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Why Assimilate?


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Assimilation means you become just like (similar as) the thing to which you're adapting yourself. We cannot change our eyelids, skin color, height, etc. We will probably never be Thai. I cannot, cannot speak Thai, and never will. I cannot, cannot, eat most Thai food, and I seriously doubt I will.

We can, to varying degrees, acculturate ourselves into Thai culture. Canadians tell me that they have a mosaic, or a patched quilt, while the USA has a melting pot in which you lose your identity to become a mult-generation American. Ideally, farang who are here for the duration should acculturate, but they are never fully allowed to assimilate.

So, learn Thai if you can; eat the food if you can. Try and get PR (although one of our regular members may have to reset his three year clock to get PR, because he made a simple error with his immigration status).

It has become PC back home to allow people of other origins to retain their customs, language, religion, etc. It is not PC in Thai culture to be a farang.

I love it here. I love Thailand and Thai people. But I'll never be Buddhist, eat the food, salute the Thai flag, or speak the language. I'll always be a stranger in a strange land, thankful that I'm here.

i mean thats the point is'nt it, and one must be thankful they are "aloud to remain in thailand."

after all is said and done its there bleeding country and not ours and i have absolutly no problem with nationalism and other traits the thai have.

just wish australia would adopt a few of the thais ideas to deal with our growing problem with immigrants who dont appreciate this country.

thank you very much :o

Well said. If they don't want to leave Oz, they are becoming so bad that they should be lined up and shot by fireing squad. I think it would be good if oz only issued citizenship to 100 people per country per year, just like how it is done here, that way, at least the growing scum could be controled.

Sadly the Oz Gov't can't set a 100 citizenship/year limit - all the do-gooders would be crying discrimination.

However - I have had no real problems settling in to 'village life'. I quickly learn wich people are OK to be with & which to avoid where possible. Admittedly, Isaan wasn't my preference in location - but it's where the family support chain is. A strong chain is good. ;-) Chiang Mai would have given me much the same as I have in Parramatta, but then I would not have learnt so much about local culture & history. Or that the area even existed.

Yes, we all complain about foreigners moving in & taking over 'our areas'. It's worse when they won't try to use our language. It's no different when we come to the LoS. I my earlier life in software support, I found learning even a little of the other's languages made a BIG difference to them.

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I read page one of this thread and had a thought. Some are saying when you live in a foreign country, you should learn the language, culture and customs.

Thats ok to do in most countries but not really necessary in a country where their economy is based mostly on tourism/expat currency as long as you live in a big Thai city that caters to farangs.

If your Thai in the USA, no one really cares where your from. They just expect you to speak English. If you don't they will look down on you and talk behind your back. Either way, your life will be harder in the USA if you can't speak English.

If your from the USA living in Thailand, as long as you have money, you don't need to speak Thai or learn their customs and culture unless it is something directly related to a Thai law such as lease majesty.

Learning would make your life easier but not required. Obey the laws of the land and immigration rules and you should be ok.

I think there are aspects of Thai customs and cultures that farangs enjoy such as Songran. However, there are things about their own culture they won't give up.

Being in Thailand gives many farangs a chance to enjoy a standard of living they would not be able to afford in their own country. For many (most), that and Thailand relaxed entertainment laws (bars and such) is why they are here.

Take away the standard of living and the "relaxed entertainment laws" and you would probably have Thailand to yourself.

For a country who's economy is built on tourism/expat currency, it would be an economic disaster for Thailand.

That's all beside the point.

That is the point.

What is? missing the point is the point?

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I don't support MY Family in the UK. So why should I support HER Family, who are almost complete strangers?

But,I happily give my beloved Wife a better standard of living than she ever dreamed of.......

I worked very hard for every penny I have, and I object to the idea that I must now meekly hand it over.......After all if I get sick I will need it to pay the Hospital bills.

You should have not get married. Much better satisfy your sexual needs with bar girls. Way cheaper then marriage. A farang has nothing to gain by being "assimilated" to Thai society. The idea the average Thai has of an "assimilated" farang is that of a fool always ready to hand over his money. Better lock yourself inside your condo and get out only for shopping and bar hopping. And take ladies for short time only. I cannot see any confort in sharing your bed for the night.

