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U.S. counterspy chief warns Russia, China, Iran trying to meddle in 2020 election


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9 hours ago, PatOngo said:

And why would'nt they interfere to keep a stooge in the white house, the enemies must just love a clown who sprouts Twitter BS on a daily basis! While Trump divides the enemy will conquer!

Apparently, that would be the Russian approach. They seem to want all Western countries to fail.


The Chinese, on the other hand, have more global concerns. They believe that someone like Trump with zero constraints in his second term (his party won't agree to impeach not matter what, he will be lame duck and won't be constrained by the electorate) there is no limit on the damage he might do globally. Therefore, they would prefer someone who, while not on their side, would at least be sane.


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9 hours ago, heybruce said:

That means anything on the internet not from a trusted, credible source should not be believed.

I believe this group not to be trusted include REUTERS.

Russia is 'for' Trump and China/Iran are anti-trumpers. We get to see the clash of the best sneaky internet internetters. Hope we get to learn if North Korea is pro or con on POTUS.

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3 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

I believe this group not to be trusted include REUTERS.

Russia is 'for' Trump and China/Iran are anti-trumpers. We get to see the clash of the best sneaky internet internetters. Hope we get to learn if North Korea is pro or con on POTUS.

Then who/what is your trusted source of news?

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9 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

Let's agree that if Trump loses then there was meddling, if he wins then everything was terrific and great and bigly tremendous.

Except for the fact that the complete opposite happened when Trump won. He is a Russian spy after all. This time it's going to be the ballad of the mail in ballots.

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8 hours ago, heybruce said:

Both sides did that during the cold war.  Has the US done that since the cold war ended?

But, as John Lecarre's Smiley character put it, "we're on the side of the angels."


(disclaimer: it may not have been Smiley himself, might have been his boss) (been a long time since I read that)



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2 minutes ago, Heppinger said:

Whats the point of meddling in the election of a country that chose a degenerate, bankrupt reality TV star as President and would consider a degenerate fashion designing rapper with bi-polar to be their next president.  Self destruction is imminent.

The best reality TV star.  Ask anyone.  Everyone says so.  

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50 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Yes, last time Trump insisted there were millions of illegal votes for Hillary Clinton, yet strangely could not find a single one.  This time he's certain to make a similar claim about mail in ballots, and will be equally unsuccessful in finding fraudulent votes.


Maybe he could accuse somebody of being a Russian asset as an insurance plan. You say those things like your side didn't do some nefarious stuff.

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13 hours ago, Proboscis said:

Apparently, that would be the Russian approach. They seem to want all Western countries to fail.


The Chinese, on the other hand, have more global concerns. They believe that someone like Trump with zero constraints in his second term (his party won't agree to impeach not matter what, he will be lame duck and won't be constrained by the electorate) there is no limit on the damage he might do globally. Therefore, they would prefer someone who, while not on their side, would at least be sane.


Or Trump, Xi and Putin give 2 sh*ts about the nations they rule over and are more concerned with controlling their livestock while they rob said livestock, only pausing to kiss up to BiBi and molest a wall.

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7 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

Except for the fact that the complete opposite happened when Trump won. He is a Russian spy after all. This time it's going to be the ballad of the mail in ballots.

When those close to the administration pointed out Trump's people were incompetent to work with Russia.

 I believed them. Funny how it was the Republicans who launched t investigation though.

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8 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

Except for the fact that the complete opposite happened when Trump won. He is a Russian spy after all. This time it's going to be the ballad of the mail in ballots.

Try thinking with the logical side of your brain:  What was the Trump campaign investigated for?


Hint; no one said he was a Russian spy.

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56 minutes ago, rabas said:

Yes, only in America and only for Democrats there is no possibility that people would want to cheat on elections to gain power. Or do you suggest that everywhere in the world, for hundreds of years has gone to great extremes to prevent election fraud for no reason.


What are you going on about?  The lack of significant election fraud indicates that existing safeguards are doing a pretty good job of preventing it.  There weren't millions of illegal votes for Hillary Clinton.  There isn't evidence of significant voter fraud in the upcoming election.  Apparently some people hope it will happen, but they will be disappointed.

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1 hour ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Okay, most of us here on Thai Visa know that Trump has been one of the worst American presidents ever.  Trump has totally undermined and dis-credited the US government, and Trump is also a danger and threat to world peace.

Now then, China is trying to remove Trump. So, let's all get behind China, and support China's effort to oust Trump. Trump must go, I really don't think America can survive another four years of Trump being in the White House.

China is trying to remove the West.

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26 minutes ago, heybruce said:

What are you going on about?  The lack of significant election fraud indicates that existing safeguards are doing a pretty good job of preventing it.  There weren't millions of illegal votes for Hillary Clinton.  There isn't evidence of significant voter fraud in the upcoming election.  Apparently some people hope it will happen, but they will be disappointed.

I was trying to help you think with the logical side of your brain.

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1 hour ago, rabas said:

I was trying to help you think with the logical side of your brain.

Not a problem, I'm a very analytical person by nature and training.  I was trying to help you understand that baseless claims of widespread election fraud does not help election integrity or democracy. 

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On 8/8/2020 at 8:52 AM, J Town said:

Of course, the CIA has NEVER done anything like overthrow governments to set up their own stooge.

Yes, they have. Does that mean they should sit back and fold their arms and say "well, we deserve this. Let's just sit back and watch it happen"?

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45 minutes ago, somtamgaiyang said:

Yes, they have. Does that mean they should sit back and fold their arms and say "well, we deserve this. Let's just sit back and watch it happen"?

That was sarcasm.




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7 hours ago, riclag said:


 Mentioning more is always better. especially when  the activist reporters don't use the full context of his speech while attempting imop to associate the President as not caring, what a(suspected,unusual public statement) intel agent said! 

 "Look at what we’ve done in exposing the pipeline with billions of dollars going to Russia.

Look at all of the things we’ve done with NATO, where I’ve raised $130 billion a year from countries that were delinquent, and now they’re paying all of this money.

And that’s all money to protect against Russia".




How does that prevent Russian or other foreign interference in the election?

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3 hours ago, heybruce said:

How does that prevent Russian or other foreign interference in the election?

 First I was responding to one of your friends  yahoo article they sighted, but the best I can do is give you what my countries intentions are on prevention.


"As the lead federal agency responsible for securing the Nation’s elections infrastructure, CISA works closely with the intelligence community, law enforcement officials, private sector partners, and others across the Federal Government to ensure we are doing everything possible to defend our electoral systems. But this needs to be a whole of nation effort. State and local election officials are on the front lines, and the role of the Federal Government is to make sure that they are prepared".



According to these plans they use intel data to advise hundreds  of state and local election committees through out America on many many activities they can perform to  help prevent interference.

https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/ESI Strategic Plan_FINAL 2.7.20 508.pdf



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