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Buying Xarelto Pills in Pattaya


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Does anyone know a good source to buy Xarelto 15 mg here in Pattaya? It's a blood thinner from Bayer. A friend asked me where he could get them and this at a good price. He paid 4100 Baht for 30 pills at a pharmacy somewhere in Central Pattaya. Perhaps someone knows where to get them cheaper. 

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23 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

it is very expensive wherever you get it as available only in imported brand.


Requires a prescription so most pharmacies won:t carry it, just a few

I know. If I am honest I don't understand why he needs to take them - excellent health, never a stroke, no heart problems, no high cholesterol, great blood pressure. Really perfect health. But a doctor in a hospital here told him to take them. The first pills they sold him at the hospital for over 5000 Baht. But perhaps someone knows a cheap source. 

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If he really has no known risk factors then rather than shelling out for this he should get a second opinion.


This drug is nto wothout serious side effects as well as expensive.


What type of doctor told him this and for what problmemdid he see this doctor?

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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

If he really has no known risk factors then rather than shelling out for this he should get a second opinion.


This drug is nto wothout serious side effects as well as expensive.


What type of doctor told him this and for what problmemdid he see this doctor?

I told him already to look for a second opinion. I think every other doctor would confirm that he should stop these pills. Until then I would need a source where he doesn't need to waste so much money for these pills. I looked around at the main pharmacies in the Central Mall. They all don't have them - at least this they told me yesterday. Boots I didn't ask because they are mostly not cheap. 



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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

If he really has no known risk factors then rather than shelling out for this he should get a second opinion.


This drug is nto wothout serious side effects as well as expensive.


What type of doctor told him this and for what problmemdid he see this doctor?

I've been taking them since about 4 years and I never had any side affects at all.

I am lucky I am in OZ now and I just pay $6 for a month supply. 

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10 hours ago, Oldie said:

I told him already to look for a second opinion. I think every other doctor would confirm that he should stop these pills. Until then I would need a source where he doesn't need to waste so much money for these pills. I looked around at the main pharmacies in the Central Mall. They all don't have them - at least this they told me yesterday. Boots I didn't ask because they are mostly not cheap. 



There is no getting this drug cheap, it is a very expensive drug. You aten't going to find it for more than a few baht less than he paid if that. Most pharmacies won't sell it at all since it is a prescription only drug.


There are much less expensive options that serve the same purpose but this reverts back to the issue of why exactly it was prescribed.


There has to be a reason. I have known doctors to prescribe expensive drugs like this rather than less expensive alternatives but I have bever encountered a case where it was prescribed to a completely healthy person with no risk factors. 


For that matter why did he consult a doctor if completely well?


There must be more to this story.


If yoy can tell me what type of doctor (specialty) prescribed this and why he had consulted this doctor I may be able to indicate less expensive altetnatives.

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40 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

There is no getting this drug cheap, it is a very expensive drug. You aten't going to find it for more than a few baht less than he paid if that. Most pharmacies won't sell it at all since it is a prescription only drug.


There are much less expensive options that serve the same purpose but this reverts back to the issue of why exactly it was prescribed.


There has to be a reason. I have known doctors to prescribe expensive drugs like this rather than less expensive alternatives but I have bever encountered a case where it was prescribed to a completely healthy person with no risk factors. 


For that matter why did he consult a doctor if completely well?


There must be more to this story.


If yoy can tell me what type of doctor (specialty) prescribed this and why he had consulted this doctor I may be able to indicate less expensive altetnatives.

I don't want to name the private hospital here in Pattaya. It is problematic to write not positive things... 


One day he woke up and felt dizzy and a friend brought him to this hospital. He paid then tens of thousands of Baht for doctors and many checks. The result was that nothing could be found - he really has perfect health. I always have to explain to him the results of his health checks. So I know his health situation. And I also studied the results of this hospital - not just good but perfect. Compared to him I am almost dead already but don't need any doctors or drugs. 


