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How To Defrost Fridge?

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I have one of those small refrigerators and the dang freezer upper part ices up really bad pretty quickly (2-3 weeks). And when it does I have less than half of the space I had before it frosted up.

Anyway, currently I am just taking everything out of the fridge every few months and letting it melt away. It is really inconvenient to do this but more inconvenient because I have to be careful what I buy because I know I only have so much freezer space.

There is a knob that reads "pull to defrost" and nothing happens (and no I'm not expecting the ice to just disappear).

Anyway, any suggestions or how to's please?

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On my fridge I have to push a button to get it to defrost.

Dont be temted to try and hack the ice out with a knife, I have seen people puncture the gas system and loose all the coolant.

Standing a bucket of hot water in the fridge will speed up the defrosting


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it frosts up so quickly because the either the door seals are worn or your G/F is leaving the door open a lot - or both

how to defrost

step 1)

buy a polystyrene cool box from big C (about 100 baht)

step 2)

transfer all fridge contents in aformentioned cool box, add one pack of ice

step 3)

unplug fridge, prop door wide open, and place saucepan of very hot water on top shelf

step 4)

have a beer

step 5)

when ice has melted, turn fridge back on, put fridge contents back in, mop floor

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Phuketsiam, you forgot 4b: Wipe down the inside before restocking. Then have another beer.

If your fridge only has one door and the freezer is the small box with the wimpey plastic door at top, every time you open your fridge all the humidity sneaks in and quickly accumulates in and around the freezer. Inevitably, you get an igloo up there every few weeks. Maybe quicker and easier to defrost weekly.

Best bet is to get a frost-free fridge with separate freezer door. I know, not a huge priority, but it makes life so much easier.

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I just cleaned out all the ice yesterday and today it already has a new coat starting to build up. I think one of the posters said that maybe there is a leak and air is getting in via a cracked seal which is then being frozen. When I open and close I do it as fast as possible. I will check for the leak. It's an older fridge. so seems reasonable.

Thanks for everyone's help. Maybe I should start selling the ice?

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I have one of those small refrigerators and the dang freezer upper part ices up really bad pretty quickly (2-3 weeks). And when it does I have less than half of the space I had before it frosted up.

Anyway, currently I am just taking everything out of the fridge every few months and letting it melt away. It is really inconvenient to do this but more inconvenient because I have to be careful what I buy because I know I only have so much freezer space.

There is a knob that reads "pull to defrost" and nothing happens (and no I'm not expecting the ice to just disappear).

Anyway, any suggestions or how to's please?

Are you for real ????? well first prize from me , for best question of the year :o:D:D:D:D

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I really should have made the topic for this post "How to keep my freezer from freezing up so fast?" instead of "How to defrost".

It's only been 3 days and there is already about 1/8 of an inch all around the inside of my freezer & GROWING!

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1/8" in three days? Sounds like you've got a cracked, distorted or badly fitted door seal. How old is the fridge? They don't last forever and it may be time for it to go to the great kitchen in the sky.

btw, opening and shutting the door real quick makes no real difference. Once the door is open the warm humid air rushes in and, bingo, another layer of ice.

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btw, opening and shutting the door real quick makes no real difference. Once the door is open the warm humid air rushes in and, bingo, another layer of ice.

mental picture - the fastest beer grabber in the east :D

do you also peek to see if the light has really gone out ?? :o

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btw, opening and shutting the door real quick makes no real difference. Once the door is open the warm humid air rushes in and, bingo, another layer of ice.

mental picture - the fastest beer grabber in the east :D

do you also peek to see if the light has really gone out ?? :o

:D Nice one, Sinom.

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