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Covid-19 fallout: More than 100 staff turn up to work only to find out they're sacked


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4 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

Bout the same for my work permit, I aint Burmese.

Do you change  jobs at the drop of a  hat ie if  I employ today will you stay more than a  month. Even the Burmese up and leave with no notice, its a running joke we  always say to each other here, its payday tomorrow  I wonder if the staff  will be leaving. Once theyve  gone you have to do the whole process  again , could be 5-6 times a year, do you have to do  your permit 5-6  times a  year in a n office 70km away?

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1 minute ago, bodga said:

Do you change  jobs at the drop of a  hat ie if  I employ today will you stay more than a  month. Even the Burmese up and leave with no notice, its a running joke we  always say to each other here, its payday tomorrow  I wonder if the staff  will be leaving. Once theyve  gone you have to do the whole process  again , could be 5-6 times a year, do you have to do  your permit 5-6  times a  year in a n office 70km away?

As I mentioned, I aint Burmese.

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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I'm guessing that doubling their pay would have been more effective

No it  doesnt if  anything it makes them think you are even more stupid, they can never get enough, Ive offered a free brand new   house, motorbike,  fuel, water, electric, rice and more, they often start well then decline and get too comfortable and take you for granted.

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19 hours ago, Genmai said:

LOL furious ok yeah, are they equally furious when the very same employees up and leave at the drop of a hat? Speaking from 4 years of experience hiring people - out of the 25+ Thais who have been with us there was ONE (a nice girl from the South) who had the sense of responsibility to give us advance warning of 30 days (as stipulated in the contract) before leaving. EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON just disappeared. One day they're here, next day they're not. Walk in the room - "Hey, weren't there 4 of you? Where's Ploy?" - sheepish glances at the floor all around "Mai roo...". Oh, was the company in the middle of a rushed order for a client? Tough titties.


There used to be a time when I learned everybody's story, knew the names of their family, took them out for lunch regularly, made them fruit smoothies when the weather was hot, listened to their sob stories of drunkard brother/cheater husband, practiced my Thai with them, helped them with their English etc etc. ALWAYS paid on time. Never asked them to do anything I hadn't done myself already.


None of it made a difference. In the end they either a) get offended because I ask them to do their job properly/come on time, or b) find somewhere offering 20 baht more. We even had all 4 of them gang up and threaten to leave - when I was lodging my visa extension - because they KNEW I needed all 4 staff on board for immigration shenanigans at that exact time. 


So no, when I hear stories like this I have 0 sympathy. "Oh Thai people are so poor" , "Oh Thailand so hard", "Oh the government is so bad". Right, right. Have you looked closer to home for the cause of your predicament?


"Oh covid so bad, economy is terrible!"


Are you kidding me? covid has done LITERALLY NOTHING to change people's attitude to work. Everywhere you go - service still sucks, prices are still high, faces are still glum, work is still slow, nobody cares and people STILL leave at the drop of a hat. And foreign owned companies still pay a premium to operate in this environment and are scrutinized x10000 than locally owned businesses. For what? 


Rant over, thanks for listening to my TED talk.

Interesting take on the work ethic - do you mind saying the line of business your experience relate to ? 

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On 7/25/2020 at 4:14 PM, bodga said:

Well  I  have a brand  new  house  built  for  my staff by myself and within a  week of finishing it they upped  and  left, almost  impossible to find staff to work on the land now, doesnt matter what you pay what you  give they dont want it, to be honest on the  point of  throwing in the towel, Thais bone idle  want money for  nothing in many cases

You still get this even when you kick it up a notch to flexible schedules, remote working, brand new PCs, lunch paid for, transport included and market leading salaries -- for people without resumes but who will be provided highly detailed specialist training.

"Oh, mum wants me to move back home and help out with their shop".

There's no logic - I'm sure if you could just send money to their bank account while they do whatever they want there'd still be some sort of complaint. The fact that the entire country basically exists on the back of underpaid migrants should really give you all that you need to know about the actual state of business here.

I'm just waiting for the drop as god knows they're a decade behind the rest of the world -- apparently including recessions!

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1 hour ago, bodga said:

And for those  who think they know.........they dont, this  poster NAILS it  right on the head, never  seen such a bunch of  no  hope  losers as many Thai employees, and yes theyll  whinge  like  hell. Everything he states is what Ive been through with Thai  staff over a decade of this  childish nonsense.

Yup! Chalk up another bit of the exact same for me.

From what I can see, people are poor because they want to be - that is, a poor mindset with a healthy dollop of lazy. Over-leverage their funds, treat their jobs as disposable, spend all the rest of their money on pay-day and just go running back to stay with grandma in the countryside whenever they really really stuff it up.

You get the same in the Philippines but at least the cost of living is cheaper, lol.

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17 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I'm guessing that doubling their pay would have been more effective than pretending to be their friend.

