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Logan director explains why Hugh Jackman's Wolverine was killed off


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Logan director explains why Hugh Jackman's Wolverine was killed off






Hugh Jackman's much-loved take on X-Men mutant Wolverine came to an end in 2017's Logan, a film which saw the famous character pass away peacefully after completing one final mission.


The decision to kill off such a huge character was a shock to some fans but the film's writer and director James Mangold has now revealed that it was a surprisingly easy decision to depict Logan / Wolverine's final days.


Speaking to ComicBook.com ahead of a quarantine watch party of Logan, he said that the process was "a lot less of a committee than you'd think".


"It was really Hugh and I at first," he said. "It seemed logical, that if it were going to be his last film, that he's either going to ride off onto the horizon or die, that you need to have some kind of curtain on his story. That's a logical assumption, right?


Full Story: https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a32653071/logan-hugh-jackman-wolverine-killed-off-explanation/

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Killed off?  Who are they kidding?  As soon as they figure out they can make a buck by selling the franchise to Disney or Sony, or Alibaba films, or...or..., there will be a plot twist where he wasn't really dead. Or he was secretly resurrected in the lab process that gave him his powers.  Of course, that lab will have to be resurrected in yet another plot twist where it wasn't really destroyed...


And that's the problem with these movies where there is absolutely no adherence to natural or physical laws.  They don't even need decent writers to convince the viewer.  Just graphic effects...  And not even good ones if they're spectacular enough.


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Lol - did the writer even watch the movie ?
"Hugh Jackman's much-loved take on X-Men mutant Wolverine came to an end in 2017's Logan, a film which saw the famous character pass away peacefully after completing one final mission."

"pass away peacefully" ?!?!?

He died after his "clone" (X-24) impaled him on a tree branch !

Keeping in mind that Logan wasn't the only one to die in that movie either. Both Professor X and Caliban also died and, at the beginning of the movie, we were lead to believe that they were the last of the Mutants still alive. (The kids were artificially created mutants.)

Also keep in mind that Logan/Wolverine has died a few times before and always came back (drowned in "Days of Future Past" and heart stopped in "The Wolverine" for example).

Jackman even hinted that the Wolverine could be seen again. Maybe as a "flashback" movie like "First Class" or another "time jump" like "Days of Future Past". The way they screw with the timelines and time itself means anything could happen.

Remember as well that the X-Men live in the Marvel Comic Universe (MCU) just like the Avengers. (Licensing agreements have kept them from appearing in movies together but they have appear together as friends and foes in the comics).

"Logan" is supposed to take place in 2029 while the Avengers - Endgame was in 2019. In Endgame, Antman (and then the Avengers) use the Quantum Realm to travel back to different time periods, most of which would have been when Logan was alive (he was born in the 1880s after all).

They'll have a hard time replacing Jackman if they choose to use someone else for the role in the future though. Frik was he ripped for some of those movies (I don't think it was all CGI either).
Someone like Jai Courtney might be able to do it though (he was Captain Boomerang in Suicide Squad which is in the DC "universe" so no problem for him to play a character in the Marvel "universe" as well). He also played Bruce Willis's son in the last Die Hard movie, was the bad guy in the first Jack Reacher movie and was Kyle Reese in Terminator - Genisys.)

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9 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

Lol - did the writer even watch the movie ?
"Hugh Jackman's much-loved take on X-Men mutant Wolverine came to an end in 2017's Logan, a film which saw the famous character pass away peacefully after completing one final mission."

"pass away peacefully" ?!?!?

He died after his "clone" (X-24) impaled him on a tree branch !

Keeping in mind that Logan wasn't the only one to die in that movie either. Both Professor X and Caliban also died and, at the beginning of the movie, we were lead to believe that they were the last of the Mutants still alive. (The kids were artificially created mutants.)

Also keep in mind that Logan/Wolverine has died a few times before and always came back (drowned in "Days of Future Past" and heart stopped in "The Wolverine" for example).

Jackman even hinted that the Wolverine could be seen again. Maybe as a "flashback" movie like "First Class" or another "time jump" like "Days of Future Past". The way they screw with the timelines and time itself means anything could happen.

