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Livestocks Development Dept. Campaigns For Goat Consumption

Jai Dee

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Livestocks Development Dept. campaigns for goat consumption

The Livestocks Development Department encourages people to eat more goat products.

Deputy Director-General of the Livestocks Development Department, Jeerawat Khemsawat (จีระวัชร์ เข็มสวัสดิ์) says during April 27th – 29th, the department will hold the fourth National Goat Fair at Khooha Sawan (คูหาสวรรค์) Park, Phatthalung Province. The fair is aimed to promote goat raising among local farmers and campaign for goat consumption.

According to Mr Jeerawat, goats are the country’s new economic animals which have been exported to Malaysia. Goat population of this year in Thailand is more than 300,000, increasing from the same period of the previous year. Most of them are raised in the Southern and the Middle regions respectively.

The department has a plan to develop goat strains in Thailand to have more weights from 8 – 9 kilograms to 14 – 15 kilograms after they have weaned. The department expects that the development of the goat strains will see concrete progress within this year.

However, the deputy director-general expresses concern over the consumption of goat meat and milk as goat is still not popular among Thai people. The department has therefore campaigned for goat eating by informing the general public of nutritious benefits of goat. Goat products can prevent gastritis, strengthen bones, and reduce the severity of asthma.

Mr Jeerawat expects that the country’s consumption of goat would increase within these two years.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 20 April 2007

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Food is cultural based. So bassically you have Thailand trying to change the cultural cuisine of Thailand? Well when it back fires, I guess we blame them falangs again.

Back where I come from there is a rather large Rat... a swamp rat, called the Nutria rat. (I believe Thailand has them also)

Any how, the nutria rat is very prolific, and does not have much for predators. It is considered a nuisacnce to the farmers.

So locals powers that be proposed a solution, they proposed a nutria rat recipe cook off... prize and all. The gov. hoped to expose people to the "other white meat." That would be the swamp rat. While where I grew up, the "mud bug" (crayfish) is very popular, the consumptiom of swamp rats never did take off.

Good luck to Thailand on this new hub concept.

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To see or download mini-video of goat farm in Phuket, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=212752

Every morning Akkara Titithavorn, who owns a milk goat farm in Phru Jampa village* of Thalang, gets up early and milks his goats first thing in the morning. Milking early is good for the milk products. Each goat gives him about 3 litres of milk per day and they can provide good quality milk for around 7 months.

After milking, Akkaa takes the milk for pasteurizing process, then puts it in 200 CC bottles before refrigerating them. His goat milk is certified by the Food and Drug Administration Organization. The milk produced in his farm is sold out each day due to consumer demand. Goats milk is proved to be easy to digest and suitable for children and older people. “I wanted to produce new products, providing more options for consumers. Besides, after research I learnt that the nutrition value of goat milk is suitable for human beings, which is a good thing.”

Akkara told us that more than 40 goats of his are hybrids of the European and Chinese Lao San area breed called Sanan, who are bred with local goats for higher production of babies. After he started off his milk goat farming for family consumption, his farm was selected as a learning centre which applies HM the King’s self sufficiency economy principles. It is also a comprehensive goat farm, with meat, milk, and breeding facilities. “I apply the principle of sufficiency economy. I use only a 2 rai plot of land to produce milk goats with family members. I try to make the best use of resources to maximize the output. It’s quite comprehensive really as I also sell male goats for breeding, and get their drops as fertilizer for food crops that I can feed the goats in return.”

The sideline for milk goat farming is baby goats. At the age of 3 months old, the young goats are sold at 5,000 baht each. Around his farm, Akkara grows grass, herbs and plants for his goat feeding. Today this small farm has become a learning centre for many agriculturalists who are interested in goat farming in this region.


(*just north west of Thalang town, Phuket, near Wat Dorn & memorial site for Victory Battle over Burmese.)


from Special report for Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) + Radio Thailand FM90.5 Phuket City, both broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, 8.30am & later on Phuket Cable TV Channel 1, Friday 20 April 2007 & www.Thaisnews.com {Our news text and mini-videos can be freely copied, but give credit to Andaman News TV11 Phuket or contact [email protected]}

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Honestly, some of those claims seem a bit far fetched. Gastritis, bones and asthma? I have eaten goat but I think that Thais will be resistant to it. Goat is a similar meat to sheep and I don't know any Thai people who long for roast lamb.

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Honestly, some of those claims seem a bit far fetched. Gastritis, bones and asthma? I have eaten goat but I think that Thais will be resistant to it. Goat is a similar meat to sheep and I don't know any Thai people who long for roast lamb.

Lamb is deemed rather "gamey / smelly" by a majority of Thais. Although a little more popular as an Islamic speciality in the South. There are a few lamb kebab shops in S. Pattaya run by Southern Thais that offer excellent fare. :o

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Goat is a great curry or BBQ meat.. Plenty of flavour..

When we were on Lanta (muslim) the missus sees some baby goats.. ahh lovely etc.. When I suggested goat curry she flipped.. She really thought they were being kept for pets !!!

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I know this goat farm near Thalang -it's just a few miles from my hotel and I often see the goats wandering near the road.

I actually like goat meat a lot, especially in curries. Goats' milk is meant to be very nutritious. And goat milk cheese is as tasty as you can get!!

I wish the government all the best of luck in encouraging Thai people to eat more goat products!


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