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17 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Chiang Mai and Oxford are both University towns in rural settings.

You can't get more like for like than those two.


My 1.8Mbht house near CM, is slightly smaller than my 700,000 pound house near Oxford was.

But I have slightly nicer views in CM.

Come on....Oxford is world famous not only for its University (where does Chiang Mai University rank?), has a large thriving tourism industry which brings a lot of money to the town, is a thriving hub for research and hi-tech companies, is placed in the SE commuter corridor. I might go on. 


Chiang Mai is not comparable, yes it has global tourism and natural beauty outside the city but none of the other attributes. It's also blighted by horrendous traffic and pollution. And yeah - I have spent loads of time in Chiang Mai.


Regards property comparisons. I own a secondary property in the north of England (York)- large 2 bed apartment with river view. 2 balconies opening onto gardens. £210k current value. York has all the attributes except it isn't in the south east. Way removed from £700k. That's why location matters and why your comparison doesn't resonate at all with me. 


I have no need to berate Thailand. I spend some of the year there. I speak as I find. 

Edited by MarkyM3
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2 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Half price in McDonalds and Burger King from next week, Monday to Wednesday up to £10 off.

That's the government eat out for half price scheme, yeah? Shame it isn't for delivery as well! Cheers

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13 hours ago, MarkyM3 said:

York has all the attributes except it isn't in the south east.

I would say that not being in the sth east was a plus.

Agree that C M is a <deleted><deleted>. Lived there a year, but that was for a reason.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

I used to laugh to myself when I saw a western bagpacker guy being led around by a bossy unattractive western GF. I used to pity them too. Poor guys never knew what they were missing.

Usually quite good looking guys with absolute toads.

I bet the guy is buying their tickets and paying the hotel bill as well.

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13 hours ago, pineapple01 said:

I left CM 30 Years ago.the most polluted dump in Thailand then and even worse now.Moved to Krabi area.

A wise man, but I hope you didn't move to Ao Nang, an excrescence on the face of perhaps the most beautiful part of Thailand.

You probably were there when Leo Di Caprio was ruining the best novel about a Thai beach making that awful movie. Did you happen to notice the gold coloured styrofoam reclining Buddha on one of the Krabi town streets? That was left from the movie. It was so realistic I thought it was real thing. Removed many years ago though.

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19 hours ago, essox essox said:

dont  think it was 91 think 73 was highest rate in them there days !!

Wrong. I was there when it was 91. Only for a very short time, but settled later in the 70s. I was mortified as I'd changed all my spare cash months later when it went up to 60 or so. Never imagined it would go higher.

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On 7/27/2020 at 6:42 PM, Kwasaki said:

Typical westerner in Thailand, McDonald's, Burger King, Pizza is a treat in Thailand same KFC if you ask me, plenty other Thai places do dog rolls and pizza stuff even better IMHO.

Up here (gateway to Isaan ) they don't use cheese on the pizzas but that horrible creamy white stuff. Horrible. Admitted not tried it but I guess horrible but the local mob like it.

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3 minutes ago, carlyai said:

Up here (gateway to Isaan ) they don't use cheese on the pizzas but that horrible creamy white stuff. Horrible. Admitted not tried it but I guess horrible but the local mob like it.

The cheese in Thailand is not much better.  Unless they use imported cheese it usually tastes like cardboard.  Most Thai run places use the local stuff because Thai's don't know what good cheese is.  You usually have to go to an italian restaurant to get good cheese.  Pizza company cheese is ok.  Some western run pizza restaurants use ok cheese but I'm almost always disappointed with Thai run pizza restaurants cheese.

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13 hours ago, MarkyM3 said:

Read the post again - I said some things are way more expensive in the UK (I gave 2 examples and there will be plenty more) and it depends on what goods and services you consume i.e. your lifestyle. Hardly controversial, Sherlock. And where did I mention chocolate and wine? 


No doubt property and associated taxes are much more. And so are wages in the UK, remember. Look at purchasing power parity comparisons. Moreover, you compare one of the most affluent areas of the UK to somewhere near Chiang Mai. A fairer comparison is somewhere up in the north of England - you can buy a high quality 3-bed house in a good area in the north of England for circa £200-225k, in non-urban areas it's actually cheaper. 


