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Dengue Fever


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Just got released out of the hospital where I have been for the last 4 days with Dengue.

Still not feeling 100% but am ok now I guess. Just still itching like crazy and a bit weak.

Just so you know be carefull as those little MF seem to be all around us again.

Not a fun thing to have I can tell you

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Dengue fever, a disease caused by a virus transmitted by the Aedes mosquito.

Gives you high fever, often so high your joints and muscles start hurting (hence dengue is nicknamed break-bone fever), along with itching rashes.

Normally lasts around 6-7 days. Dengue is not fatal, apart sometimes for weakened persons and the very young or old...

No cure, you just have to sweat it out. Hospitals will only give supportive mediaction to keep up your fluid levels and control pain and fever.

Never any aspirin, since the disease increases the risk of bleeding.

Important to now is that the Aedes mosquito is only active during the day, mainly at dawn and dusk.

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I had Dengue a few of years ago. This was before there was a Ms D so I just lay alone in my bungalow for about a week drifting in and out of sleep, I could say consciousness but that would be too dramatic.

Great diet plan!

The dengue mosquito operates during the day and is black in color with white markings on the back. You can’t win, malaria at night and dengue in the day.

I was told that once you have the dengue you are immunized then further attacks are mild.

I got my attack on Koh Phangan where there is no malaria but at that time there were warnings about dengue.


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Another question....................

Has anyone bought ( I know bl-oody expensive, but...... ) ' Black Hole' mozzi killers from Home Pro ?

All this talk of disease has me worried.

Sorry one more. for the greenies amongst you, I have heard certain indigenous Thai trees keep away the little blighters . Any idea ?

Edited by suiging
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Another question....................

Has anyone bought ( I know bl-oody expensive, but...... ) ' Black Hole' mozzi killers from Home Pro ?

All this talk of disease has me worried.

Sorry one more. for the greenies amongst you, I have heard certain indigenous Thai trees keep away the little blighters . Any idea ?

Some say that lemon grass or citronella can help. There are anecdotal reports of these and other plants helping. However tests done with citronella extracts ( reported by CDC, I think) showed minimal effectiveness. Deet is the number one recommended mosquito repellent and has worked for me for years. DEET can eat many synthetic materials. Now there is a new less nasty juice. The chemical is Picaridin and works GREAT for me. There is no worry of holes in shorts and webbing. It doesn't smell like a chemical refinery and it does not have the just not right feeling of DEET on the skin. It is sold in Cutter Advanced insect repellent. I brought several bottles with me, but am now low. Anyone know where it might be in LOS?



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Just got released out of the hospital where I have been for the last 4 days with Dengue.

Still not feeling 100% but am ok now I guess. Just still itching like crazy and a bit weak.

Just so you know be carefull as those little MF seem to be all around us again.

Not a fun thing to have I can tell you

Get well soon and i hope you are on your way to recovery

Just had the first death if it this year in Singapore - it brought on Hep B and that killed him

A vaccine is on the way but it will be a few years yet

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Is their a vacination for Dengue Fever? If their is has any one got one? Where did you get it and how much did it cost?

Candidate vaccines I know of are in phase II/III now so it will still be a few years away before a vaccine

They are having large trials in Thailand so if you find out the hospital you might get on it!

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The more interesting page is http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/dengue/dengue-qa.htm

I always heard that 2nd time around the effect will be much worse than first time.

Since aspirin use is strongly discouraged for someone with Dengue fever, what does those who take aspirin-derivatives to avoid blood clots do?

I'd think being off the aspirin for a few days (a week?) during the acute febrile phase of the attack would be the more conservative strategy given possibility of uncontrollable hemorrhaging vs. the relatively lesser odds of clot formation.


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My wife contracted dengue three times when she was younger. After listening to her descriptions of dengue fever, it is definitely something I do not want to experience. It appears from my recent readings on the subject, that DEET is still the most sure fire method of repelling mosquitoes even though they have had good test results from several other products on the market.

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