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You should have not get married. Much better satisfy your sexual needs with bar girls. Way cheaper then marriage. A farang has nothing to gain by being "assimilated" to Thai society. The idea the average Thai has of an "assimilated" farang is that of a fool always ready to hand over his money. Better lock yourself inside your condo and get out only for shopping and bar hopping. And take ladies for short time only. I cannot see any confort in sharing your bed for the night.

Spoken like a true winner.

I think you do the ladies and the human gene pool a favour by following your own advice. :o

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I read page one of this thread and had a thought. Some are saying when you live in a foreign country, you should learn the language, culture and customs.

Thats ok to do in most countries but not really necessary in a country where their economy is based mostly on tourism/expat currency as long as you live in a big Thai city that caters to farangs.

If your Thai in the USA, no one really cares where your from. They just expect you to speak English. If you don't they will look down on you and talk behind your back. Either way, your life will be harder in the USA if you can't speak English.

If your from the USA living in Thailand, as long as you have money, you don't need to speak Thai or learn their customs and culture unless it is something directly related to a Thai law such as lease majesty.

Learning would make your life easier but not required. Obey the laws of the land and immigration rules and you should be ok.

I think there are aspects of Thai customs and cultures that farangs enjoy such as Songran. However, there are things about their own culture they won't give up.

Being in Thailand gives many farangs a chance to enjoy a standard of living they would not be able to afford in their own country. For many (most), that and Thailand relaxed entertainment laws (bars and such) is why they are here.

Take away the standard of living and the "relaxed entertainment laws" and you would probably have Thailand to yourself.

For a country who's economy is built on tourism/expat currency, it would be an economic disaster for Thailand.

That's all beside the point.

That is the point.

What is? missing the point is the point?

OK. Sorry it wasn't clear for you. In Thailand, to live here, you don't have to learn the customs and culture as long as you live in a big city and have some money.

Do you get the point now?

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I'm sure the Pauline Hanson web board or the Yobbo's R Us website has sub foum where you can vent.



thank you, I'm in town till the end of the week.


I just realised that ya'll must belong to the "Club for those who have been refused migration permission to a civilised, developed and first world country"

Actually, I'm your worst nightmare.

Thai and Australian passport holder, with permission in my Australian passport to work in the UK based on applying to migrate there (you try it, it ain't easy). I live in Thailand now making more bucks that I could in OZ (not teaching english), living a very comfortable life.

Most of my immediate Thai family live in OZ, we shipped them over in the early 80's. Most of the older generation don't speak English too well, stick togehter, eat wierd smelly food, and hang out at budhist temple burning incense and chanting.

Despite their lack of Engish speaking ability, if they aren't retired, they are busy raising families, educating their children to be smart and get into good universities, managing small businesses, employing people, and bringing in export dollars. Just your typical migrant story.

Oh, and we use the quote function a hel_l of a lot more skillfully than you can.

Well to tell you the truth, being a "Super Moderator" you actually scare the <deleted> out of me, so bad that I just soiled my undies...................

A Thai passport would be useless to me since of their generous visa exempt entries and the fact I am married to a Thai anyway. I do however apart from having Australian citizenship, hold US permanent resident status (I can actually apply for citizenship because I have been there long enough to qualify but im actually trying to cancel the PR for other benifits) and I also hold UK permanent resident status, which was very easy to get.

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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Well to tell you the truth, being a "Super Moderator" you actually scare the <deleted> out of me, so bad that I just soiled my undies...................

re: your soiling your pants: TOO much information. :o

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I don't support MY Family in the UK. So why should I support HER Family, who are almost complete strangers?

But,I happily give my beloved Wife a better standard of living than she ever dreamed of.......

I worked very hard for every penny I have, and I object to the idea that I must now meekly hand it over.......After all if I get sick I will need it to pay the Hospital bills.

You should have not get married. Much better satisfy your sexual needs with bar girls. Way cheaper then marriage. A farang has nothing to gain by being "assimilated" to Thai society. The idea the average Thai has of an "assimilated" farang is that of a fool always ready to hand over his money. Better lock yourself inside your condo and get out only for shopping and bar hopping. And take ladies for short time only. I cannot see any confort in sharing your bed for the night.

A bit 'Bitchy' but there's a lot of truth in this......

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I'm sure the Pauline Hanson web board or the Yobbo's R Us website has sub foum where you can vent.



thank you, I'm in town till the end of the week.


