born if we can't accept the local rules and cultural norms ...

Guest House seems to be on his high horse.

You mean, I'm on my high horse because I don't immediately buckle under and submit to the opinion that the UK is more violent than Thailand... P..lease.

Maigo6, you are correct, the 7th teenager death in London since January. I had heard (correctly or not?) 7th in UK, which could of course still be true if no other deaths elsewhere.

But let's think about this.

Firstly this is a big news issue right now, these deaths are in any case reported in the press, but are getting increased coverage due to a whole range of issues (the exclusive race issues, the proximity of elections, wider criticism of the government on law and order issues)

Contrast this with Thailand where most of the killings don't reach the English Language press and hence do not appear in the perception of foreigners in Thailand.

Again, ask a Thai about violence in Thailand, their perceptions are completely different to those of most expats.


Appologies Guest House, don't expect anyone to buckle under. Maybe I worded the heading wrong, I wasn't trying to say who had the worst violence, UK or Thailand.

I know I'm a newbi in Thailand, only been here three years now and still have a lot to learn, but in all honesty I've seen far less violence, note "seen", since comming here that I did in the North east of Scotland.


Apology accepted with the good grace it was given.

One of the problems we all have with 'seeing' what is going on is being aware of the signs. We also have to accept that for many of us, we are fortunate not to move in the same circles as where the violence occurs. That is as true in the UK as it is in Thailand (Note here that the teenagers murdered in London are all of the same race - there are social circle issues acting in these things).

That is why I say, don't take my word for it, or the word of any Farang, go ask a Thai about violence in Thai society.

And again this publicity thing is hugely important in perceptions.

When I lived in Narklua I used to watch the nightly Thai language Banglamung news. Hardly a night went passed without reports, and film footage of murders and beatings - Virtually non of which where reported in the English language press, including the Pattaya mail.

Why would gruesome, often multiple murders not be mentioned in the English Language press?

Victims Thai and so no foreign interest?

Suppressing news that might reflect Thailand in a bad light?

Laziness of reporting?

Whatever, a non Thai speaker living in the area could be forgiven for not knowing any of these murders where taking place.

Be assured Thais know about it, and security from violence plays greatly on their minds.

Again, you don't have to believe me, go ask a Thai.


There was a spot done on CNN a couple of years ago talking about how bullet proof hats, and other cloth and those fans they carry as well were being distributed to Buddhist monks in the south.

There was an interview with a business man in BKK who was raising private money to try to fund more bullet proof attire for the monks.

He was trying to get support from the government but there were no takers.

Thailand violent. Nahhhhhh... :o


I just read the same article and was gonna post it too...... :o

UK has gone down the tubes mate.

Please explain what your comments have to do with a Thailand fourm?

Is this a Thai forum? or can you post the worlds news?

Please moderators understand my question, i'm not acting trollish i just don't see the link, maybe i'm missing somthing but isn't this a little rascist?


I do accept that there's a lot of violence going on here, the missus is always telling me that this place or that place isn't safe and do try to follow the Thai news, still have to ask her what it's about though. :o


I am posting this morning from the USA where I am at on a short visit. The television news is saturated with current news about another shooting spree going on at the campus of an idyllic college campus up in the mountains of southern Virginia.

It's everywhere folks.

I have spent one week with a relative whose two sons spend every waking moment shooting virtual human beings on a video game. Every "hit" results in blood-spattered walls, and body parts flying. It's the same scenario as seen with video-game-addicted kids in Thailand. I often wonder how thin the line is between fantasy and reality when someone is tipped over "the edge" due to rage or frustration.

I'm keeping my bullet-proof vest on.

I am posting this morning from the USA where I am at on a short visit. The television news is saturated with current news about another shooting spree going on at the campus of an idyllic college campus up in the mountains of southern Virginia.

It's everywhere folks.

I have spent one week with a relative whose two sons spend every waking moment shooting virtual human beings on a video game. Every "hit" results in blood-spattered walls, and body parts flying. It's the same scenario as seen with video-game-addicted kids in Thailand. I often wonder how thin the line is between fantasy and reality when someone is tipped over "the edge" due to rage or frustration.

I'm keeping my bullet-proof vest on.

Yup and here is the news on that story;

"At least 20 people have been killed and more injured after a gunman went on the rampage at the campus of Virginia Tech university in Virginia, US. Police say there were two separate shooting incidents - one at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a student dormitory, and Norris Hall, an engineering building. The incidents were about two hours apart. Police say that the gunman at Norris Hall is dead."

The state university in the town of Blacksburg is home to 26,000 students.

