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Whats The Biggest Snake You Have Seen ?


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Since living here (nearly 2 years) i have been looking for snakes but i have only seen a few little ones the biggest i have seen was about 2 feet long but like most snakes i find, that was flattend by a moter cycle or car i keep meeting people who say,oh yeah saw a massive one the othere day , also monitor lizards saw one the othere day and it was longer them my bike (4-5 feet including tail so can you peeps throw some light on this please

many thanks :o

ps my wife thinks im mad

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The largest I have seen was about 36 years ago and was huge. I estimate about 30 foot python. He lived in a swampy area that I regularly drove across and met him three time - and stopped until he had crossed the road and was into the other swamp. I had visions of him winding around the station wagon I was driving and crushing it. It was that big and that fat. Never have seen a snake as big since. Also had several eye to eye encounters with cobras, and I slowly backed away from them - both times I was on foot and they were on the side of the road just watching people/cars. In those days often had to chase the vipers away from doorways before entering and they scared me the most as often were hard to see.

The largest I have seen here in Bangkok was about a 8 foot white python who crossed the yard a few years ago. Most people do not want to take a chance with snakes so they are becoming very rare outside of large forest areas.

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I have seen 2 large phyton (more than 3 mtrs) in gardens of Sathorn area Apartment buildings in Bangkok. One could not image that they can procreate and live in this areas but they do. Small gardens near the parking area, where some bush protects them from the viewers. They live in holes during the day, there are plenty around specially under the walls, and they eat rats at night (plenty also).

Also I saw a young one, only 2 mts long, which was living in a roof of a small shop (also in the Bangkok area near Sathorn). This roof had a large bush which was kept to get shade. The snake was found while cuting the bush.

I am also aware that there are plenty near the so many water channels in the city. They live in the most incredible places.

They are very beautiful and non dangerous animals.

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In the past 3 years in Lao I've seen the grand total of 1 and it was tiny!

Apparently last year when we were in the UK my wifes aunt have 2 large cobras in the house!! Not something which I would relish I have to say!!!

I've seen some whopping scorpions (about 10 inch from claw to tail) though - but they were quickly sorted out with pointy stick!!

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Whilst living in Singapore and bike riding trails in the McRichie reserve I would see at least two or three snakes every week. Black Cobra's, Blue Coral Snakes, Pythons and lots I could not identify. After coming to Thailand and riding all the trails around Pattaya past Sukhumvit out as far out as the 331 highway, In four years I have only ever seen 1 Black Cobra about 4 feet long. Maybe they all got eaten up here.

Riding one time in Singapore I mistook a VERY long Python for a palm frond on the trail in the sunlight and lined up to jump over him with the bike. At the last second I realized and stopped to admire him. His head was in the jungle one side of the trail, his body was across the trail which was maybe two meters wide it then dipped into a stream bed 2 more meters wide and his tail was in in the jungle the other side, Absolutely massive and very scarey.

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I was living in a liitle place called puk-tian (next to cha-am and hua hin) about 5 years when I encountered the hugest snake I have ever seen in my life , about 25-30 foot long.

I was riding my bike home and it suddenly came winding out of the grass about 25 metres infront of me. I screeched to a halt and for about 10 seconds was completley awestruck watching it move , then I realised I was a bit to close :o and turned around.

After about 5 minutes of waiting I flew past the area at the speed of light :bah: to return home. I quickly relayed the news to the thai locals and was certain someone would call the police ( I was a bit green in my early days in LOS :bah: ).

They just laughed and said it had been living there for years and expressed dissapointment in nit having seen it themselves as seeing the snake brings good luck and they would have bought a lottery ticket !!!!! :D:D:D:D .

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Sounds like a few "fishermen's tales" being related here? :o

Biggest [wild] snake I ever saw was only very briefly as it sprang out from the side of the road and under the wheels of my car. :D (This was just outside an industrial estate in Rayong, where I've spotted quite a lot of wildlife over time). Scared the heck out of me and I couldn't brake in time... The *bump-bump* under my tyres sounded like I'd run over a speedramp! The thing must have been mortally wounded, as there was quite a bit of blood on the road, but it managed to escape back into the long grass, and I wasn't about to follow it to check... Sad. :D

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Thanks everyone for your input :D

i will keep searching when im out and about on me bike

iv been told of a 25-30 ft python that lives in the grounds of a temple in lopburi but still not seen it :D i havnt seen any scorpions yet, but have found a huge black spider on the side of my house scared the crap out of me

thanks again peeps :o

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Earlier this year I was staying at the Laem Tein resort on Koh Tao. Its an isolated spot and beautiful to say the least. As i was walking down some steps, a long green snake was slithering on the banister adjacent to me. I hadn't spotted it and when the banister ended it went to jump across the pathway. Just so happened I was in its path. My friend waking behind spotted it and shouted; but it was too late. It flew through the air and hit me on the chest ( was trying to use my chest as some sort of support to propel it across the path). I fell backwards as it hit my midriff and it ended up squirming, wrapped around my flip flopped foot. I pulled my foot back and hit it quite hard on a concrete wall as the snake shot into the undergrowth. I was quite shook up, as far as I was aware it was a tree viper or something. Apparently it was completely harmless and not exactly long either ( according to my friend who was giggling to him self as I was shaking, smoking a cigarette, drinking a Beer Sing far to quickly and trying to work out if the blood dripping from my foot was from a bite or hitting my foot off the wall).