Remember as well that the X-Men live in the Marvel Comic Universe (MCU) just like the Avengers. (Licensing agreements have kept them from appearing in movies together but they have appear together as friends and foes in the comics).

"Logan" is supposed to take place in 2029 while the Avengers - Endgame was in 2019. In Endgame, Antman (and then the Avengers) use the Quantum Realm to travel back to different time periods, most of which would have been when Logan was alive (he was born in the 1880s after all).

They'll have a hard time replacing Jackman if they choose to use someone else for the role in the future though. Frik was he ripped for some of those movies (I don't think it was all CGI either).
Someone like Jai Courtney might be able to do it though (he was Captain Boomerang in Suicide Squad which is in the DC "universe" so no problem for him to play a character in the Marvel "universe" as well). He also played Bruce Willis's son in the last Die Hard movie, was the bad guy in the first Jack Reacher movie and was Kyle Reese in Terminator - Genisys.)

overlooking lily singh as a strong possibility may be a fatal mistake. 


have you seen the new comic series they are putting out ?  marvel died with endgame.



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26 minutes ago, mr mr said:

overlooking lily singh as a strong possibility may be a fatal mistake. 


have you seen the new comic series they are putting out ?  marvel died with endgame.



Ugh - I just looked at that article. Yeah, if that's what they are going with then Marvel will be dead soon. "Snowflake" and "Safespace" ? (Both meant to be "black".) Seriously ?
A "plus sized" visibly ethnic minority" ? (Maybe they forgot to make her physically "challenged" as well as being a single mom at the same time - or that will be part of her backstory, just to make sure they cover all the bases.)
I'd be surprised if the critics didn't scorch those in a heartbeat. 

Maybe they'll call them the "Politically Correct Squad" or the "Teen Tweets" or the "Latest Trending Viral Generically Inoffensive as Possible Squad". 

But it doesn't appear that those are "mutants". More like "enhanced" in the same way Cap't America, Spiderman, Antman and the Hulk are.

However there seems to be some buzz about trying to get the "Mutants" (X-men style) into the same storyline (s) as the "Enhanced" (Avenger style) characters through different mechanisms (including using the "snaps" in Infinity Wars and Endgame and then sweeping away questions about why the mutants weren't seen in any of the MCU movies.)

They could do something like they did with the Ancient One in Endgame, where Banner-Hulk travels through the Quantum Realm and arrives back in New York during the Chitauri invasion and meets her blasting various Chitauri with spells.

They could do "vignettes" and "flashbacks" to show what various mutants were doing at the same time, maybe fighting other super villains taking advantage of the Avengers being pre-occupied with the Chitauri or battling other hordes of Thanos's forces in other parts of the world.

Someone will come up with a "Mutant vs Enhanced" storyline where the X-Men battle the Avengers "Civil War" style for some reason (but you know they'll all fist-bump and buddy-hug at the end before they even start filming).

Still, there'll be plotholes and conflicting timelines no matter what they do. Like 2 different Quicksilvers. And how Logan and Capt America fought together in WW II. 

But as long as the storyline is decent and the CGI awesome, most people won't care (except the die hard comic book fans) and the movies will still make huge profits. In fact, they could make even more movies as they would be able to branch into different storylines (which they'd have to do to keep from having too many "heroes" in the same scenes at the same time like they were doing in Endgame).

There's a whack of new movies due out in the next 1 1/2 years. Mostly "buddy" movies or "prequels" like the Black Widow, Black Panther (2), The New Mutants (finally), Dr Strange, Capt Marvel (2), Thor (with Natalie Portman being the new "Thor" ???), another Spiderman Homecoming (3) and a bunch of others. 

However, it seems that the X-Men have been put on the shelf for now (something to do with the studio). The New Mutants movie (with Maisie Williams) was due out 2 years ago, was delayed, then scheduled for April of this year and delayed again because of the virus. 

Still, should be lots of good stuff in the theatres every couple of months for the next couple of years at least.

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