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Negative or Positive Comments from Governments


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There is endless criticism on here and elsewhere of PM Prayut when all that he ever makes are positive, and sometimes 'slightly' misleading statements to the public and to the markets, but what is worse?  The UK Chancellor  is helping to depress the UK economy and negatively influence the markets and the currency,  by making negative comments at every opportunity, no doubt with the dubious argument of "transparency". and "telling the whole truth". He is often backed up by negative comments from the Bank of England.   No wonder the economy is in a terrible state and they are doing nothing to help investors come back.  I have never believed that the public have the absolute right to all the information available to the 'leaders', unless by way of the Freedom of Information Act, where the public have to make the effort to join the dots. I want the leaders to do the job they have to do and do it well, not spend their times wringing their hands, weeping over their morning coffee and telling us all, and the World, how terrible everything is and how it is going to get much worse.  That isn't leadership, its plain stupidity.  I am beginning to think that maybe Covid 19 is in the same bracket, an unnecessary and highly damaging, media driven panic. Kudos to Prayut, maybe he is playing the more intelligent game. as is Trump.  Let's see who's economy recovers first and quickest, the hand wringing mob, or the cheerful smiling mob. I suspect that it will be "smiling Big Tu".   


MODs, you may feel that this is in the wrong forum?  

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