I spend plenty of time in both countries and for my lifestyle - yes, a lot of day-to-day costs are currently cheaper than in the UK. Food and drink is very competitively priced in the UK, my shops in Big C etc. are more expensive, no doubt about it. And I don't buy a lot of imported foods. Decent clothing - overpriced in Thailand. Gf always takes loads back after coming to see me in the UK. If you buy your clothes in Lotus though, you won't see a difference.


I've read your posts before and you seem to allocate most of your budget to hoes, beer and weed. Your lifestyle is not necessarily representative of others here. 


I don't believe I am not the only one who has noticed the difference, even been mentioned in this thread. I've been coming to Thailand for 15 years, I think I have a reasonable viewpoint on what's gone on during that time. This kind of debate always tends to provoke strong reactions from some though. 


Doesn't matter what price anything is in the UK vs Thailand. The only thing that counts is what the vast majority of farangs went to LOS for, and that is unavailable in the UK except for really rich guys.

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On 7/29/2020 at 9:01 AM, WebGuy said:

Double BigMac in 2010 was 145 thb and now it is 242 thb. Yes, it is getting expensive and represents a kind of prestige (social status). It's the same in all developing countries.

Errrr, double Big Mac aint Bt.242.00.



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13 hours ago, MarkyM3 said:

You have basically confirmed pretty much what I said in my response - you have a specific lifestyle, mine is different. You also said nothing about the housing cost comparisons. £700k for a 3 bed is not representative. I live near Weybridge, highly priced area, that's the sort of money I might expect to pay here. Not many areas can command those kinds of prices or near it - as you know. 

You are not representative of most farangs in Thailand.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Doesn't matter what price anything is in the UK vs Thailand. The only thing that counts is what the vast majority of farangs went to LOS for, and that is unavailable in the UK except for really rich guys.

I actually came here to get away from women, it was the cheapest long haul flight (240 pounds return, Heathrow to Bangkok). Yes, I know, I should have looked before I booked.

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23 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

Well hows this , she is probably a side line Uni girl earning money whilst studying and they ask from 15 K a month  and when they finally get married , sinsot isnt required .

  Sinsot these days and traditionally was for village farm girls  and it isnt required for ex-prostitutes ?


Uni girls don't live with farangs. Contrary to what some naive people think Thai girls don't grow up thinking that they are going to shack up with some poor farang guy staying on an ed visa. Thai girls, especially from hiso families that can afford to send them to expensive unis are looking to marry a hiso Thai guy, and they will be expecting a large sin sod. Apparently you missed all those hiso weddings where the blushing "virgin" bride attracted some exceedingly large sin sod.


Your last sentence exposes just how much you do know about Thailand.


From the website of a man that does know something about Thailand



The family of an unmarried woman in her mid 20s from a very well-connected, respected, high society family with an overseas education may ask for millions of baht. Yes, you read that correctly, MILLIONS. A Thai man marrying her would be expected to be well educated, from a good family himself and either successful in business already, or someone well on the way to reaching that point. He would either himself have the cash on hand, or access to the amount requested. Frankly, farangs seldom marry women like this. It was reported in the press a few years back that the ultra rich American businessman who married Bui, Thailand's Miss World, paid $US 10,000,000 – about 400 million baht! Anyway, for a woman of this standing, the Expected dowry: Millions of baht!

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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Uni girls don't live with farangs. Contrary to what some naive people think Thai girls don't grow up thinking that they are going to shack up with some poor farang guy staying on an ed visa. Thai girls, especially from hiso families that can afford to send them to expensive unis are looking to marry a hiso Thai guy, and they will be expecting a large sin sod. Apparently you missed all those hiso weddings where the blushing "virgin" bride attracted some exceedingly large sin sod.


Expected dowry: Millions of baht!

I'm asking 5MBht+ for my step-daughter.

A year left until graduation, native English speaker, slim, attractive, never been on a date with a guy, completely untouched.

Her wedding night will be the first time she was ever alone with a guy.

PM me with your best bid.

Edited by BritManToo
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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


Uni girls don't live with farangs. Contrary to what some naive people think Thai girls don't grow up thinking that they are going to shack up with some poor farang guy staying on an ed visa. Thai girls, especially from hiso families that can afford to send them to expensive unis are looking to marry a hiso Thai guy, and they will be expecting a large sin sod. Apparently you missed all those hiso weddings where the blushing "virgin" bride attracted some exceedingly large sin sod.


