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Visa For Thai Boyfriend To Visit Uk

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I am a UK citizen 47 years old. I have been living in Thailand for 5 years and living with my Thai boyfriend for 2 and half years. He is employed full time as accountant on "good" Thai salary with the same company for 4 years. I would like to take him with me on a visit to the UK but I hear some horror stories about the application process. Do I really have to put 800,000 baht into his account? Does anyone have experience of this they could share?


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I am a UK citizen 47 years old. I have been living in Thailand for 5 years and living with my Thai boyfriend for 2 and half years. He is employed full time as accountant on "good" Thai salary with the same company for 4 years. I would like to take him with me on a visit to the UK but I hear some horror stories about the application process. Do I really have to put 800,000 baht into his account?

You sponsor him to visit UK but you do not need to transfer any funds to his account.

See Visitor Visa Guide (INF2) and what you can do as a sponsor in Sponsors notes (INF3)

He applies at UK Visas , look around that site for guidance.

As a sponsor you show there are enough funds for the trip, there is suitable accomodation for his stay and he has a reason to return to Thailand which seems to be satisfied as he has a full time job. He will need a letter from his employer and maybe proof that he owns or rents property.

Search this forum on the words 'tourist' and 'visit' and you will find lots of help and hints.

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I am a UK citizen 47 years old. I have been living in Thailand for 5 years and living with my Thai boyfriend for 2 and half years. He is employed full time as accountant on "good" Thai salary with the same company for 4 years. I would like to take him with me on a visit to the UK but I hear some horror stories about the application process. Do I really have to put 800,000 baht into his account? Does anyone have experience of this they could share?


What type of visa will you be applying for? Will it be just a visitor's visa, student or fiance?

My experience is limited to the visitor visa, and with the help of Scouse and GU22 on here I have successfully applied twice for 2 x 6 months visa's for my Thai girlfriend.

If you are applying for a visitor's visa you shouldn't have a problem really, though Scouse is the expert on here now GU22 has left. They will need to know proof of relationship, which you should be able to show - e.g. proof of living together, photo's, telephone bills (you might not have these as live together), any other receipts, e.g. proof of hols together with plane tickets or visa stamps on same days. etc.

You will need to prove that you have a place to live in England and that he can live there. In addition, if you don't have a job in England you will need to show sufficient income to support him during his stay there.

The last hurdle is "reason to return" - he will need to show he has a reason to return to Thailand. I doubt his employer will keep his job open for 2 years but if has land that will help a little. This can be the biggest hurdle as this is subjective, whereas many people can prove the relationship and funds, but fall down on this.

I think we'll need a bit more info about the visa he's going to be applying for and also where you intend to live and what you are going to do after the 2 years, i.e. are you both going to be returning to Thailand. The Embassy will want to know what "guarantee" they have that he will return to Thailand after the 2 years.

PM me if you want.


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stament, I think you misunderstood the original post. She said they've been living together 2 1/2 years and plan a visit to the UK. Doesn't sound like they plan on moving there for 2 years.

It wouldn't hurt, if you have a job here, to show your visas and work permit as well. When my husband applied for his tourist visa to the US we showed photocopies of my passport and all its Thai stamps and one year extensions, to show that I live here too. Thus, a double reason to come back.

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Thank for the helpful replies. My question was moved to this forum from Gay Thailand section so just to make the situation clear we are both male. I was wondering if the rules were different or more strictly applied to same sex couples, which is why I posted the question in the gay section.

We would plan only 3 or 4 weeks stay in the UK before returning to Thailand. No problem with accommodation in the UK with my family.

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Hi Scuba,

The fact you are Gay will have no bearing on the outcome, their is no bias in regard to Sex, creed, nationality or whatever.

3 to 4 weeks is a good figure as the longer durations, particularly 6 months come with a certain scrutiny.

The reason to return will be your hardest criteria to fulfill but it apears you have that covered if you get a letter from his company stating his job is open for the duration of the visit.

If you get the visa it is generally for six months it is best not to overstay from what you state in the application.

I seem to remember a visa, that was more inclined for same sex couples but for the life of me can't remember what, so perhaps it is not relevant anyway.

