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Braces For Teeth: Fashon?


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Nothing much you can do now, she's spent the money and they're used goods. Look on the bright side, at that price they should be good quality and not damage her teeth as much as the cheaper ones do. There were news reports last year about the damage the fashion braces were doing to peoples teeth.

These may be the cheap ones, I am not sure what they cost. She told me three-fifty, but I don't know if that ment 350 or 3500. I did not pursue it further to clarify. Actually, I am tired of women, who I am providing major support for, of doing things to pi$$ me off in a big way. To me, it shows a lack of respect for my feelings. I expect someone to do what I like, not what I don't like. I try to be considerate to them in return. My feeling is, she can get rid of them or I will get rid of her.

While the whole braces for fashion to me sounds really silly, your posts makes it seem as if it's ALL ABOUT YOU... I mean according to you, it's your money she is pi$$ing away and in your words: "expect someone to do what I like, not what I don't like." So much for being considerate to her likes and dislikes. Basically it sounds like you two have a real special relationship that you would dump her over something she'll probably be rid of in a few months. If you really like the girl, realize it's a fashion trend that will probably be done with soon enough. Also, if you ask your girlfriend, I bet there are things she doesn't like about you (maybe a big belly, receding hairline, fashion sense, etc.).... But then again, if it's someone you want to control with money, maybe it's time to move on to the next.

Pleasing someone is a two-way street. I have done a good job accomadating her needs. I expect her to accomadate mine. Give me a break!! Tell me these fair minded gents out there hand over money by the month to someone who has a low interest in pleasing them. If there are things about me that are a major turn-off to her, she should not be with me. By belly isn't to big (smaller than most Farangs I have seen here, but yes my hair is a bit thin. But, I did not get my hair thinned, because she told me she likes thick hair. GET IT??

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Judging from the quality of your logic you muat have been living in LOS for quite some time. Firstly, I see no evidance that I have been given the elbow, as you put it.
Well she's making herself unattractive to you and more attractive to other men who do like braces. She's obviously shopping around.
It has always been clear to me that this relationship, as have been several others I have experienced, is mostly about money. NO MONEY - NO NOTHING. There is no misunderstanding about this, on her part or mine. So, it's debatable here who is blackmailing who.

I was under the impression it was a normal relationship, not a paid for thing. In which case she's in your employ am I correct? She doesn't get her wages, you don't get a girlfriend.

She's not blackmailing you, she's working for you. In which case because she has not chosen to change her regulation uniform against managements wishes then I would first give her a verbal warning, then an email warning, a few sms warnings and then sack her.

Contrary to what you might assume, I treat her quite well and am generous with her. She does not have to do EXACTLY as I say and has hardly done so on other occasions.

It sounds like your 'relationship' is on the rocks. Firstly because if you don't give her money she doesn't give you anything, secondly because she does things you don't like without caring what you think and thirdly because you have come on here to whine about it rather than sorting it out with her.

Don't kid yourself you're cutting off her money dude, you'll be paying end of month as per usual, admit it, she's got you by the short and curlies. Power of the pussy wins again. :o

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Pleasing someone is a two-way street. I have done a good job accomadating her needs. I expect her to accomadate mine. Give me a break!! Tell me these fair minded gents out there hand over money by the month to someone who has a low interest in pleasing them.

If you are paying a girl for a service and you don't get that service, then hire another girl, one that will please you. What's the problem?

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Pleasing someone is a two-way street. I have done a good job accomadating her needs. I expect her to accomadate mine. Give me a break!! Tell me these fair minded gents out there hand over money by the month to someone who has a low interest in pleasing them.

If you are paying a girl for a service and you don't get that service, then hire another girl, one that will please you. What's the problem?

True enough. I guess I am not so fortunate, as most of all the other Farangs here, who don't give money to the GF. Funny, I never met such a Farang (who don't give money) in my almost 3 years of living here.

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I don't give any money dude, nor do any of my friends.