Heres some snakes I photographed in Penang this year. The fist two are from the Snake Temple and the other two are from the hotel on Penang Hill


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I was staying in a forest monastery in Ubon about 5 years ago and saw a big black snake about 2 meters long. That's no big deal. But I think I scared it and went slithering off in to the forest at a speed that made my jaw drop. He was moving as fast as I could run! I'm glad he was heading away from me.

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The biggest snake I've seen was at our university campus here in Roi-et. This was about 3 months ago. I heard shouting and ran outside to see what all the noise was about. There was a ngoo singh (constrictor family) easily more than 3 meters in length. The shouting was from students and maids who had it surrounded. I remember it had a huge head. Anyhow, one of the students rushed up behind it as it was "fanning" (=moving its head side-to-side) its onlookers, and clubbed it on the head. I was told they subsequently ate it. The meat is considered a delicacy. I've eaten it before. It's tastier than chicken.

Edited by chevykanteve
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OK it wasn't a big snake - maybe 1 M little guy. But it was fun watching 3 cats try to catch him. He got away. It's amazing how quick and how high a cat can jump when the snake strikes.


Edited by Valjean
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Since living here (nearly 2 years) i have been looking for snakes but i have only seen a few little ones the biggest i have seen was about 2 feet long but like most snakes i find, that was flattend by a moter cycle or car i keep meeting people who say,oh yeah saw a massive one the othere day , also monitor lizards saw one the othere day and it was longer them my bike (4-5 feet including tail so can you peeps throw some light on this please

many thanks :o

ps my wife thinks im mad

Edited by colino
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Three years ago a 5 1/2 meter python was captured on th east side of Sukhumvit in Pattaya. That was the largest snake I have ever heard being caught in this specific area.

This one takes the cake:


This is a 49 foot python in Indonesia.

49-foot python captured in Indonesia

983-lb creature believed to be world's largest

Giant python on display

Dec. 31: A python believed to be the largest ever kept in captivity, is put on display in Kendal, in central Java, in Indonesia.

Updated: 10:00 a.m. ET Jan. 8, 2004

JAKARTA, Indonesia - Indonesian villagers claim to have captured a python that is almost 49 feet long and weighs nearly 990 pounds, a local official said.

If confirmed, it would be the largest snake ever kept in captivity.

Hundreds of people have flocked to see the snake at a primitive zoo in Curugsewu village on the country’s main island of Java.

Local government official Rachmat said the reticulated python measured 48 feet 8 inches and weighed in at 983 pounds.

The Guinness Book of World Records lists the longest ever captured snake to be 32 feet. The heaviest — a Burmese Python kept in Gurnee, Ill. — weighs 402 pounds, the book said on its Web site.

The Indonesian newspaper Republika said the snake, which was caught last year but only recently put on public display, eats three or four dogs a month.

Reticulated pythons are the world’s longest snakes. They are capable of eating animals as large as sheep, and have been known to attack and consume humans.

The species is native to the swamps and jungles of Southeast Asia.

© 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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This is like the "one that got away stories" http://ginasmith.typepad.com/gina_on_gina/...s_largest_.html

21 feet when measured and Pythons have a big problem eating a full grown adult the shoulders dont get passed their mouths unless they are laying on their sides due to the shape of a pythons head it cannot flex it enough when the corpse is lying on its side. Their is a photo of a python trying to eat a bloke somewhere but it got stuck at the shouders. They swallow prey head first so the mouse picture sent in is also a fake as the head is obviously going in first on this photo

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World's largest snake isn't quite as large as they thought. (Reuters)

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage

KENDAL, Indonesia (Reuters) - It's still a big snake, just not a record-breaker.

When a recreation park in Indonesia put a huge reticulated python on show last week, keepers insisted to reporters it was 49 feet long. That made it the longest ever caught.

But amid growing skepticism of the claim, a photographer working for Reuters returned to the Curugsewu park in the small central Java town of Kendal Wednesday with a measuring tape. The snake's true length -- around 21 feet

"I have no idea why the snake has shrunk," said one keeper when asked about the discrepancy, as the snake lounged on a tree branch inside its cage.

According to the Guinness World Records, the longest discovered snake was also a reticulated python from Indonesia. It was 33 feet long when found in Sulawesi island in 1912.

In 2002, Samantha, a 25-foot snake which was dubbed the largest in captivity, died in the Bronx Zoo in New York. Samantha came from Indonesia's side of Borneo island.

Record-breaking or not, word of the huge snake in Kendal has spread, tripling the number of visitors to the state-run park, normally known just for its scenery and waterfalls.

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Local government official Rachmat said the reticulated python measured 48 feet 8 inches and weighed in at 983 pounds.
But amid growing skepticism of the claim, a photographer working for Reuters returned to the Curugsewu park in the small central Java town of Kendal Wednesday with a measuring tape. The snake's true length -- around 21 feet

"I have no idea why the snake has shrunk," said one keeper when asked about the discrepancy, as the snake lounged on a tree branch inside its cage.

:o:D :D

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Biggest snake...the Mambo Trouser Snake. Sorry, no pics.

But something I have seen here that I haven't seen back home is so many very large lizards (dragons, as they call them here) that are over a meter long and really fast. Luckely they are very afraid of our dogs so they tend to run away from our land when they see us.

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hello all,

about three years ago, me and my girlfriend used to live in a single house on on nut 46. one day i hear her screaming for me and telling me to keep our dog upstairs. Belive it or not, we had a cobra in our kitchen. wasnt that big just about 2 meters. called the local soi security and the caught it and took it out of the house. have video footage, it was hiding under our chinese sprit house, which was downstairs on the floor.

apart from that biggest i have seen was in a zoo.



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