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Murdered British backpacker’s parents ‘GRATEFUL’ killers’ death sentences reduced to life in jail


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31 minutes ago, mogandave said:

It’s interesting that the same people that believe the evil Thai government absolutely hates foreigners seem to also believe the same evil Thai government would frame a couple of innocent men to make the foreigners they hate feel safer thereby attracting more of the foreigners they hate...

They hate foreigners, but love our money.

How hard is that to understand?


But let's face it, it was other foreigners they framed.

No Thais lost out.

Edited by BritManToo
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2 hours ago, Road Warrior said:

if was my son would want "eye for eye "  no  less

So you would be oaky, with two - most likely- innocent men, being convicted on more then doubtful "evidence", get killed, because you had a really <deleted>ty day!

How principled and moral of you!

This case shows 100% what is wrong with the death sentence: too many people get convicted, who turn out to be innocent!

But ...oooopsie...you killed them, with your thirst for revenge!

Yes: revenge!

Not justice!

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3 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

Except the parents of the murdered victims who have seen more evidence than you.


"Miller’s family also expressed confidence in the Thai judicial process, saying the evidence against the defendants seemed “powerful and convincing”."


It seems everybody is deeply convinced it all was a big set up, two poor immigrants wrongly setup by corrupt Thai police (of course, whats new...) and wrongly convicted.


I didnt see the evidence nor did i follow  the case, but the parents believe these are the murderers, they seen evidence and also spoken with investigators from the uk.


So, why exactly whats the evidence that these two young men are innocent?

You forgot to add..."A Thai would never do this" .................????.................:coffee1:

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1 hour ago, mogandave said:

It’s interesting that the same people that believe the evil Thai government absolutely hates foreigners seem to also believe the same evil Thai government would frame a couple of innocent men to make the foreigners they hate feel safer thereby attracting more of the foreigners they hate...


It's more interesting that apologists can only see two possibilities from the spectrum of opinions. 


Being of the understanding or belief that there was a perversion of justice in charging the two Burmese guys has absolutely nothing to do with ones support of lack of for the the existing Thai Government. 


Join-dots which are not there just throw out a criticism is rather flawed. 

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1 hour ago, BigC said:

They deserve death penalty  for what they did and anyone  that disagrees and tries to blame the thai authorities  does not deserve to have a visa and stay in Thailand 



On the visa extension forms, they could add an extra question :

  "Who you think murdered Hannah and David" , anyone who doesn't answer "The Burmese 2" should be refused a visa extension ?

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2 hours ago, P100 said:

They admitted the killings in order to not get executed? Why do I feel so bad around my stomach when thinking of rule of law the Thai style?? These guys will spend decades in jail for something they might have never committed...


Thai justice system in total need of credibility... Red Bull walks free? Myanmar workers put on death row. Corrupt <deleted> up country with no trust in justice.

Except the very same thing happens in other countries too. In places like the US, accused persons can sometimes avoid the death penalty by pleading guilty if the defence and prosecution have reasons for negotiating such an option. And while there are no 'royal pardons' there, we've seen 'presidential pardons' in recent months for lesser crimes.  

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6 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Surreal. If anyone killed a family member of mine, death to them!

i would agree with that, but only if there is 100% proof that the person or persons are guilty, I am not sure if that is the case here.

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4 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

Except the parents of the murdered victims who have seen more evidence than you.


"Miller’s family also expressed confidence in the Thai judicial process, saying the evidence against the defendants seemed “powerful and convincing”."


It seems everybody is deeply convinced it all was a big set up, two poor immigrants wrongly setup by corrupt Thai police (of course, whats new...) and wrongly convicted.


I didnt see the evidence nor did i follow  the case, but the parents believe these are the murderers, they seen evidence and also spoken with investigators from the uk.


So, why exactly whats the evidence that these two young men are innocent?

There doesn't seem to be much evidence that the two young men are guilty, certainly not beyond all doubt. This is Thailand.

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Sketchy conviction, there's no closure here. If I were that headman's son i'd be watching my back. A clear convincing conviction would've been great, everyone could go home and get on with their lives. What we have here is the worst of all worlds - this guy, maybe innocent maybe not, is walking around with a cloud over his head, maybe two innocent guys in jail; who knows what the truth is. I must say, for all its contortions, the Red Bull case is at least clear. We know who did what, to whom, and where.

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1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

Reads like a fantasy. The guy claims his friend was with the suspects, a perfect alibi. Yet even the international defense didn’t come up with this mystery woman in court.

And his alternative story is various people related to a bar murdering them for such offensive things as complaining about being shortchanged or treating a ladyboy badly. Zero evidence at all there and the Burmese didn’t report anyone else walking past. 

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7 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Surreal. If anyone killed a family member of mine, death to them!

I Hear Ya... But in this case we all (World) know they didn't do it and the big island family get away with murder so to speak

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23 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

There doesn't seem to be much evidence that the two young men are guilty, certainly not beyond all doubt. This is Thailand.


I thought it was a frame up too. But when you read the facts of the case (as presented in court by both the prosecution and defense, not random blogs and pseudo-media) it paints a totally different picture. The real story was so different than what was portrayed on some infamous websites that you have to wonder what their agenda was. Seems it was more about publicity than objectivity. 

