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Floating video in bottom left corner


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Is their anything that can be done about the advertisments? It is really pushing me away from using this forum.


On a small screen I have the advertisement along the bottom of the screen, and then as soon as I start scrolling the video also goes into the bottom left corner; combined with the advertisments along the left I actually only have a 5cm by 5cm square to look at any content.


Granted I do have a small laptop screen, but it is at the point of unusable...

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1 minute ago, jastheace said:

welcome to the club.

I suffered for months with these ' adverts'. sometimes after a few minutes I would close the TV screen and go to browse other sites. you're not the only one who gets frustrated. the worst adverts seemed to have stopped now, but still not perfect. complaints are not welcome though as you will find out...….

Yeah maybe they will not appreciate it, but the least I can do it share the feeling and hope that they may consider as it would impact the site traffic...which also means less ads served.

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