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Thailand's unsung Covid-19 success story


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I'm so bored of reading nonsense about how much better Thailand have done at controlling the spread and mortality of Covid19 over Europe when they have factually been far more relaxed in there measures then most European countries especially considering that Thailand was the first country outside of China to be hit by the virus. 


Bar charts from BBC News on 7th April. 


Link to source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-52103747

Screenshot 2020-05-27 at 11.09.41.png

Screenshot 2020-05-27 at 11.10.02.png

Edited by Patts
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9 minutes ago, transam said:

WHO also praised the Chinese................????

Yes, Chinese do good job control it.

And New Zeland.

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1 hour ago, Patts said:

You clearly don't live in the Uk so how would you know "The UK has and is still shambolic.?" Yes there are a few morons who don't follow lockdown rules but most do.


I've been back in the UK since 1st May and the contrast in "discipline" is quite remarkable.


People are forever dodging around each other, trying to maintain distance in the street and keep on their marks in the filtered queues and in the shops.


It is the most weird/different I have ever felt coming back to the UK......and quite tiring keeping up with those who have been living it for longer than me.


Thailand is the shambles in comparison.




Edited by Enoon
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1 hour ago, Saint Nick said:

Brilliant response!

Really funny!

Any reply to my comment as such?


I'll pass on that drink!

reply to your comment ? sure. 


your lack of ability to see sarcasm is quite worrisome. hence the cowboy comments. this here bar serves up daily doses of sarcasm. 

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20 minutes ago, Enoon said:


I've been back in the UK since 1st May and the contrast in "discipline" is quite remarkable.


People are forever dodging around each other, trying to maintain distance in the street and keep on their marks in the filtered queues and in the shops.


It is the most weird/different I have ever felt coming back to the UK......and quite tiring keeping up with those who have been living it for longer than me.


Thailand is the shambles in comparison.




Hardly anyone wearing masks in Essex, infection rate is minimal now, not much social distancing apart the queue outside shops and a few nutters walking in the road to avoid another human.

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9 hours ago, Pinot said:


Lot's of ignorance on this thread. The kind of ignorance that is killing Americans with the world's worst stupid leader in charge there. Praise Buddha, LOS got it right. 


I'm grateful for Thailand's response and it is an example for the rest of the world. Kudos to Prayuth. 

Please define the policy differences between Thailand and the USA, with regard to shutdowns and social-distancing?  I've been following it, and they seem pretty similar.  Let's add Italy to the mix, also. 

There are OTHER differences, like population-density, percentage of the population in vulnerable age-groups, obesity-levels, weather, the presense of large numbers of vulnerable groups in nursing-homes (where idiot-governors in the USA forced covid-positive patients to be admitted), etc.  Think those might have some bearing on things?

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44 minutes ago, Patts said:

You know hardly any social distancing, only when queuing outside shops and "nutters" walking in the road to avoid another human, well that is social distancing is it not? It sounds like you are the one not keen on maintain distance

I don't engage in social distancing, just socializing!

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16 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:


None of the mainstream outlets carry articles about Thailand's apparent success .. 

To be fair, they don't mention any successful country, whether it is Thailand, or Vietnam, or Taiwan, or any other one.


This, for the obvious reasons that focusing on success would:


1. make the so called developed world look incompetent, which it is


2. make the virus look less dangerous, which would go against the policies of fearmongering enacted by the virus patrol (WHO, Gates, Fauci and the likes)

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10 hours ago, iamariva1957 said:

The financial devastation is a bigger issue.  The virus until there is a vaccine will never go away... just be dormant.  But Thailand deserves no pats on the back.

Really? Death is lesser issue than money?


IMHO , any government has make choices and I saving lives of the citizens should be a priority.  

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2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

make the so called developed world look incompetent, which it is

Au, NZ, Vietnam ......I could go on banned all non citizens entering Mach 20 and earlier. Thailand March 26. Along with many other stuff ups. Too many to mention.

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44 minutes ago, robblok said:

Not a hypocrite at all.. I guess your from the UK not wanting to accept the failure of your country (one of the worst in Europe). My country has half the rate and is still light years away from Thailand in death rate. 


You call it luck (part of it might be so) but Thailand has taken far more measures as my country. So its not all luck. Whenever i call and tell people about the temperature checks, the masks, the hand sanitizer and now the tracking they all say oh we dont do any of that over here. 


Limited testing has nothing to do with deaths. You cant hide deaths not if they are in the numbers of the UK and my country. The ICU was almost overflowing it was a real concern. If Thailand had this then we would have seen it. So its not about testing.


