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Thai Customs


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Hi everyone, hope this is in the correct section, we are getting a house built and would like to know more about some of the rituals and customs relating to homes. What does the ground breaking ceremony consist of and what part does(should) the owner play? Do you have the house blessed when finished? How do you choose the colour of a spirit house and how do you know where to site it? Any information on these topics would be appreciated, also anything else which we have missed.


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My wife consulted the temple for the best date to perform the ground breaking ceremony. The builders can lay out the foundation marks and make some minor preparations before the ceremony.

Prior to the ground breaking ceremony the house position was selected by the elder members of the family to take into account the bedroom position away from the afternoon sun, direction the bad storms come from, etc. The house was then designed with this in mind.

While designing the house I wanted a door at the rear of the house inline with the front door to allow a breeze through the house. I was advised this was a bad idea as it's believed money comes in the front door and out the rear. As inline doors allow the money to escape, the house plan was adjusted to an offset rear door.

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The house blessing usually occurs after you move in. The move in date will also be set by the temple, much consulting will be done between the monks, final consultation with the head monk. During the ground breaking ceremony, the head monk will have talked to the building contractor and found out when he is obliged to finish by.

Spirit house colour and location is set by ..... you guessed it..... the monks.

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It may appear a money making enterprise, but its there culture and it must be respected in my opinion even if we may think different:

Having bought your land and decided to build an elder from the village as mentioned above will seek a position for the 1st post and having consulted elders and the head monk when is a good day to start the holes will be dug and the setting of the first post and all the holes will be blessed and the 1st post raised laden with gifts and flowers etc that all having meaning, each holes is then blessed with greenery of a certain kind and some money in wach hole dont worry its only 1 bht's.

Then your building begins:

As Thaddeus said a move in date will be obtained from the Monk and the builder informed.

THen you get your house party whenever you want to have it.

Normally the 1st posts are set at 9 a.m. This time is relevant for most things even picking upm a New truck 9 am and a drive round the block sounding your horn to ward off bad spirits, then pre-delivery is continued.

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As Thaddeus said a move in date will be obtained from the Monk and the builder informed.

Actually Mac it was the opposite way around for us, my comment was a little tongue in cheek and may have been too heavily veiled.

We had our builder sign a contract before work started and well before we set foot in the Wat, the only thing he could stipulate was when he would finish by (or at least make the house liveable in) if he didn't finish by that date, it went into penalty clauses.

When we consulted the Wat for our move in date I was shocked, neigh amazed, that they came up with exactly the same date. Coincidence? as the head monk and contractor had spent some time talking together at the ground breaking ceremony, I somehow doubt it.

Incidentally, the house was ready to move into on May 2nd, we had been given the date of the 12th, I had been in the in-laws two up nothing down wooden shed for three months and was not prepared to wait, I informed the wife that I am a Christian and I am moving in now ...... she went to get a second opinion and found out that we could do that as long as Ma-in-law came round at sunset every evening, lit six incense sticks outside the front porch and prayed.

I love these people

(that last comment was serious)

//edit/ hey I like to edit :o

Edited by Thaddeus
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reminds me of the move-in date when we moved offices a year ago. The wife called in Isaan and they came back with the correct moving date.

Now by that time the old lessee didn't move out yet, so we were not able to move in. The solution: We brought a box with files to the new office and this qualified as move-in.

I love the Thai's practical approach to things... :o

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Normally the 1st posts are set at 9 a.m. This time is relevant for most things even picking upm a New truck 9 am and a drive round the block sounding your horn to ward off bad spirits, then pre-delivery is continued.

There's a warning in here somewhere. Don't build your house anywhere near a car dealer or you will be woken every morning at 9am by happy thais warding off bad spirits

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