I think the doctor prescribed him these pills simply to do something. He has to go to her now again and again and pay a lot - just to say hello in the end... And of course he had to buy the already expensive pills at an even higher price at the hospital. And now I can't tell him to stop these useless drugs. If he really dies of a heart attack I will always blame myself even if it might not be justified. So I will continue to motivate him to get a second opinion from an other doctor - not from a private hospital. 

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15 hours ago, Sheryl said:

it is very expensive wherever you get it as available only in imported brand.


Requires a prescription so most pharmacies won:t carry it, just a few

Hi Sheryl  i know this is a little off topic,have you heard about an online drug dispenser called Planet Drugs Direct.com,i think there're based in canada,maybe this post isn't suitable to post on here.thx

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20 minutes ago, Oztruckie said:

Hi Sheryl  i know this is a little off topic,have you heard about an online drug dispenser called Planet Drugs Direct.com,i think there're based in canada,maybe this post isn't suitable to post on here.thx

Importation of drugs into Thailand is illegal without proper license (which is not available to an individual).  Not that every parcel is checked but if properly labeled it likely would be.

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1 hour ago, Oldie said:

I don't want to name the private hospital here in Pattaya. It is problematic to write not positive things... 


One day he woke up and felt dizzy and a friend brought him to this hospital. He paid then tens of thousands of Baht for doctors and many checks. The result was that nothing could be found - he really has perfect health. I always have to explain to him the results of his health checks. So I know his health situation. And I also studied the results of this hospital - not just good but perfect. Compared to him I am almost dead already but don't need any doctors or drugs. 


I think the doctor prescribed him these pills simply to do something. He has to go to her now again and again and pay a lot - just to say hello in the end... And of course he had to buy the already expensive pills at an even higher price at the hospital. And now I can't tell him to stop these useless drugs. If he really dies of a heart attack I will always blame myself even if it might not be justified. So I will continue to motivate him to get a second opinion from an other doctor - not from a private hospital. 


Was this doctor a neurologist? Name of the hospital is irrelevant, what I need to know is the doctor:s specialty.


It sounds like they think he may have had a TIA. In which case anticoagulant medication might be appropriate. But certainly worth getting a second opinion especially if brain scans were completely negative. It does not need to be at a public hospital and indeed docs in govt hospitals have little time to explain things. Plenty of good neurologists in private hospitals in Bangkok, when and if he is able to go let me know and I will suggest one. He will need to have all his records with him, especially scans (actual CDs not just reports). And the doctor:s notes, which I suspect you have nto seen.


An alternative to Xarelto in this situation would be simple low dose aspirin. Next time he sees the doctor have him ask her about switching to it.

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7 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


Was this doctor a neurologist? Name of the hospital is irrelevant, what I need to know is the doctor:s specialty.


It sounds like they think he may have had a TIA. In which case anticoagulant medication might be appropriate. But certainly worth getting a second opinion especially if brain scans were completely negative. It does not need to be at a public hospital and indeed docs in govt hospitals have little time to explain things. Plenty of good neurologists in private hospitals in Bangkok, when and if he is able to go let me know and I will suggest one. He will need to have all his records with him, especially scans (actual CDs not just reports). And the doctor:s notes, which I suspect you have nto seen.


An alternative to Xarelto in this situation would be simple low dose aspirin. Next time he sees the doctor have him ask her about switching to it.

Sheryl, they checked everything and several doctors were involved. The checked the brain, the lungs, the heart, the liver, the thyroid - the whole body. There was nothing. Even perfect blood pressure and he does not take pills. 


He is a smoker and so the lungs were not in a perfect condition. But lungs of smokers are not in a perfect condition but there was no problem too.


I know that before this morning he had a night out and he had many beer. In the end a very expensive hangover - nothing more. The only thing that changed because of this visit was that he finally operated his eyes - cataract. I told him this years before already. Added almost another 250000 Baht to his bill. At least he sees clearer now. 

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