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EU leaders deadlocked over recovery plan after Hungary, Poland veto


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2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:



You think its better being run by the dodgy guys in Westminster?

More questionable for Scots......

As for Westminster, that place is made up of 4 nationalities, including your own, we even had 2 Scot leaders there..:whistling:

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8 minutes ago, transam said:

More questionable for Scots......

As for Westminster, that place is made up of 4 nationalities, including your own, we even had 2 Scot leaders there..:whistling:


I think we would be better off run by our own dodgy guys rather than the dodgy guys you Brexiteers voted for.

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On 11/21/2020 at 1:40 AM, pacovl46 said:

Kick them out. All they do is wanting handouts anyway, but when it’s time to “do” they’re out, especially Hungary! Let them join the sinking ship called UK! ????

UK submarines don't sink. ????

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8 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


Try reading my post again and figure it out. 

Of course I know that you already understand what I meant but simply dont want to acknowledge it.

We can chalk this up to another of your "moving the goalposts" replies.  

You should get over your anger of the English, sticks out a mile. Your King James created the union after becoming the King of England too, but you don't like it......Your King created a unified island, but you want to join the German/Franco club.......:whistling:

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2 hours ago, transam said:

More questionable for Scots......

As for Westminster, that place is made up of 4 nationalities, including your own, we even had 2 Scot leaders there..:whistling:


Actually, it's made up of one nationality - British! Bet that's what's on their passport. Although some might have more than one passport - just in case 555!


But none have a passport that gives their nationality as English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish.

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14 hours ago, puck2 said:


Transam, enjoy the schadenfreude. Imagine, we in the EU would "enjoy" it when "Great" Britain will be reduced to Little England some years after Brexit. Then EU TV-members will remember you:  some Brexiteers posting here....? "


The extremist leaders  in Poland and Hungary abuse the EU-rules that the 7-years EU-budget needs unanimity, although they drink the milk given by the EU.


Maybe, better probably,  they will miss some EU "milk" after the attempted extortion. Packed in the 7-years budget is the Covid recovery fund, too. Poland and Hungary again are receivers!






Yeah sure pal. And enjoy it when Russia and Turkey run the EU! 

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3 hours ago, transam said:

You should get over your anger of the English, sticks out a mile. Your King James created the union after becoming the King of England too, but you don't like it......Your King created a unified island, but you want to join the German/Franco club.......:whistling:

Wrong again. James VI who was also James I when crowned in England over 100 years BEFORE the act of union. 

The rest of your post is pure fantasy. 

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Fake news.


Scotland has a large representation of MP's at Westminster as well, thanks to the Blair Brown comedy act, the devolved Scottish government.


England does not have a devolved parliament pretending to be a sovereign one. And, suffers Scottish MP's deliberate interference in English only affairs.


Blair's awkward sop to buy off nationalists and keep Labour relevant in Scotland and Wales failed miserably. As clever as Brown flogging off the UK Gold reserves cheap.


Scotland has, currently, better representation than England. Only don't get so childish all the time when you can't have your own way!


There is currently 650 MP's in Westminster.

533 are from England.

Traditionally SNP MP's do not vote on English ONLY votes. Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem MP's from Scottish constituencies do.

If you want an English parliament then you need to start asking the government for one.   

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Rather grand assumption. Like the assumption the SNP will dictate everything to every part of the UK; make any decisions they fancy and tell everyone else what they must do. 


Very typical nationalist socialist behavior.


Hungary and Poland are sticking up for themselves and won't be bullied by France and Germany. Others in the EU are more easily bribed and intimidated.


I suggest you google the words British and Brits in order that you might learn their meaning. 

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7 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


The vote leave campaign manipulated millions into voting for Brexit. 

If you want to talk about manipulation, what about the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer, the UK's two most high profile politicians going all out to frighten people into voting remain? Even spending £9 million of tax payers' money on sending a leaflet to every household in the UK telling them to vote Remain. 


Without all that manipulation the Leave vote would have been a landslide. 

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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

Wrong again. James VI who was also James I when crowned in England over 100 years BEFORE the act of union. 

The rest of your post is pure fantasy. 

That was Parliament, where I assume London was chosen over your lot....????

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