Your last sentence exposes just how much you do know about Thailand.


From the website of a man that does know something about Thailand



The family of an unmarried woman in her mid 20s from a very well-connected, respected, high society family with an overseas education may ask for millions of baht. Yes, you read that correctly, MILLIONS. A Thai man marrying her would be expected to be well educated, from a good family himself and either successful in business already, or someone well on the way to reaching that point. He would either himself have the cash on hand, or access to the amount requested. Frankly, farangs seldom marry women like this. It was reported in the press a few years back that the ultra rich American businessman who married Bui, Thailand's Miss World, paid $US 10,000,000 – about 400 million baht! Anyway, for a woman of this standing, the Expected dowry: Millions of baht!

it would appear after reading above that the pimping of ones daughter is socially acceptable to the hi-so thai community?

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13 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I actually came here to get away from women, it was the cheapest long haul flight (240 pounds return, Heathrow to Bangkok). Yes, I know, I should have looked before I booked.

I don't think there is anywhere in the world to escape them now. I spent a year in the Antarctic and they were even there. They have more now than when I was there, but I reckon still an imbalance.

I'd join a monastery, but not keen at getting up at 4 am to chant.

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2 minutes ago, kingdong said:

it would appear after reading above that the pimping of ones daughter is socially acceptable to the hi-so thai community?

It's not pimping- that would imply renting her out. Sin sod is IMO buying a wife, and yes, apparently that's just fine with Thai hisos.

However it may now be regarded as a method of sorting the no hopers looking to live off her parent's money from those men rich enough to give her the lifestyle she thinks she deserves.

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8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I'm asking 5M+ for my step-daughter.

A year left until graduation, native English speaker, slim, attractive, never been on a date with a guy, completely untouched.

Her wedding night will be the first time she was ever alone with a guy.

PM me with your best bid.

25 billion dollars,zimbabwe ones ok?

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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


Uni girls don't live with farangs. Contrary to what some naive people think Thai girls don't grow up thinking that they are going to shack up with some poor farang guy staying on an ed visa. Thai girls, especially from hiso families that can afford to send them to expensive unis are looking to marry a hiso Thai guy, and they will be expecting a large sin sod. Apparently you missed all those hiso weddings where the blushing "virgin" bride attracted some exceedingly large sin sod.


Your last sentence exposes just how much you do know about Thailand.


From the website of a man that does know something about Thailand



The family of an unmarried woman in her mid 20s from a very well-connected, respected, high society family with an overseas education may ask for millions of baht. Yes, you read that correctly, MILLIONS. A Thai man marrying her would be expected to be well educated, from a good family himself and either successful in business already, or someone well on the way to reaching that point. He would either himself have the cash on hand, or access to the amount requested. Frankly, farangs seldom marry women like this. It was reported in the press a few years back that the ultra rich American businessman who married Bui, Thailand's Miss World, paid $US 10,000,000 – about 400 million baht! Anyway, for a woman of this standing, the Expected dowry: Millions of baht!

Yeah Sinsot and Dowry only seem to apply to felangs and quite often its just for show and the money is returned to source after the wedding and all the photos have been taken 

  Side line girls dont often live with their employer , they are usually some rich guys "bit on the side"

Anyway, we werent talking about rich hi-so's as they have no need to be sideline girls .

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17 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Yeah Sinsot and Dowry only seem to apply to felangs and quite often its just for show and the money is returned to source after the wedding and all the photos have been taken 

  Side line girls dont often live with their employer , they are usually some rich guys "bit on the side"

Anyway, we werent talking about rich hi-so's as they have no need to be sideline girls .

quite often its just for show and the money is returned to source after the wedding and all the photos have been taken 

You have no basis of fact to base that on. Yes, it happens sometimes, but not always.


Given we were talking about uni girls you are way off. They are not "bits on the side".

They are living at home where their parents can keep an eye on their investment, and do you imagine that the uni girls we dream about are not hisos?

Ordinary Thai girls that go to uni are not allowed to wear their skirts at crotch level.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

quite often its just for show and the money is returned to source after the wedding and all the photos have been taken 

You have no basis of fact to base that on. Yes, it happens sometimes, but not always.



*Confused *

I said it "often " happens" , you changed that to *Always* and then stated I have no basis in fact for something I didnt say !!!!!! 

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