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With land borders closed, how can I obtain a work permit from visa amnesty?

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As the title says, with land borders closed, how can I obtain a work permit from visa amnesty? I have all the paper work and qualifications. I need my non b visa first. Anyways, I’d like to do everything as legitimately as possible but will I have to leave the country? 

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Could you use your field of expertise to at least try to escalate it? If you're really valuable to Thailand senior officers/functionaries have the rights to get these things done, this is what a lot of the "envelope based routes" are based on ????


You'd often get quoted a "fee" for that, of course... Would then be your choice if you take up that offer or not.

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If you left, getting back would be a nightmare.  The "go out for a Non-B" was NEVER legally necessary.  Some law-firms claim to be able to do it all in-country.


Some "laywer" or similar would need to get the Labor-office and Immigration to do what they could do legally, but apparently will not do w/o fat-envelopes. 


In general, labor is better in this respect, but some report they stopped issuing the "work-permit-approval" letter you need to get either the non-b "change of visa" stamp (same as a Non-B from a consulate), or non-b extension to a different Non-Imm type. 


The only "new news," is some are pushing to make this possible for teachers.  Bribes that cost multiples of a teacher's salary are a no-go for schools.


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OP you are part of the large number of people overlooked in these "Amnesty" Grace Period. Plenty of time to get things done. But no mechanism to do what has been quite legal for over a decade. 

The others similarly situated are those who hold Non Imm. B or O Multi-Entry (Business or O for Marriage) These people (many thousands) have to make a Border Run / Border Bounce every 90 days. Again - an allowed quite legal mechanism to make a long stay in Thailand. 

OP - your situation is even more complicated but same - same only different ????.  As has been pointed out unless and until Thai Immigration (with permission of central government officials) begin performing the needed procedures at the local Immigration and Labor Ministry offices it is a dead end for most.  Also as stated certain procedures could be done now (usually by hiring an Agent) for certain amounts of real fees and lots of "tea money". 

I have no idea how it can be resolved in a normal fashion unless and until Thai Govt. , Thai  Immigration and the Labor. Ministry act. 

I was on a Non Imm B Multi-Entry Visa until last week.

However, being boxed in with no ability to do a Border Run to get another 90 day stay between now and the end of September, I applied for an received a One Year Extension of Stay of my B Visa based on meeting the qualification requirements in all regards - plus a fat fee. 

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21 hours ago, dmarc028 said:

Anyways, I’d like to do everything as legitimately as possible but will I have to leave the country? 

You can currently obtain a Non B visa without leaving the country (assuming that you comply with the usual requirements).


I asked the agent I've been using for many years abt it last week and the process takes abt 1 month (Bangkok). The process is in terms of paperwork is more complicated than before the border shutdown. Would advise to seek assistance from an agent who knows what he/she is doing.

There was no mention of cost (and I didn't ask) but assuming it comes at a premium.

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Unless and Until the Thai Govt. allows Thai Immigration to change policy and procedures asap before Sep. 26 then there is no way the OP can get what he wants legally (that is without heavy duty tea money) 


Same goes for Non Imm B & O Multi-Entry Visa Holders needing a Border Run to get stamped back in for another 90 day stay - not going to happen without changes in policies and procedures at Thai Immigration. 

Plenty of time has been granted but no mechanism available to do much of anything. 


Before someone blurts it out - Yes I am aware of the standard method for B or O Visa Holders to get a One Year Extension of Stay at Immigration. 


I did just this a little over a week ago.


But most holders of B or O One Year Multi-Entry Visas do not have the qualifications or funds in the Bank to do it. 

The more than a decade old legal ability for Expats to do a Border Run for a new 90 day stay is dead until immigration police orders are changed or borders become open as normal. 


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