I just realised that ya'll must belong to the "Club for those who have been refused migration permission to a civilised, developed and first world country"

Actually, I'm your worst nightmare.

Thai and Australian passport holder, with permission in my Australian passport to work in the UK based on applying to migrate there (you try it, it ain't easy). I live in Thailand now making more bucks that I could in OZ (not teaching english), living a very comfortable life.

Most of my immediate Thai family live in OZ, we shipped them over in the early 80's. Most of the older generation don't speak English too well, stick togehter, eat wierd smelly food, and hang out at budhist temple burning incense and chanting.

Despite their lack of Engish speaking ability, if they aren't retired, they are busy raising families, educating their children to be smart and get into good universities, managing small businesses, employing people, and bringing in export dollars. Just your typical migrant story.

Oh, and we use the quote function a hel_l of a lot more skillfully than you can.

Well to tell you the truth, being a "Super Moderator" you actually scare the <deleted> out of me, so bad that I just soiled my undies...................

A Thai passport would be useless to me since of their generous visa exempt entries and the fact I am married to a Thai anyway. I do however apart from having Australian citizenship, hold US permanent resident status (I can actually apply for citizenship because I have been there long enough to qualify but im actually trying to cancel the PR for other benifits) and I also hold UK permanent resident status, which was very easy to get.

'samran' is evident to me that your note was deliveratedly missunderstood, to escape the offensive and arrogant response to our first notes....you made a really good joke!

But coming back to the subject. Great example of migrants to Australia. Those who work tireless and build a better future for their children. These are the migrant who I have seen all along during my 20 years in Australia. "the typical migrant story" as you said.

Double effect, as usually these people have to cope with the constant denigration made by some ignorants and undeducated locals (who normally have achieved nothing on their lifes other than what it was naturally given to them at the moment of birth. And still feel they are better).

The example you gave, is the best form of assimilation, and a great asset for their new country.

Edited by torito
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You can do whatever you want, it's a relatively free country.

And if at some point in the future people start expressing feelings similar to what that Pakistani family might occasionally receive in the UK then I'm sure you'll find your way back to this forum to complain about it won't you.. :o

Ultimately though, people assimilate because they WANT to, no other reasons. Again you can do whatever you want.

I personally want to assimilate into what I see as a community that in many ways reminds me of my younger days in the Uk, where people were more aware of my existance, they cared, took care,helped and were to a degree all in the same pot which meant that the sense of togetherness was primary for the benefit of all!

We did not understand the world but it wasn't important ( Ignorence is Bliss)

I think that when I visit Thailand I get memories of that togetherness feeling.

Yes of course I am aware of all the foibles of human nature which under diverse circumstances can bring the best or worst out in people but we are talking generally.

On second thoughts I do not want to assimilate or lose my unique identity but I do want to take part, be part of a Thai life style or culture that although illogical, frustrating and sometimes corrupt I feel good and happy in!!!

It reminds me of the UK 40 years ago!!!

Of course I have not experienced hunger, poverty and all those deprivations that would compell me to move my family to a strange country, a really strange country whose inhabitants have moved on in their lives and now accept arrogance, aggression, materialism and vanity as the primary reasons for their existence.

Who in a right state of mind would want to assimilate into the Uk community with its totally selfish narcsisic paranoial lifestyle?

Its do-gooders who have never really done a real days work in their lives and a political leadership which is devoid of integrity, passion that is partly responsible for the reason I want to live in a Thai community.

The Uk has been sacificed and I do not know why. Maybe like all the other conquering nations of history, success seems to generate a cycle of degeneration and lapse into a modern sodom and gomorra which ends in self destruction!!

I also acknowledge that I am also partly to blame for the parlous state of the UK and I also accept that I am a Cultural immigrant to LOS, where I can pretend that I am once again in a situation that makes me feel the warmth and content of my early and ignorent youth.

Of course I only want to go if I have enough "cushion" to separate me from the reallity of the typical Thai existence.

Written with large tongue in cheek!!!!!!!!

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It is impossible to assimilate into the population of a country that does it's utmost to stop you from assimilating. I tried, living in a Thai village, amongst Thai people, in a Thai house, going to Thai bars and restaurants etc. Never interacting with any 'farang' for two years. Simply doesn't work, even forgetting the legislated issues to stop you from assimilating.

