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About 20 police officers mishandled Vorayuth’s hit and run case

Jonathan Fairfield

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The buck is being passed downwards. These officers will be the scapegoats and those who instruct them will get away Scott free. I seriously doubt that police officers at the sharp end would mishandle a case involving one of their own unless they were ordered to do so from the highest levels on pain of dismissal or disciplinary action for unrelated and probably false allegations of misconduct.

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Am I the only one in the world who sees this as one of the greatest miscarriage of justice in existence.

The brat is guilty as hell and needs to be taken out.

The rulers of this country have no problem taking out others in nearby countries and even fitting concrete boots to locals

perceived to be obstacles to the self nominated elite.

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2 hours ago, overt2016 said:

Am I the only one in the world who sees this as one of the greatest miscarriage of justice in existence.

The brat is guilty as hell and needs to be taken out.

The rulers of this country have no problem taking out others in nearby countries and even fitting concrete boots to locals

perceived to be obstacles to the self nominated elite.

Yes you are the only one

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16 hours ago, scorecard said:

About 3 years back my uni had a beautiful young female professor come from Italy to teach Economics for one semester.


From Suvanbhumi she had problems with the taxi, driver insisted on 1,000Baht to Ramkhamhaeng area and was making lewd hand actions.


She was then worried about taking a taxi the next morning from her hotel to the uni about 4 km. She called the uni. admin, they quickly sent 2 male students to meet her at the hotel and bring her to campus.


Late afternoon the same students took her to the footpath outside the uni, they hailed a taxi, she got in, driver locked the doors, opened a window a little and asked 'where is she from' and more, then  said, 'she is farang she has to pay more'.


The students noticed 2 cops standing back watching they asked the cops to help. One of the cops replied 'how much money does she have?'


Students called more cops who did help, the students hailed another taxi and went with her to her hotel.


From the hotel she later called the uni director and advised that she had changed her ticket and was flying home the next morning. 

The sad thing is this thing happens regularly. I lived on Ramkamheng Road for years and the police would stop and hassle people regularly. Yet there are still those on here who never see anything wrong with the police wearing their rose tinted spectacles.  The sheer incompetence of this case and the Ko Tao murders have shown to the world just how incompetent the police here are.



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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

The sad thing is this thing happens regularly. I lived on Ramkamheng Road for years and the police would stop and hassle people regularly. Yet there are still those on here who never see anything wrong with the police wearing their rose tinted spectacles.  The sheer incompetence of this case and the Ko Tao murders have shown to the world just how incompetent the police here are.



Regularly... YES.


The same Uni has on-going good relations/exchange agreements for joint programs with several unis in Europe; Germany, France, Denmark and more. In many classes 20-30% of the students are foreigners, they all speak perfect English, they are well behaved, polite and they are good students who contribute very well to case studies / class discussions etc.


Exchange students having problems with apartment rentals, deposits, taxis etc., are regular and on-going.


A few years back the director put together a small team from the Admin. staff, who:


Step 1:  Found 3 or 4 apartment/condo buildings within walking distance to the uni, the owners signed an agreement to directly contact the admin. team if there was any issues or problems, rather then try to talk with the student(s), given language problems. 


Step 2: Further, a member of this team takes new exchange students to one of these close by accommodation places and helps with first discussions with owners, takes many photos at the first visit. This team always takes smartphone photos of all documents which are put into a uni admin. dept., file. And something was put in place re return of deposits (I don't now the details).


Further, re taxis, if the students want to go another area of Bkk for site seeing, meals, shopping etc., a small team of mature logical male and female Thai students are available to accompany them. These are Thai youngsters who are keen to spend time with foreign students and learn about other cultures, vales, food etc.


The uni tried to develop a direct contact with local police station. 'Sorry too busy'.



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