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Thai policeman shoots drug crazed man dead - family claim overzealous policing

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14 hours ago, JesseHumphry said:

Why are you holding the drug addict to a higher moral standard than a trained, sober police officer? 

I don't think you understand, i'm not surprised.  To clarify, I'm holding humans to an equal standard.

15 hours ago, JesseHumphry said:

Sorry, just to clarify, do you actually believe that police presence stops gang violence? 

And do police need to be allowed to murder pacified individuals in order to do their jobs? Can they not just, you know, do their jobs?

What is the deal with people giving 100% deference to police officers instead of holding these people accountable for their actions in accordance with the level of power they have over our lives? Why do people expect more from the drug-addicted knife-wielder than they do from the police officer who had the situation under control BEFORE he pulled the trigger?

Why? Why why why? Somebody please make it make sense. Somebody please tell me why you can't criticize police action? So many people on this forum talk about the authoritarian nature of the current folks in power. It makes one wonder why any criticism of police is immediately met with strawmanning, disingenuous arguments, and appeals to the authority of those officers in question.

Calm down, i can see your cognitive dissonance is about to cause permanent damage.  I will try to address some of your concerns.

-of course police presence doesn't stop gang violence.  What stops gang violence is the knowledge of what the police reaction will be to their violent activities.

-do police need to be allowed to murder pacified individuals? no. but unless you have experienced a life or death situation and the emotions, stress and adrenaline levels all     rolled into one brief incident, then you will never understand this. especially with the MSM pushing the narrative of sunshine and lollipops for all.

-Why do people defend the police 100%, i don't know, as i don't. but maybe it is for the same reason that people defend the drug addicted criminals 100% such as this guy and     george floyd.  If you can find me the article where the cop kills a hard working, non-violent, dedicated family man then i will weigh in on that debate.

-do you know what happens when you remove power, respect and credibility from the police force?  South Africa.  I suggest you take the time and do some comprehensive   research as to what is happening there.  disgusting levels of horrific violence committed on societies most vulnerable women and children. 


I don't like assumptions but fk it, i'm going to anyway.  I assume you are well educated and have grown up in an all white affluent area, with the most horrific incident you have had to deal with was receiving a C+ in social studies.  I suggest you grow up unless of course you have the stomach to protect your family and community from the mean  bastards. And when i say community, i mean the low socio-economic communities, not the one where you choose to live.  Because once law and order breaks down in these low socio-economic communities where do you think these mean bastards will go next?



2 hours ago, scammed said:

the video is clear, the drug addict was sitting down unarmed and looking down the ground,

he was not moving and had no intention of moving.

the police walked up and kicked the drug addict in the head, and then 

when the police continued kicking the drug addict tried to deflect the attack ,

and was shot for trying to deflect the kicks


never thought i say it but smartphones with selfie ability 

is a good thing for society 

You don't seem to understand Thai culture, let me explain.  The kicks were punishment for injuring the police officer.  The criminal refused this punishment, not by trying to escape the kicks, but by grabbing onto the officers leg giving the officer little choice.  I would have thought a few kicks were reasonable considering the gash on the officers head but this drug addict again chose the wrong path and got shot.

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