Sorry Teacup, nice words, but the reality is Thai do not want 'farang' to assimilate, period. It's called xenophobia.

here we go again with the old " xenophobia " excuse. :D

there is 60 million people in los and some of you keep throwing up the old xenophobic story. :D

weve been through this one untold times before and its a pile of " bollicks " :D

but just to keep some of you guys happy , i'll say it again ok :o , some of the thais are xenophobic but no more than our home countries.

so how about giving that one a rest will you.

lucky im not a " super mod " as id <deleted> ban you for spitting that one out all the time. :bah:


just to keep on topic,

what is so hard about trying to fit in with the people and beliefs of the country you choose to live in.?

why would you possibly want to live in los if you dont want to play there game.?

to me its a no brainer and if you do not want to try and assimilate, then what are you bleeding doing there, and further more, if it really bothers you the airports not very far away. :bah:

thank you very much. :D

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It is impossible to assimilate into the population of a country that does it's utmost to stop you from assimilating. I tried, living in a Thai village, amongst Thai people, in a Thai house, going to Thai bars and restaurants etc. Never interacting with any 'farang' for two years. Simply doesn't work, even forgetting the legislated issues to stop you from assimilating.

Sorry Teacup, nice words, but the reality is Thai do not want 'farang' to assimilate, period. It's called xenophobia.

to me its a no brainer and if you do not want to try and assimilate, then what are you bleeding doing there, and further more, if it really bothers you the airports not very far away. :D

thank you very much. :D

Terry, some people just love to suffer.

Old Red is heading for martyrdom, he suffers living in Thailand against all the odds, against a population who don't want him there, people who rip him off, they even have water festivals and he gets wet when a bucket of water is thrown at him.

Yet he still struggles on, he is in fact, my hero. :o

Edited by Maigo6
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I don't support MY Family in the UK. So why should I support HER Family, who are almost complete strangers?

But,I happily give my beloved Wife a better standard of living than she ever dreamed of.......

I worked very hard for every penny I have, and I object to the idea that I must now meekly hand it over.......After all if I get sick I will need it to pay the Hospital bills.

You should have not get married. Much better satisfy your sexual needs with bar girls. Way cheaper then marriage. A farang has nothing to gain by being "assimilated" to Thai society. The idea the average Thai has of an "assimilated" farang is that of a fool always ready to hand over his money. Better lock yourself inside your condo and get out only for shopping and bar hopping. And take ladies for short time only. I cannot see any confort in sharing your bed for the night.

A bit 'Bitchy' but there's a lot of truth in this......

if thats who you hang around with then you need to change the company you keep.

im not 100% sure whats meant by assimilation, all i have to do is try to speak the language, eat thai food fairly often, and talk to most people in a reasonable manner and i get alot back from it. is money important? yes and no. i certainly believe i would keep many of the friends i have even if i earned an english teacher's salary. however the choice of gfs would diminish, as also it would if i did not make efforts to 'assimilate'. i know some very classy girls and i think the main reason for this, aside from my charm and good looks of course, is that i make an effort to know the country.

am accepted as a thai? :o

its true that foreigners don't have many rights here, but the benchmark for comparison is not how thais are treated in your home country, but how thai citizens are treated here in comparison to yourself . thai or farang money talks here and we all know status and connections are important.

i dont believe that you necessarily have to have alot of money to be accepted here, but be considered an asset to the country in some way. its obvious from the posts here that migrants all over the world have a problem getting acceptance and respect from the locals. theres no reason why it should be different here.

should you assimilate? i think you should and there are benefits from doing so. in fact the more you assimilate the less money you need to insulate yourself from the negative aspects of thai society imho.

whether you do so is your choice.

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i would keep many of the friends i have even if i earned an english teacher's salary. however the choice of gfs would diminish, as also it would if i did not make efforts to 'assimilate'.

Fair comment, you may be onto something there.

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Can we PLEASE confine this thread to Thailand. The next poster who starts banging on about how bad the UK/US/wherever is will find themselves at a loose end for a few days.

And I thought that this site was for fair and honest opinion on posts of interest?

If this "Moderator had bothered to read between the lines instead of stimulating his/Her own ego by heavy handed threats and bullying comments they would have realised quite early in the post that it was a dig at myself and others like me

I hope that this forum will not go the way of other such poorly moderated sites and cause those with some thing to offer to consider NOT TO!!

