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Time is running out to enact any trade deal with UK: EU lawmakers


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5 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

The idea that another country cannot get a good trade deal with the EU,  says a lot about the EU, right?  It is time the UK gets away from the Belgium controlled Union.


Belgium controlled ? I am sure Belgium would wish this but its a small player just like my country. The powers are France and Germany. But I am sure you know this. Did you mean that the center of power of the EU is in Belgium or are you a referring to something else ?

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I have friends in India, good to see a report like this about EU.

Another true report that the EU wouldn't like and why these silly clubs don't work.


"The EU has struggled to function as each member state has its own form of government, lower and upper houses of parliament, chief executive, capital, flag, constitution, language, and fiscal policy of taxing and spending. Yet it is governed by a single monetary policy and currency.

To make it all work, each state is supposed to strictly follow the Bloc’s unbending rules about everything, from trade to migration, to employment laws, and the environment. The bureaucrats in Brussels wield enormous power to manage the unwieldy union but delays, frustration, and gridlock are common.

Take Brexit. The EU’s Article 50 is just 250 words long and defines how a member state can leave the EU. Nearly three years after the Brexit vote, a dysfunctional House of Commons in London and an equally dysfunctional EU Parliament have been unable to negotiate an exit.

So, this month, the UK will actually be voting in the EU Parliamentary elections as a full member while also wanting to honour a democratic referendum to leave the union.

Yes, this is the mighty EU today reminding the world that excessive centralized control come at a huge cost. Indian political parties should recognize that copying the EU model would forever stymie growth, raise deficits and bankrupt India, a chilling prospect for the world’s fastest-growing economy."

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8 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:


And that changes your life HOW may I ask ?




It will not change my future life because I will be in a box well before then, but they can put me in it with a smile on my face..????

Oh, and I don't like football......????

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23 minutes ago, transam said:

It will not change my future life because I will be in a box well before then, but they can put me in it with a smile on my face..????

Oh, and I don't like football......????


So other than nationalistic BS you haven't come up with one sensible reason for leaving the EU.


Football doesn't like you either ????


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1 minute ago, Chelseafan said:


I said "sensible". You haven't given me one reason why this country is going to be better off outside the EU. Toodlepip.


You didn't ask me that, you asked why I wanted to leave the EU.

"Sensible", you want sensible, when you just can't grasp the fact  that we have left the EU....Gawd.....


PS. I did ask,what's NF...?

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

You didn't ask me that, you asked why I wanted to leave the EU.

"Sensible", you want sensible, when you just can't grasp the fact  that we have left the EU....Gawd.....


PS. I did ask,what's NF...?

When people lose arguments they generally follow up with an insult, I believe he means The National Front.

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

You didn't ask me that, you asked why I wanted to leave the EU.

"Sensible", you want sensible, when you just can't grasp the fact  that we have left the EU....Gawd.....


PS. I did ask,what's NF...?


"So other than nationalistic BS you haven't come up with one sensible reason for leaving the EU. "


I've accepted the result a long time back



Look it up, I'm not doing your work for you.

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4 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:


You cannot lose an arguement when there's nothing to argue about.


I'll lay it down again, give me one sensible reason why we are going to be better off than we are now


Its not difficult. I'm open for debate and will reason with someone who has a strong compelling answer. Hell, I might even be persuaded that we've made the right decision.




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1 minute ago, Chelseafan said:


You cannot lose an arguement when there's nothing to argue about.


I'll lay it down again, give me one sensible reason why we are going to be better off than we are now


Its not difficult. I'm open for debate and will reason with someone who has a strong compelling answer. Hell, I might even be persuaded that we've made the right decision.



Nothing to debate about, we have already left, the country voted in a democratic referendum to remain or leave, the decision was to leave and that was 5 years ago, a lot of water has gone under that proverbial bridge as well as the many reasons as to why the country has come to that decision in the last 60 months. It has been discussed to death and as you stated "Look it up, I'm not doing your work for you." 

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