Some examples:


- Unlike other Burmese the two fled. One changed his appearance. This was before they were suspected of the murder. 

- In the end the defense refused to retest DNA using a third-party lab when given the chance even though this could have conclusively cleared the defendants. The judge mentioned this as a major factor in the decision as there would be no way for the prosecution to get semen samples from the defense without them knowing. 


- The defense first said they left the beach before the murders took place and the smashed phone was not from the victim. When the father of the victim got IMEI info from the provider in the UK proving the phone was the victim’s then the story changed, that they went back to the beach to pick up wet clothes and found the phone. 

- UK independent police investigation results were disclosed only to the families as they could not participate in a court case where the death penalty was involved. The police only said the info would have not helped the defendants. 

- The Thai lawyer for the defendants claimed that they had been beaten into a confession and when he saw them they were horribly bruised. But when challenged why the next morning the two were in front of cameras and no bruises were visible he said the police had given them a special healing medicine. If someone can find out what that special medicine is called I’d love to bottle and sell it!

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3 minutes ago, Crash999 said:


I thought it was a frame up too. But when you read the facts of the case (as presented in court by both the prosecution and defense, not random blogs and pseudo-media) it paints a totally different picture. The real story was so different than what was portrayed on some infamous websites that you have to wonder what their agenda was. Seems it was more about publicity than objectivity. 

Some examples:


- Unlike other Burmese the two fled. One changed his appearance. This was before they were suspected of the murder. 

- In the end the defense refused to retest DNA using a third-party lab when given the chance even though this could have conclusively cleared the defendants. The judge mentioned this as a major factor in the decision as there would be no way for the prosecution to get semen samples from the defense without them knowing. 


- The defense first said they left the beach before the murders took place and the smashed phone was not from the victim. When the father of the victim got IMEI info from the provider in the UK proving the phone was the victim’s then the story changed, that they went back to the beach to pick up wet clothes and found the phone. 

- UK independent police investigation results were disclosed only to the families as they could not participate in a court case where the death penalty was involved. The police only said the info would have not helped the defendants. 

- The Thai lawyer for the defendants claimed that they had been beaten into a confession and when he saw them they were horribly bruised. But when challenged why the next morning the two were in front of cameras and no bruises were visible he said the police had given them a special healing medicine. If someone can find out what that special medicine is called I’d love to bottle and sell it!

I still don't believe they were guilty beyond all doubt.

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10 minutes ago, Crash999 said:


I thought it was a frame up too. But when you read the facts of the case (as presented in court by both the prosecution and defense, not random blogs and pseudo-media) it paints a totally different picture. The real story was so different than what was portrayed on some infamous websites that you have to wonder what their agenda was. Seems it was more about publicity than objectivity. 

Some examples:


- Unlike other Burmese the two fled. One changed his appearance. This was before they were suspected of the murder. 

- In the end the defense refused to retest DNA using a third-party lab when given the chance even though this could have conclusively cleared the defendants. The judge mentioned this as a major factor in the decision as there would be no way for the prosecution to get semen samples from the defense without them knowing. 


- The defense first said they left the beach before the murders took place and the smashed phone was not from the victim. When the father of the victim got IMEI info from the provider in the UK proving the phone was the victim’s then the story changed, that they went back to the beach to pick up wet clothes and found the phone. 

- UK independent police investigation results were disclosed only to the families as they could not participate in a court case where the death penalty was involved. The police only said the info would have not helped the defendants. 

- The Thai lawyer for the defendants claimed that they had been beaten into a confession and when he saw them they were horribly bruised. But when challenged why the next morning the two were in front of cameras and no bruises were visible he said the police had given them a special healing medicine. If someone can find out what that special medicine is called I’d love to bottle and sell it!

For example: you are aware, that people who are used to torturing, now ways to NOT leave visible marks, right?!

Or that there are forms of torture, that leave no marks to begin with?

So...what was the point about that?


And also: IF the story of the B2 changed, it was not the only story that changed constantly!

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6 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

Except the parents of the murdered victims who have seen more evidence than you.


"Miller’s family also expressed confidence in the Thai judicial process, saying the evidence against the defendants seemed “powerful and convincing”."


It seems everybody is deeply convinced it all was a big set up, two poor immigrants wrongly setup by corrupt Thai police (of course, whats new...) and wrongly convicted.


I didnt see the evidence nor did i follow  the case, but the parents believe these are the murderers, they seen evidence and also spoken with investigators from the uk.


So, why exactly whats the evidence that these two young men are innocent?

The girls parents did not believe the Burmese were the killers Hanna's (sp.) sister came out to Thailand and to Kho Tao to try and find out more she was first offered money to forget it which she refused then warned to keep her mouth shut and leave Thailand with the kind words to tell her parents to make another daughter!

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5 hours ago, paul1804 said:

This is another very controversial case, why does Thailand allow this to go on knowing full well that there is something seriously amiss here. Come on Thailand move into a world of transparency, stamp out corruption as these face saving scenarios are seriously detrimental to your integrity and the people of Thailand. Long term you will benefit & prosper. 

Prayut said a the time a Thai would never do this, and later said he was quite happy justice had been done after the court case!

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