Last thing I ever wanted from a boss is his companionship, more money was always welcome.

Right, but then you'd be paying 1st rate salaries for 3rd rate work.

What will end up happening is that foreign-owned Thai businesses will either close up shop or just use Thailand for tax benefits, whilst moving their actual employment overseas or back home.

I know that the future of the economy doesn't matter to you - you just want a pay check - but I'm sure you could appreciate it when all jobs close up and you now have to compete with 10x as many people for salaries that are half the amount.

At least, that's what I'm seeing in my crystal ball and why I've liquidated everything waiting for the desperate somchais to have to sell everything up and the banks to realise they're left holding the hot potato ????

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16 minutes ago, DaftToPutRealName said:

"Oh, mum wants me to move back home and help out with their shop".

The most often used one..........Mum/Dad/Brother Sister dead.

This is the go to excuse.

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11 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I would say it's your own fault for trying to earn money in a 3rd world country.

But what do I know?

Nothing apparently as you have never run a successful business in Thailand, as is the case for  the majority of posters here.


Just joining in on the tedious Thai-bashing as per with the usual "third-world" slurs.


Many foreign companies have their operations in Thailand and do very well out of it.


You have to adapt to their culture of business and working, not the other way around.

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3 hours ago, DaftToPutRealName said:

You still get this even when you kick it up a notch to flexible schedules, remote working, brand new PCs, lunch paid for, transport included and market leading salaries -- for people without resumes but who will be provided highly detailed specialist training.

"Oh, mum wants me to move back home and help out with their shop".

There's no logic - I'm sure if you could just send money to their bank account while they do whatever they want there'd still be some sort of complaint. The fact that the entire country basically exists on the back of underpaid migrants should really give you all that you need to know about the actual state of business here.

I'm just waiting for the drop as god knows they're a decade behind the rest of the world -- apparently including recessions!

Funny, we only very occasionally have those kinds of staffing problems at our companies.


Sounds like your HR and management are the problem. 

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1 hour ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Funny, we only very occasionally have those kinds of staffing problems at our companies.


Sounds like your HR and management are the problem. 


Sounds like you're working in a space that employs well-educated people.


Not everyone is managing some latest blockchain cross-platform solution software gizmo project. Some of us (much like the rest of the country) are running gigs with unskilled labor. This is where the cultural proclivities you quoted are most pronounced. 

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On 7/25/2020 at 1:05 PM, englishoak said:


Logic would say more are going to die of the reactions and loss of livelihood, wages, and businesses than the virus already projecting untimely deaths due to lack of services, check ups and medical response during this plandemic is going to be in the millions. Not counting the knock on effects of closing down the world is still happening and mounting.. crime will rocket as people fail to make ends meet and so will ill health, both mental and physical. 


You havnt thought about it at all properly have you ? :whistling:

It’s not the first, and it won’t be the last.  This is nothing compared to others.

Everyone knew it was going to happen, but decided against investment in pre-planning.


so you think this was planned worldwide ????


Some countries did it correctly, and have it under control 


read about the history of pandemics, and how devastating they were.



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On 7/25/2020 at 9:32 PM, Guderian said:

This is minor stuff in the grand scheme of what's coming, especially to Western countries with their massive bailout programmes. At least the US has been honest about the situation, instead of trying to wallpaper over it with unaffordable furlough schemes. Thailand has been even more honest yet, allowing many people with no prospects to stand in long food lines. The UK/EU furlough schemes avoid the pain in the short run but are unsustainable so eventually the truth will dawn. These schemes also keep many zombie companies going at considerable cost, when they should have gone bust long ago. It's going to be an unpredictable chaos, terrible for younger people with families to support, just as it's awful for poor Thais to have to put hungry children to bed. This virus is biblical in its nastiness. 

Imagine you were born in 1900.

When you're 14, World War I begins and ends when you're 18 with 22 million dead.

Soon after a global pandemic, the Spanish Flu, appears, killing 50 million people. And you're alive and 20 years old.

When you're 29 you survive the global economic crisis that started with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, causing inflation, unemployment and famine.

When you're 33 years old the nazis come to power.

When you're 39, World War II begins and ends when you're 45 years old with a 60 million dead. In the Holocaust 6 million Jews die.

When you're 52, the Korean War begins.
When you're 64, the Vietnam War begins and ends when you're 75.

A child born in 1985 thinks his grandparents have no idea how difficult life is, but they have survived several wars and catastrophes.

Today we have all the comforts in a new world, amid a new pandemic. But we complain because we need to wear masks. We complain because we must stay confined to our homes where we have food, electricity, running water, wifi, even Netflix! None of that existed back in the day. But humanity survived those circumstances and never lost their joy of living.

A small change in our perspective can generate miracles. We should be thankful that we are alive. We should do everything we need to do to protect and help each other.


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