I will certainly consider whether I will ever post again and that is not a threat, maybe more of a wake up call to those "Moderators"who consider themselves above the critisism that they so put them selves up for when they make inane and superfluous threatening comment!!

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And I thought that this site was for fair and honest opinion on posts of interest?

If this "Moderator had bothered to read between the lines instead of stimulating his/Her own ego by heavy handed threats and bullying comments they would have realised quite early in the post that it was a dig at myself and others like me

I hope that this forum will not go the way of other such poorly moderated sites and cause those with some thing to offer to consider NOT TO!!

I will certainly consider whether I will ever post again and that is not a threat, maybe more of a wake up call to those "Moderators"who consider themselves above the critisism that they so put them selves up for when they make inane and superfluous threatening comment!!

1. You are blowing things waaaaay out of proportion. He asked that it be kept on topic, you're acting like he fired a gunshot over your head.

2. Please don't stop posting here. It would leave a huge gap that we'd struggle for years to fill. I know sometimes people need a wakeup call but you leaving would shake the forum to it's foundations. :o

Edited by cdnvic
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Can we PLEASE confine this thread to Thailand. The next poster who starts banging on about how bad the UK/US/wherever is will find themselves at a loose end for a few days.

And I thought that this site was for fair and honest opinion on posts of interest?

If this "Moderator had bothered to read between the lines instead of stimulating his/Her own ego by heavy handed threats and bullying comments they would have realised quite early in the post that it was a dig at myself and others like me

I hope that this forum will not go the way of other such poorly moderated sites and cause those with some thing to offer to consider NOT TO!!

I will certainly consider whether I will ever post again and that is not a threat, maybe more of a wake up call to those "Moderators"who consider themselves above the critisism that they so put them selves up for when they make inane and superfluous threatening comment!!

All i have to say on this issue is...


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And I thought that this site was for fair and honest opinion on posts of interest?

If this "Moderator had bothered to read between the lines instead of stimulating his/Her own ego by heavy handed threats and bullying comments they would have realised quite early in the post that it was a dig at myself and others like me

I hope that this forum will not go the way of other such poorly moderated sites and cause those with some thing to offer to consider NOT TO!!

I will certainly consider whether I will ever post again and that is not a threat, maybe more of a wake up call to those "Moderators"who consider themselves above the critisism that they so put them selves up for when they make inane and superfluous threatening comment!!

1. You are blowing things waaaaay out of proportion. He asked that it be kept on topic, you're acting like he fired a gunshot over your head.

2. Please don't stop posting here. It would leave a huge gap that we'd struggle for years to fill. I know sometimes people need a wakeup call but you leaving would shake the forum to it's foundations. :o

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Can we PLEASE confine this thread to Thailand. The next poster who starts banging on about how bad the UK/US/wherever is will find themselves at a loose end for a few days.

And I thought that this site was for fair and honest opinion on posts of interest?

If this "Moderator had bothered to read between the lines instead of stimulating his/Her own ego by heavy handed threats and bullying comments they would have realised quite early in the post that it was a dig at myself and others like me

I hope that this forum will not go the way of other such poorly moderated sites and cause those with some thing to offer to consider NOT TO!!

I will certainly consider whether I will ever post again and that is not a threat, maybe more of a wake up call to those "Moderators"who consider themselves above the critisism that they so put them selves up for when they make inane and superfluous threatening comment!!

All i have to say on this issue is...


Assimilation with Thais is not an issue for me; I get along fine with them. Assimilation with farangs over there would be the real challenge, bunch of bloody trouble makers IMO. :o

Edited by qwertz
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Assimilating into the TV forum is more of a challenge for me. I never knew just how miserable I was here in LOS, until I signed up here... :o Being right all the time is a terrible burden.

Don't worry eventually the burden of always being right will lift and then you realise you are really a messiah ( noun :- a leader who is believed to have the power to solve the world's problems:)

It worked for me

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Assimilation with Thais is not an issue for me; I get along fine with them. Assimilation with farangs over there would be the real challenge, bunch of bloody trouble makers IMO. :o

What cam I say again 'qwertz' ?...when you come over here send a PM....I invite you to a drink.

