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Amnesty to be extended to October 31

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Not really bothered as I'm not in the country, and not going to trawl 12 pages to see if this has been said, but in case it hasn't:


Is it possible that the rumour is based on a minor decision to tidy things up, and merely extend the expiry date (27th October?) of recently granted 30 day extensions by 4 days until the 31st?


To bring it inline, and look "nice on the calendar", with the end of the month dates of the COVID related amnesties?


And it's just w****** about by some petty bureaucrat?



Edited by Enoon
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1 hour ago, AsianFairyWingBlueBird said:

So my country wouldnt issue an embassy letter, so I had nothing to take to immigration.


>> I did sent you a PM with a possible solution.

To check your PM-messages just click the letter-icon next to your profile when logged-in to the Forum.

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5 hours ago, Wongkitlo said:

How do you become legal if you are already on overstay? Sure you can go and pay the fine but there is always the chance they will arrest you. Regardless if they started arresting farung it would become a PR nightmare. Imagine the world press reporting Immigration were too unorganized to process everyone and then went and arrested people for it.

Surely the principle is to pay the fine as you're exiting the country, not pay it at your nearest IO and then continue overstaying.

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3 hours ago, easydoor said:

Reading the reactions some people are already dancing on the table .... for what? There is nowhere written amnesty has been extended yet.... it's only a rumor, nothing more, so don't count on it yet.

A draft document (in Thai) has been posted online, mentioning an extension proposal from September 27 to October 31, it apparently hasn't been signed though.

Edited by bjaz
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3 minutes ago, bjaz said:

A draft document (in Thai) has been posted online, mentioning an extension proposal from September 27 to October 31, it apparently hasn't been signed though.

On a Thai government web page or just on an internet based news source. Show a link next time if you can.

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23 hours ago, STD Warehouse said:

Ohhh what a surprise! Not!


i told everyone they would extend, and I tell you know, they will extend it again after this extension, it’s so obvious.

All in the hope a vaccine will be discovered in the meantime,so extensions, regulations ,delays ect & everything else will keep us on the edge of our seat until the miracle cure is found ,not only Thailand but world wide

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22 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

The problem is many of us have already got our extension up to the 26th of October so we're <deleted> off that we wasted that time and money.

Yeah, I understand your anger. Who wouldn´t be furious over losing 65 dollar? :cheesy:


Ooh, as well as all the time this have taken away from you. It must feel like you lost a part of your life.


You have my deepest understanding.

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16 minutes ago, Hoppyone said:

All in the hope a vaccine will be discovered in the meantime,so extensions, regulations ,delays ect & everything else will keep us on the edge of our seat until the miracle cure is found ,not only Thailand but world wide


Even if a vaccine is developed, it will take years to administer it to a significant percentage of the population. We are looking at quarantines and travel difficulties until at least 2022, and I'm a very optimistic person.

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23 hours ago, FlyingThai said:

Great. Another entertaining month of Amnesty extension threads on TVF. October is saved! ????

Its like a TV series but monthly not weekly... but I guess, what are they to do?  like everyone globally, nobody knows...

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20 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

What an utterly ignorant and obnoxious post!

And fyi > the 'wasted' 1.900 THB is only tip-of-the-iceberg.

If the Amnesty is extended till October 31 and you made the effort to apply for the Embassy Letter supported 'special' extension, you would:

- have wasted quite some time/effort on getting that now unneeded extension;
- have to return to IO to get the 'under consideration' stamp changed into a valid - but once again needless - stamp (yes, once again time and effort wasted);

- possibly have problems for future Embassy letter extensions as some embassies/IOs have stated they will only issue/handle such special extension ONCE.


And if you planned to use that special extension as a spring-board for a 90-day Non Imm O Visa application, the 'under consideration period' will make that impossible, as you would get the actual (further useless) extension stamp too late to apply for that Non Imm O Visa (which requires at least 15 days left on your permission to stay when applying).

I am one of these people who intended to spring board off the extension to non-o, but i only received a an 'under consideration' stamp for the 6th Oct.


Would you have an opinion on whether i should try apply for the non-o tomorrow or would i get rejected based on the time? If i dont get the initial extension i applied for, is it still possible to apply for a 60 day family visit extension to springboard onto the non-o with?



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1 hour ago, Deserted said:

I've heard it will be extended on Sept. 32nd. You have to turn up completely drunk and with an ugly bar girl or they won't see you. The revised cost is 666 Satang, it only takes 69 hours to process, chairs are provided in a nearby marsh.

I read it on the internet so it must be true.

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Today I determined that I have Amnesia, and can only remember life as if it was Ground Hog Day, Amnesty just keeps recycling everywhere I look.  I asked for amnesty once, but the Catholic Priest wanted me to say penance and a hail Mary.  I asked him if he watched football and always waited to see the final Hail Mary....The more I think about this subject and OP it seems like the Hail Mary pass is in the air, and we need to wait and see if it is caught or the Stanford Marching band takes the field during the play.

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18 minutes ago, RopeySG said:

I am one of these people who intended to spring board off the extension to non-o, but i only received a an 'under consideration' stamp for the 6th Oct.


Would you have an opinion on whether i should try apply for the non-o tomorrow or would i get rejected based on the time? If i dont get the initial extension i applied for, is it still possible to apply for a 60 day family visit extension to springboard onto the non-o with?

Afaik you cannot apply for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa while still 'under consideration' for your current Embassy Letter supported extension.  

There are more than 15 days between the under consideration return-date (Oct 6) and the permission to stay expiry date (should be Oct 26 if the IO stamped you in correctly), so you would be able to apply for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa once you got the 'approved' permission to stay stamp on Oct 6. 

Edited by Peter Denis
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4 hours ago, Walker88 said:

True, that.


The good news is they did not count it as the "one time" TV extension, since it was obviated by the amnesty.  Lots of people who had gone for the extension in April just got another extension last week.


Rules are made to be broken...by those who make the rules.

I don't think that's true. I think the people who got the 1 month tourist visa extension in April had to get embassy letter extension this month.

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7 hours ago, audaciousnomad said:


Knowing how severe the libel/defamation laws are here, it would be absolutely insane for the Herald to print this without any shred of truth. Falsely suggesting that the highest ranking govt official in the Kingdom has approved a legal order is surely bordering on criminal under the laws here.
Noting that, I expect sometime this week we will all see that there is indeed some truth to this extension announcement.

website is based in Australia. I think that is a way around it.

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1 hour ago, bjaz said:

It's on a CM visa agent's pro FB page - not sure how legal it is for her to post stuff like that online, or even to relay this so I edited the links out. We'll see what happens tomorrow...

This isn't North Korea. There's not going to be a dawn raid on your home just because you mentioned this information on an internet forum. Tell us the name of the agent and we'll Google it and assess the information for ourselves.

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