Now I appreciate were I 50 yrs old and knocking about with some 20 yr old Thai student that cash would be changing hands, but I wouldn't call that a relationship, more business really isn't it. And since it's business if she wasn't making me happy, I'd get a new one in.

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I don't give any money dude, nor do any of my friends.

Now I appreciate were I 50 yrs old and knocking about with some 20 yr old Thai student that cash would be changing hands, but I wouldn't call that a relationship, more business really isn't it. And since it's business if she wasn't making me happy, I'd get a new one in.

A fair statement. 50 to 20 = $$$. That's the "rules of the game". My "Lady Faire" is 21, with the mentality of 16 or under. Thanks for your input. Maybe we should close this now, to put me out of my misery, ha, ha.

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I don't give any money dude, nor do any of my friends.

Now I appreciate were I 50 yrs old and knocking about with some 20 yr old Thai student that cash would be changing hands, but I wouldn't call that a relationship, more business really isn't it. And since it's business if she wasn't making me happy, I'd get a new one in.

So, you or your friends, who I assume are fellow Farangs, don't give any money (or other material assistance) to your ladies? I hope you are not related to Pinocchio.

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Nope, not a baht. My friends don't either, I guess having girlfriends that work helps. Saying that, when my gf was a student I didn't give her money then. I guess it's different when you are young and charming. :o

So how much do you pay for your 'girlfriend' each month?

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And I want to add I think it's ok to give the gf money every month, don't see a problem with it if the guy wants to spend the money and with the usually large wage packet differences between the farang bf and Thai gf why not?

But when that girlfriend says she won't be a girlfriend unless you pay her money, well what you have there then is a business relationship with (for want of a politer word) a prostitute. Different matter entirely.

You talk all through this thread about your relationship and your girlfriend but you say it right here:

NO MONEY - NO NOTHING. There is no misunderstanding about this, on her part or mine.

Hardly a relationship built on a mutual attraction to each other is it? If you don't pay her, she'll find someone else that will.

Let this thread be a lesson to everyone. Don't fall in love with your employees. :o

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And I want to add I think it's ok to give the gf money every month, don't see a problem with it if the guy wants to spend the money and with the usually large wage packet differences between the farang bf and Thai gf why not?

But when that girlfriend says she won't be a girlfriend unless you pay her money, well what you have there then is a business relationship with (for want of a politer word) a prostitute. Different matter entirely.

I don't like these type of mercenary relationships either, but I have not seen anything except such and I am not talking about bargirls. I asked one serious GF, what she would do If she told her Mother that I stopped giving her money. She replied "mama would tell me cancel you". As for how much I give the GF I have referred to in the post, it is approximately double what she would earn working as a shoppgirl full time. This is not a particularly serious relationship, but I have know her for almost one year and we have been a bit "off & on".

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Mate I know lots of girls, none of them demand cash from their bfs with the threat of canceling the relationship if the money don't come. You are picking the wrong girls and after 3 yrs you should've worked that out by now.

As I said before if you are 50 yrs old or whatever then it's fair enough business, but it ain't no girlfriend.

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And I want to add I think it's ok to give the gf money every month, don't see a problem with it if the guy wants to spend the money and with the usually large wage packet differences between the farang bf and Thai gf why not?

But when that girlfriend says she won't be a girlfriend unless you pay her money, well what you have there then is a business relationship with (for want of a politer word) a prostitute. Different matter entirely.

I don't like these type of mercenary relationships either, but I have not seen anything except such and I am not talking about bargirls. I asked one serious GF, what she would do If she told her Mother that I stopped giving her money. She replied "mama would tell me cancel you". As for how much I give the GF I have referred to in the post, it is approximately double what she would earn working as a shoppgirl full time. This is not a particularly serious relationship, but I have know her for almost one year and we have been a bit "off & on".

In that case, I would advice you to always have a condom ON, as not to get any nasty viruses. :D:o

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