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A Warning

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I Pattaya yesterday it was scorching hot, probably the hottest day of the year yet.

I went to my local bar/restaurant yesterday and found a friend of mine in a very distressed state.

He is the owner and had some stuff to sort out in the kitchens. Thinking he'd only be 5 minutes, he left his 6 month old Bang Kaew (sp) in the car with 2 windows slightly open.

He reckons he was gone 20-30 minutes and when he went to the car the dog was dead :o

Other people confirmed that the windows were slightly open and that he wasn't away for more than 30 mins.

Before you all slate him for what he did, don't bother, he learnt a very painful lesson.

Let this be a warning to all of us, don't leave your pets in cars

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I Pattaya yesterday it was scorching hot, probably the hottest day of the year yet.

I went to my local bar/restaurant yesterday and found a friend of mine in a very distressed state.

He is the owner and had some stuff to sort out in the kitchens. Thinking he'd only be 5 minutes, he left his 6 month old Bang Kaew (sp) in the car with 2 windows slightly open.

He reckons he was gone 20-30 minutes and when he went to the car the dog was dead :o

Other people confirmed that the windows were slightly open and that he wasn't away for more than 30 mins.

Before you all slate him for what he did, don't bother, he learnt a very painful lesson.

Let this be a warning to all of us, don't leave your pets in cars

Sorry about your friend, he must feel very very horrible.

Even in Thailand's windertime it isn't wise to leave your animal (or kid) in the car, as during the day it still can become too hot. During this time of year, only 5 minutes can already do a lot of damage. Something I realize each time I step into my car, it's like an oven despite the slightly opened windows .... Parking in the shade makes so far the difference between a very very hot oven and a less very hot oven.


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I Pattaya yesterday it was scorching hot, probably the hottest day of the year yet.

I went to my local bar/restaurant yesterday and found a friend of mine in a very distressed state.

He is the owner and had some stuff to sort out in the kitchens. Thinking he'd only be 5 minutes, he left his 6 month old Bang Kaew (sp) in the car with 2 windows slightly open.

He reckons he was gone 20-30 minutes and when he went to the car the dog was dead :o

Other people confirmed that the windows were slightly open and that he wasn't away for more than 30 mins.

Before you all slate him for what he did, don't bother, he learnt a very painful lesson.

Let this be a warning to all of us, don't leave your pets in cars

Tragic, but one wouldn't do this in a UK summer let alone in Thailand.

Nevertheless it must have been terrible for your friend, sincere condolences a very painful lesson learned indeed!

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