Perhaps an additional qualification. As usual, bad examples are noisy and nice examples are quite...I am still optimist that one can find nice chaps over here.

I have seen in here the worse specimens that you can find in any country (trouble makers, looser, arrogants, racists, rude and ignorants) but in contrast to this, I know many farangs (and I think the majority it is) who are working hard to survive businesses, teaching and doing other works, and definitively are an asset for this country.

But you are totally right, one never see them in such a concentration so assimilation to them is also part of assimilating to Thailand.

Edited by torito
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Assimilation with Thais is not an issue for me; I get along fine with them. Assimilation with farangs over there would be the real challenge, bunch of bloody trouble makers IMO. :D

What cam I say again 'qwertz' ?...when you come over here send a PM....I invite you to a drink.

Perhaps an additional qualification. As usual, bad examples are noisy and nice examples are quite...I am still optimist that one can find nice chaps over here.

I have seen in here the worse specimens that you can find in any country (trouble makers, looser, arrogants, racists, rude and ignorants) but in contrast to this, I know many farangs (and I think the majority it is) who are working hard to survive businesses, teaching and doing other works, and definitively are an asset for this country.

But you are totally right, one never see them in such a concentration so assimilation to them is also part of assimilating to Thailand.

I'll drink to that, torito! September I think. BTW, I have my favourite bars in Patt where a few survivors meet to help counsel the casualties of culture shock (and disillusioned would be assimilators). :o

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should you assimilate? i think you should and there are benefits from doing so. in fact the more you assimilate the less money you need to insulate yourself from the negative aspects of thai society imho.

whether you do so is your choice.

Really I think the most you get assimilated the most you get exposed to Thai society whose aspects are all negative for your wallet. Better stick to short times and avoid "girlfriends" that in the end will always have mother sick, brother in monkey house, little sister without money for school books and so on.

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Assimilation with Thais is not an issue for me

for me it is a big issue! since i found out through TV how bad it is to live in Thailand i am seeing a shrink twice a week. hopefully he will cure my strange disease "i like to live in Thailand".


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I read page one of this thread and had a thought. Some are saying when you live in a foreign country, you should learn the language, culture and customs.

Thats ok to do in most countries but not really necessary in a country where their economy is based mostly on tourism/expat currency as long as you live in a big Thai city that caters to farangs.

If your Thai in the USA, no one really cares where your from. They just expect you to speak English. If you don't they will look down on you and talk behind your back. Either way, your life will be harder in the USA if you can't speak English.

If your from the USA living in Thailand, as long as you have money, you don't need to speak Thai or learn their customs and culture unless it is something directly related to a Thai law such as lease majesty.

Learning would make your life easier but not required. Obey the laws of the land and immigration rules and you should be ok.

I think there are aspects of Thai customs and cultures that farangs enjoy such as Songran. However, there are things about their own culture they won't give up.

Being in Thailand gives many farangs a chance to enjoy a standard of living they would not be able to afford in their own country. For many (most), that and Thailand relaxed entertainment laws (bars and such) is why they are here.

Take away the standard of living and the "relaxed entertainment laws" and you would probably have Thailand to yourself.

For a country who's economy is built on tourism/expat currency, it would be an economic disaster for Thailand.

That's all beside the point.

That is the point.

What is? missing the point is the point?

OK. Sorry it wasn't clear for you. In Thailand, to live here, you don't have to learn the customs and culture as long as you live in a big city and have some money.

Do you get the point now?

It is customery in Thailand for the children who have been brought into life and nurtured by their parents to then return that favour and support them in old age. Where as in the west we have pension schemes and health insurance and in the UK the NHS, so our children dont have to bare that responsibility

I can understand the OP as he doesn't owe his inlaws anything and he's taking care of their daughter so why should he fork out everytime they need to visit the hospital? On the other hand though I can also see the problems this way of thinking likely going to cause.. I mean he married their daughter and now they are supposed to be a team and should offer help when needed and the loss of face of the wife who got 'lucky' and met a farang but hasn't contributed anything because her husband doesn't want to "assimilate"

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I mean he married their daughter and now they are supposed to be a team and should offer help when needed and the loss of face of the wife who got 'lucky' and met a farang but hasn't contributed anything because her husband doesn't want to "assimilate"

Thai guys contribute to their wifes Family if they can, and the need arises.

It's the way it is.

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