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Thailand to make, supply AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine


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14 hours ago, Forza2002 said:

The first supplies of Covid-19 vaccine are expected to be available to Thais in early 2021. Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30395936


Last Fri it was stated that the Vaccine would be available at the beginning of next year, now it's the middle... Time will tell, but given Thailand's past track record of meeting any stated deadlines for Projects I wouldn't be holding my breath.

Where does it say "the middle"?



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all the independent doctors says including Kery Mullins inventor of PCR tests that this test that they using was not invented to detect infections, and if you research about pcr and how it works its obvious its one big scam, there is no pandemic going on but pcr casedemic... Most positives are false

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8 hours ago, vandeventer said:

Reuters) - Thailand has agreed to manufacture and supply AstraZeneca Plc's experimental COVID-19 vaccine in the southeast Asian country and other nations in the region, the British and Thai governments said on Monday.   


 Hang on, did you say EXPERIMENRAL VACCINE? At least try it on rats before you give it to us!

Don't panic, they ARE trying it, not on rats but on human beings and the results are: so far so good! One person on the trial has tested +ve for Covid-19 but as it's a double blind trial, no one knows whether he was injected with the vaccine or with sterile water. 


It's quite possible that we will all need to be vaccinated annually or even more frequently as the duration of effectiveness of vaccination against this virus is unknown. 

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2 hours ago, polpott said:

They used a common meningitis vaccine for the blind.

The blind cannot see what they are injected with.  And the results of the tests should be told to the deaf. ????



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I am Thai, living in the Netherlands. Overhere there were more than 6,800 tested positive yesterday. People are still dying everyday. The Government did not support wearing masks and until last week "strongly advise" wearing masks indoor. I am a cancer patient. My hospital appointment for follow up has been cancelled/postponed further notice. Preparations at hospitals are made to handle the even/could be more Covid19 patients. Despite all the corruption, not keeping promises etc etc, Thai government has handled this matter better than Europe and many other countries. Here we, more matured people, are living with fear, praying that things will get better. My husband and I would rather be in Bangkok during this pandemic time.

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3 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

tedros has claimed that herd immunity wont happen and a yank has had a dose of covid twice so look s  like antibodies dont last long

You cannot base that idea on a single case who tested positive twice just a month apart, meaning he likely never got rid of it. Covid19 is nothing special anti-bodies will last as long as they do for normal coronaviruses, so about a year

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21 hours ago, Blumpie said:

And the first to get it are doctors, nurses, health care practitioners, firefighters, politicians, back of the line for you!

I'd prefer it to be given to convicts on death row first. Since it's rushed through testing. 

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6 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

I'd prefer it to be given to convicts on death row first. Since it's rushed through testing. 

It hasn't been rushed through testing. The testing has followed the standard protocols used to gain approval for any vaccine.



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20 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:

This vaccine is still undergoing tests. It's been halted in the USA. 


It is rumoured to provide only short term immunity - something like 6 months. But may lessen symptoms for a year if you catch it. 


  At my age buddy.

 Something like 6 months , will do nicely ..

   Live in hope ..


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11 hours ago, Virt said:

Hmm I have 500,000 baht just sitting on the bankaccount doing nothing since I only traveled once thus year. Maybe I should buy stocks ????


     Good idea .

      Unlikely , you will travel internationally , in the next two years, at least ..

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On 10/12/2020 at 4:14 PM, Blumpie said:

It really isn't important.  

Remember, vaccines must be widely available, not just available.  

Until a large portion of vaccines are available earth wide this will continue.  And the first to get it are doctors, nurses, health care practitioners, firefighters, politicians, back of the line for you!

good, i don't want it in my blood... i hope so there will have no blackmail business.

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12 hours ago, polpott said:

It was halted in all countries when one person developed serious symptoms. This was investigated and found to be coincidental. Normal procedure when trialing any drug. A report was made and sent to all participating countries. UK, SA and Brazil were happy and quickly restarted the trials. USA didn't. Why? Trump wants an American company to be first across the line with a vaccine and, as Astra Zenica is way ahead of any other vaccine, is putting every obstacle in the way of the Astra Zenica trials.


The 6 months efficacy is complete nonsense.


You'd think in 'operation warp speed' we wouldn't see a halting of a vaccine for nigh on 2 months. 


Furthermore, we don't really know if it was just this one case. No one really knows. 


It's disappointing. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is also now on hold for an unspecified reason. 


Furthermore the 6 months efficiany is not nonsense. Go read up on it. You will need two injection that could provide up to 6-12 months immunity. It will be akin to an annual flu jab with the Oxford vaccine that is. 

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2 minutes ago, AndrewMciver said:


You'd think in 'operation warp speed' we wouldn't see a halting of a vaccine for nigh on 2 months. 


Furthermore, we don't really know if it was just this one case. No one really knows. 


It's disappointing. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is also now on hold for an unspecified reason. 


Furthermore the 6 months efficiany is not nonsense. Go read up on it. You will need two injection that could provide up to 6-12 months immunity. It will be akin to an annual flu jab with the Oxford vaccine that is. 

if you scare to be sick with everything in the life who kill 1% of infected population, you will get vaccinated everyday all the month along and will wait for many other to come.. or maybe stay at home, close your door, your windows, stop breath and wait to die alone.

It is crazy, COVID is not so dangerous for many, many, many people (99%). There is so many other virus and infections who are much more dangerous !

It does smell stupidity and big business corruption there, can't you see that ?

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Just now, AndrewMciver said:

You'd think in 'operation warp speed' we wouldn't see a halting of a vaccine for nigh on 2 months. 

This was a direct result of an intervention by Trump. He's adamant that an American company will have a vaccine before anyone else. All other countries trialing the vaccine restarted trials as soon as they'd received and digested the report explaining the anomalous result. He's putting everything he can in the way of the Astra Zenica vaccine. Hopefully trials in the vaccine will restart after November 2nd.

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2 minutes ago, Tounge Thaied said:

What is the point of risking a not fully tested, rushed new MRNA technology on your body when it is not needed? A a vaccine is not needed. We now know that covid 19 is not a true emergency. 


Statistics are nice ,but also cynical.  Those remaining 5.4% at age 70+ could be some of your family members or friends who could have a lived a few years longer if it was not for covid 19.


But we still need to find some sort of balance between the cure and the disease.


As it is now, we're looking at a lot of negative side effects from closing down countries.

Poverty, hunger, unemployment, untreated diseases, suicides, depression and the list goes on.

On the other hand, we just can't open up and pretend covid 19 is not there.


it's not easy to come up with the perfect answer and i don't think anyone has the perfect solution.

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On 10/12/2020 at 9:14 PM, Blumpie said:

It really isn't important.  

Remember, vaccines must be widely available, not just available.  

Until a large portion of vaccines are available earth wide this will continue.  And the first to get it are doctors, nurses, health care practitioners, firefighters, politicians, back of the line for you!


     However, that said.

   I am a civil servant , 25 years . [ retired ].

    Surely , i should be considered for priority treatment ...

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On 10/12/2020 at 6:30 PM, AndrewMciver said:

This vaccine is still undergoing tests. It's been halted in the USA. 


It is rumoured to provide only short term immunity - something like 6 months. But may lessen symptoms for a year if you catch it. 

Probably halted by Trump to trump his own vaccines. Unlikely any vaccine will provide sustained protection due to propensity of mutation. Note: folk undergo flu vaccines annually as it changes.

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