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New Zealand says coronavirus 'eliminated' and life can resume without restrictions


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On 6/10/2020 at 7:44 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Exactly the thing that is "annoying" people losing their jobs BECAUSE of dictats imposed by said well paid and secure government minions. Up to the minions we'd still be in level 4 lockdown just because. They only backed down, IMO because the population was beginning to rebel against the restrictions.

Rebel? total rubbish, show me the proof that the population was rebeling. As a kiwi I did not see this happening

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2 hours ago, stupidfarang said:

Rebel? total rubbish, show me the proof that the population was rebeling. As a kiwi I did not see this happening

Didn't see the big march in Auckland breaking the rules on tv then? Didn't hear about the illegal road blocks breaking the rules then? Didn't hear about the big party s breaking the rules then?


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On 6/18/2020 at 6:20 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Didn't see the big march in Auckland breaking the rules on tv then? Didn't hear about the illegal road blocks breaking the rules then? Didn't hear about the big party s breaking the rules then?


Illegal road blocks, are you talking about the Mongrel Mob a motor bike gang who are a vilolent crimanal gang who set up a road block? Big partys? Heard about the few small partys but big? The big march in Auckland, are you talking about the march last week for BLM? 


Thaibeachlovers, I have seen your respones to the many people on here who have question/debated what you have said and I feel no matter what anyone says you will argue as only you are right in all things so lets agree to disagee and move on with life. Wish you all the best, stay safe and maybe escape to a Thai beach and relax

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