I guess many Europeans and Americans just don't want to admit that their governments screwed up and that they handled it poorly. If it was just the hot weather then why is it such a problem in South America (also higher temperatures not as high as in Thailand but still).


Most people take every opportunity to bash the Thais and then when their own home countries are doing bad they are finding all kinds of excuses why its not so. Guess the nationalistic feelings never go away for some.



Wow, you are clueless. You keep banging on about the amount of deaths and seem to think this indicates how well a country has done; it doesn't!


You are trying to compare Apples to Oranges! As mentioned before Europe and the US have been hit by a mutated strain which is spreads more easily and has a higher mortality rate than the original strain of the virus that hit most of Asia and the middle east, this is a fact. There is also the fact that a large proportion of Thai's have "outdoor" living and many work outdoors as opposed to europeans who live in sealed homes and work in confined offices and factories. the Sun and Temperature play a role in the mortality rate, as shown by the MUCH lower mortality rate compared to cool countries. 


You say "Europeans and Americans just don't want to admit that their governments screwed up and that they handled it poorly" and "I guess your from the UK not wanting to accept the failure of your country". This is utter bullcr*p. You tell me how Thailand have handled it better, what changes you think they made or actions they have taken that you think are better then Europe? If you bother to do even minor research you will see that Europe has taken far more aggressive actions than Thailand and in many cases much earlier than Thailand . 


Testing: UK has tested 50,929 people per million, Thailand has tested 3,421 per million. 


The UK is currently testing over 100,000 people a day compared to Thailand's 3,300


There is one area that I will concede that the UK hasn't done well in and that is contact tracing.

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16 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

It was obviously their strategy from the beginning. They had no intention of testing aggressively. Rather, test little, report low numbers, and get the tourists back at any cost because more than a 30% of the Thai economy is foreign tourism. 

Tourism is an economic contributor to the Kingdom of Thailand. Estimates of tourism revenue directly contributing to the GDP of 12 trillion baht range from one trillion baht (2013) 2.53 trillion baht (2016), the equivalent of 9% to 17.7% of GDP.



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1 hour ago, JCP108 said:

You don't have to hide piles of bodies. Just don't report the numbers. A bump of 10% of hospital business would not overwhelm any ICU, would not generate social media posts, and would result in an extra 5k dead in Thailand each month. 

Yes, 5k would just be white noise.


It does bring up the question that must be answered, but politicians are too chicken to do it: What's the acceptable level of deaths vs the economic fallout? Especially since the fatalities are in the age group that's unlikely to have a long productive life ahead. If they don't answer that question, mother nature will force their hand. It's always better to be proactive and have a plan in place, than stick your head in sand and rely on hopium.

Edited by DrTuner
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17 hours ago, stephenterry said:

Sunshine (Vit D) and habitual wearing of face masks, as is the pollution norm here in Thailand are more likely benefactors of low infection  - and death rates. The PM has been fortunate that a surprisingly low number of cases can be readily traced and quarantined imposed. 


Social distancing is a rubbish claim - never happens at markets, malls, temples, or any other places where people congregate. As is usual, the PM has been put on a pedestal by the subservient media. 

I went to the hospital in a large city up north! Every other seat had signs,don't sit here with a diagonal slash through the picture!


It was very busy,those warning signs weren't being followed by everyone,especially the older folk.

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

But when a respected physician at the royally affiliated Siriraj Hospital projected on March 26 that Thailand would have 350,000 cases and 7,000 deaths by mid-April without social distancing, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha invoked emergency rule, centralized crisis management and phased in hard lockdown measures, many of which remain in place.

They could have locked everyone away between Mar 26 and mid-April and it wouldn't have made any difference. That is too short a window. This guy's utterances and that there were few recorded deaths afterwards is coincidence. Thailand already had its phase before Christmas when it wasn't a thing. People marked down as dying from pneumonia etc, then burned. Zero testing. It is all very fortunate, as our China's figures. The people know how to spin it.

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21 hours ago, TomJoad said:

They had a national response.   

More  claptrap,  it  was  left up to each area to decide by  each provincial governer  just like the U.S some places  not  mask wearing  is  ok others its  not some placers  fully  locked  down others virtually  nothing.

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I meant to add...


When I compare Thailand's response to C19 with the UK, it is very clear which country has been most responsible.


Speaking with my sister two nights ago, when I told her of the procedure on entering BigC or Tesco's for example, she was amazed.


Then, just look at the mortality rate.


So yeah, I finks Thailand's done good.



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