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Home Pro Competitor(s)

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No. Home Pro is by far the largest such retailer. Central Group has Home Works (which the one time I checked prices they were at the normal Central Group levels). There is also a Cement Thai brand name used for there building materials stores which I believe is used country wide but stores will vary greatly (more a re-branding of mom & pop like 7/11). Most hardware stores are still independents and each city will have several. There are also large tile/appliance type stores and some are multi outlet type places. Several are on Ratchada here in Bangkok.

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Thanks for this information. Been living in Thailand for a long time, but canยดt recall Centrals Home works though. Same goes for Global house.

lannarebirth: do you know who is behind Global house? Website only in thai, so I canยดt figure it out.

Once again: thanks guys.


No. Home Pro is by far the largest such retailer. Central Group has Home Works (which the one time I checked prices they were at the normal Central Group levels). There is also a Cement Thai brand name used for there building materials stores which I believe is used country wide but stores will vary greatly (more a re-branding of mom & pop like 7/11). Most hardware stores are still independents and each city will have several. There are also large tile/appliance type stores and some are multi outlet type places. Several are on Ratchada here in Bangkok.
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Central Group has Home Works located on the 5th floor at its Bagna central Shopping Centre.

Many a time I have lugged tiles, bathroom fittings,tins of paint ,electric gear...Consumer units,earth rods,MCBs etc down in their back lift which is handy for the ground floor car park.

Anything heavier they can usually guarantee delivery next day.....ie. New bog fittings,floor tiles,doors,windows .....and prices OK but Global (already mentioned ) in Chiang Mai is a LOT cheaper and its located on main Sarapee road turn left at x-roads when going to San Kham Peng.....cant miss it it BIG... :o

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Okay, so Global is a one store operation. As always, thanks for the comments.


Central Group has Home Works located on the 5th floor at its Bagna central Shopping Centre.

Many a time I have lugged tiles, bathroom fittings,tins of paint ,electric gear...Consumer units,earth rods,MCBs etc down in their back lift which is handy for the ground floor car park.

Anything heavier they can usually guarantee delivery next day.....ie. New bog fittings,floor tiles,doors,windows .....and prices OK but Global (already mentioned ) in Chiang Mai is a LOT cheaper and its located on main Sarapee road turn left at x-roads when going to San Kham Peng.....cant miss it it BIG... :o

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As far as Chiang Mai is concerned, HomeMart comes in as a close second to HomePro. Their prices are sometimes cheaper and their remodel of their superhighway north store has done wonders to their competitive position.

However, their selection in lighting for instance doesn't hold a candle to HomePro, on the other hand, they may actually have the merchandise displayed, unlike HomePro.

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do you know who is behind Global house? Website only in thai, so I canยดt figure it out.

I don't recall specifically, but my vague recollectionis, it is owned privately by Thais. I believe the chain originated in Khon Kaen and that there are now 5 pr 6 stores. Global House is superior by an order of magnitude to all of it's competitors in that field. It's selection, and service is much more reminiscent of what you would have experienced in the west (maybe better)than any retailer here.

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No. Home Pro is by far the largest such retailer. Central Group has Home Works (which the one time I checked prices they were at the normal Central Group levels). There is also a Cement Thai brand name used for there building materials stores which I believe is used country wide but stores will vary greatly (more a re-branding of mom & pop like 7/11). Most hardware stores are still independents and each city will have several. There are also large tile/appliance type stores and some are multi outlet type places. Several are on Ratchada here in Bangkok.

I would beg to differ Lopburi3.

Just from casual observation, Homemart has far more oulets Nationwide, however, they are usually more geared to the small builder rather than the DIY weekend warrior. Their prices are far more competative than HomePro, & if they don't have what you want in stock, they will order any item you require from numerous in store catalogs.



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In Bangkok at least, there is Boonthavorn, with Branches all around Bangkok. They stock generally the same stuff as homepro and are where you will find the Thais shopping rather than Homepro.

Boontaworn for tiles mostly.

Homemart has everything and similar to Homepro for the most part, although size and content in each shop depends on the individual franchisee; most offer discounts for volume.

Lots of mom and pops who can also undercut homepro if you know what you are looking for.

Plenty of Thais shop in Homepro; the home handiman types though are more likely to be shopping elsewhere as it is cheaper IF somewhat less one stop shop (e.g. Boontaworn for tiles, Homemart for paint, timber yard for timber etc etc)_

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In Phuket, there's either a franchise or subsidiary of GlobalHouse called "House & Home". About the same size as HomePro, but without the frills, and prices seem to be consistantly lower.

I've always received great customer service from the people there, including free instant delivery (as in "we can follow you home with the truck right now if you like").

Don't know if they have branches elsewhere.

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