Any further questions, just post, somebody will have an answer.

Good luck


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stament, I think you misunderstood the original post. She said they've been living together 2 1/2 years and plan a visit to the UK. Doesn't sound like they plan on moving there for 2 years.

It wouldn't hurt, if you have a job here, to show your visas and work permit as well. When my husband applied for his tourist visa to the US we showed photocopies of my passport and all its Thai stamps and one year extensions, to show that I live here too. Thus, a double reason to come back.


Yep you're right, I did misread the situation, was in a bit of a hurry today and was trying to help!

Sounds like a visitor visa in which case what I have said re my experience should be good. Any details of a job being put on hold would be very beneficial with regards to the "reason for return"


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Thank you all so much for the useful replies.

Proof of relationship or living together was an interesting challenge since here on Koh Samui we do not have formal house rental contracts or utility bills in shared names but i did find airline bookings in both our names dating back 2 years. Reason to return is difficult when even a good Thai salary is no more than 10,000 baht per month but we will make sure he gets correct letter from enployer. I will aslo start collecting letters from family and friends in UK where we will stay.

Thanks again

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Thank you all so much for the useful replies.

Proof of relationship or living together was an interesting challenge since here on Koh Samui we do not have formal house rental contracts or utility bills in shared names but i did find airline bookings in both our names dating back 2 years. Reason to return is difficult when even a good Thai salary is no more than 10,000 baht per month but we will make sure he gets correct letter from enployer. I will aslo start collecting letters from family and friends in UK where we will stay.

Thanks again

I don't think you have to prove relationship with letters, etc for a 3-4 weeks visitors visa.

He applies and you sponsor

He has some funds to cover some part of the trip's expenses and you cove rthe rest including accomodation in the UK

He needs to show that he has a compelling reason to return (his employer should give a letter statig he is allowed the 3-4 weeks holidays and stating his job is open to him when he returns after his holidays)

It helps if you have also a reason to come back to Thailand as you will be his sponsor and travelling with him.

I would not elaborate too much on your strong relationship as it might hint them to think you might want to stay together longer in the UK.

They want to see him coming back to Thailand after his holidays. You only provide the sponsorship.

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[i would not elaborate too much on your strong relationship as it might hint them to think you might want to stay together longer in the UK. They want to see him coming back to Thailand after his holidays. You only provide the sponsorship.

This is an interesting point. Since I live and work in Thailand for the past 5 years I was hoping that a stong relationship would be anoher reason for him to return. Maybe nothing can compete with the alure of living in the "west" - or so the authories believe!

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[i would not elaborate too much on your strong relationship as it might hint them to think you might want to stay together longer in the UK. They want to see him coming back to Thailand after his holidays. You only provide the sponsorship.

This is an interesting point. Since I live and work in Thailand for the past 5 years I was hoping that a stong relationship would be anoher reason for him to return. Maybe nothing can compete with the alure of living in the "west" - or so the authories believe!

I did not catch that you was working in Thailand.

It would indeed be a good reason fro him to return if you can show you are in a strong relationship and you also have a holiday period from your job for the same period as he has.

Good luck

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I have just helped my boyfriend of 4 years application for same, we hear result Wednesday??

I am living in Thailand for last 7 years retired, get the Application for Social Visitors (Visa Nationals) page of advice off web site and things to do get and present before you apply. Work through it and try to cover everything with attention in some detail. See other thread Visa to Uk down pages. 13 items to present, pages of evidence for sure enjoy it like we did over a time gathering all the info. Dont rush it, lay it out right. He had all the originals and copies with him when he put application in but they only wanted to see his passport and mine as sponsor. You the Sponsor are not allowed into application room at Regent House Bangkok so make sure he knows the file just in case, after all it is only an agent seeing that all the right papers are there for the Embassy Entry Officer to read later. He gets Bank draft in that room first takes number and then goes forward to present his application.

Crossed everything until Wednesday.

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The visa I was referring too, but couldn't find, because there isn't one I suppose, but here is what I was looking for, it is actually part of the immigration rules.

The section I was referring has actually been answered by Scouse on another post.

I don't know if it helps your situation, but no harm in looking at it.

Unmarried Partner

Good Luck


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