Well when the UK starts getting like this then I'll hold my hands up and say that the UK is a really violent place to live.

[quote name='toptuan'

Well when the UK starts getting like this then I'll hold my hands up and say that the UK is a really violent place to live.

Any UK kids desensitizing themselves to violence online? Just curious.

Of course, easy access to firearms complicates the situation immeasurably.

Just to add a few stats from http://www.nationmaster.com.

Murders (per capita) by country

Thailand ------- 0.0800798 per 1,000 people # 14

United States - 0.0428020 per 1,000 people # 24

Malaysia -------- 0.0230034 per 1,000 people # 34

United Kingdom 0.0140633 per 1,000 people # 46

Hong Kong ----- 0.00550804 per 1,000 people #59




I am tired of all you Brits bragging about the violence in the UK . Just look at the stats and you will see that we here in the US have you beat 2 to 1. I am really ticked off that Thailand has us beat but the US is the land of opportunity and we are still working hard on trying to capture the #1 position ! :o

Appologies Guest House, don't expect anyone to buckle under. Maybe I worded the heading wrong, I wasn't trying to say who had the worst violence, UK or Thailand.

I know I'm a newbi in Thailand, only been here three years now and still have a lot to learn, but in all honesty I've seen far less violence, note "seen", since comming here that I did in the North east of Scotland.

It depends where you move around here. In most areas frequented by farang you will see very little violence. But if you move away from that - you will see plenty very shocking gang violence. In Bangkok's suburbs are more than a few areas where even locals will not walk at night, and the only people you see hanging out are youth gangs.


Who cares a ######.

Most of these killings UK and USA are in the self policing communities.

The same communities who rioted in the 70's and 80's about the police persecuting them, stopping and searching them for KNIVES and weapons etc.

Well, the Police, thanks to the PC cowards, are now hamstrung and totally unable to prevent any of these crimes.

When enough of em have killed enough of their own, perhaps some laws may be enforced and some preventative policing carried out. Perhaps though, not until a few weasel handwringing PC politicians and Journos have felt violence first hand, as a lot of us have down the years.

I am posting this morning from the USA where I am at on a short visit. The television news is saturated with current news about another shooting spree going on at the campus of an idyllic college campus up in the mountains of southern Virginia.

It's everywhere folks.

I have spent one week with a relative whose two sons spend every waking moment shooting virtual human beings on a video game. Every "hit" results in blood-spattered walls, and body parts flying. It's the same scenario as seen with video-game-addicted kids in Thailand. I often wonder how thin the line is between fantasy and reality when someone is tipped over "the edge" due to rage or frustration.

I'm keeping my bullet-proof vest on.

Yup and here is the news on that story;

"At least 20 people have been killed and more injured after a gunman went on the rampage at the campus of Virginia Tech university in Virginia, US. Police say there were two separate shooting incidents - one at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a student dormitory, and Norris Hall, an engineering building. The incidents were about two hours apart. Police say that the gunman at Norris Hall is dead."

The state university in the town of Blacksburg is home to 26,000 students.

Well when the UK starts getting like this then I'll hold my hands up and say that the UK is a really violent place to live.

lets see 21 die on school campus shooting out of total US population of 300 million

273 dead so far from songkran with thailand population of 68 million

so statistically, you have a much better chance of dying celebrating in thailand than you do by studying in the US......happy new year

lets see 21 die on school campus shooting out of total US population of 300 million

273 dead so far from songkran with thailand population of 68 million

so statistically, you have a much better chance of dying celebrating in thailand than you do by studying in the US......happy new year

But in Thailand, you are pretty unlikely to be shot in the face by a deputy prime minister (i.e. vice president) which is quite unlike the good old US of A. Also in Thailand, you are also less likely to be sent to a war based on lies (and personal gratification) which has resulted in more than 3000 deaths and tens of thousands permanently maimed as well. :D

Anyway here's an update on the shooting incident at Va. Tech:


At least 31 dead in Va. Tech shooting rampage

Gunman shoots 30 people in a dorm, second building; suspect also dead


NBC, MSNBC and news services

Updated: 10 minutes ago

BLACKSBURG, Va. - A gunman opened fire in a dorm and classroom at a college in Virginia on Monday, killing at least 30 people in the deadliest campus shooting in U.S. history. The gunman also was killed, and more than a dozen other people were injured.

Authorities said the gunman was dead after he shot nearly 50 people at two locations on campus. :o


Anyone see the shootings At Virginia Tech in the USA

As of the last count 31 dead and 29 wounded and the count may rise as the people in the hospital fight for their lives

Thailand Violent, maybe but they don't have anything on the USA

This is the worst campus shooting in US history

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