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What Made You Happy Today.


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Helping my son with his home work, then helping a local farmer and his pickup out of the clong outside my inlaws house (he was driving too fast, but glad he was not harmed)

great stuff..happy to read people who appreciate life and what they do...best wishes...many in this world would love to have your "reality" solent01

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Irin, my Thai ladyboy, talked to her mom in Phattalung today. She was so happy to know that everything is well with her mom and her sister. They talked for about 45 minutes. And when she finished her phone conversation, my ladyboy said, "Darling, mom is happy we are not in Bangkok now. She not worry." I take that to mean that the Thai "underground" communications system expects problems in Bangkok next week. I know one of my old Army buddies has taken his family to Hong Kong for the next couple of weeks. I hope everyone stays safe if things cook off in Bangkok. Hopefully things will stay peaceful. Meanwhile, today Irin and I are going to the beautiful Vietnam Memorial in Angel Fire, New Mexico, to say some prayers for all the friends that I lost in that war. It will be a beautiful day and I know the spirits of my old buddies will be close by.

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...Meanwhile, today Irin and I are going to the beautiful Vietnam Memorial in Angel Fire, New Mexico, to say some prayers for all the friends that I lost in that war. It will be a beautiful day and I know the spirits of my old buddies will be close by.

That's lovely.

I left a dozen long stemmed roses at the memorial in HK once; drove past an hour later and someone had stolen them. Moral of the story: visit, say your prayers and snap the flower heads on the stems.

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Today my step-dad lost one of his dogs in the Park.

After searching for four hours we had to give up as he is only partly recovering from a major operation, can't believe he lasted out there so long.

Me and another son from different mothers took our dogs out and searched again for another couple of hours and at last we found him.

It didn't just make my day but many others.

Best day for a while

Good Luck to all


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A man on my estate came to my aid, I had mentioned a problem I had with my bike just in passing a week ago, suddenly he showed up today, he had been out buying the parts needed and within one hour the problem was fixed, I had forgot I told him about the problem, I know I have given him a hand before, but it still made me real happy, nice that people care about eachother and their small problems. :D:D:D

Have a nice day all TV members,

Kind regards :o

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Nice one :o

Me, this Bank Holiday Monday in grey rainy Engerlund, has brightenened with a email from my dad with pics of a lovely ex girlfriend I haven';t heard from for over ten years. APparenly she stopped by my old parental home asking about me.

And even brighter, my best mate since childhood has SMS'd me saying he's visiting my town here in East Anglia, for Lunch. Today!!! :D

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Today is a day filled with uncertency and worry for Thailands fate, but my girlfriend and I have just cleaned the fishbowls outside together, and for an hour or so I managed to forget what is going down today, and it made me happy :D and content and changed my mood from gloom to optimism :D

I hope this day will be the beginning of a brigther future for Thailand and Thais.

Have a nice day :D

The kindest of regards :o

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Just got back from the Penang visa run, 3 months peace, that has made me real happy :D , not to long before the retirement visa. :D

Sat down and started reading up on the last 24 hours of really interesting posts on TV, ahhh life in Thailand dont tell me it is boring :o

Kind regards :D

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Sunday was a glorious day for my Thai ladyboy and I. First, we talked to her mom in Phattalung. She is doing well. Her business is prosperous. Second, it appears that calm prevails in Bangkok following the Constitutional Court ruling. We might actually have a home to return to in October. Third, we went to Taos Pueblo, about an hour's drive north of Santa Fe, to visit an old friend of mine. Irin has never spent any time in an Indian pueblo and so she was fascinated by the structure of the pueblo's buildings and the sense of community among the families. My friend is a shaman, also know in some circles as a witch doctor. I've known him 40 years. He gave Irin a fetish, which is a stone carving of a sacred animal. These fetishes are designed to give the holder of the fetish some of the qualities of the animal that has been carved in stone. Tommy gave Irin a mountain lion fetish, which represents cunning, bravery and strength. Irin gave Tommy a lovely silk scarf. On the way home, Irin said it was one of the loveliest days she has spent in New Mexico. She wants a fetish necklace now and would like the mountain lion fetish to be the central piece. Later this month I will take her to Zuni Pueblo to meet another friend of mine who makes fetish necklaces. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to convince Irin to return to Thailand in the fall. :o

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I am stoked just bought 4 & 1/2 Rai for a little less than 1/2 price for my girl.

and now a new way of life as a Farmer to be selling top end necessities-Mango's ,limes, Budda flowers, lichee & whatever else is worthy of trying to make a living here instead of permanent cash flow!

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What made me happy today ?

Hearing on this morning's news that George Bush had been taken ill at the G8 conferance. Set up my day nicely .. lets hope its nothing trivial

JR Texas: Reading this made me a bit happy, but also a bit sad:

"If we adopt a self-centred approach to life and constantly try to use others for our own self-interest, we may gain temporary benefits, but in the long run we will not succeed in achieving even personal happiness, and world peace will be completely out of the question."

--Dalai Lama

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What makes me happy??? seeing my wife in exactly 2 weeks as I have'nt seen her since February the 4th.


I am happy today because i two weeks time I will be seeing my wonderful GF who a have not seen since febuary the 4th!


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Watching a sick buffalo getting eaten by crocodiles whilst it was still alive. :D:D


You need help mate.. :o

Think it was probably the kwai that needed help..........but lets hope those crocs get a severe case of Bangkok belly or indigestion for their deed. :D

What made me happy today? Errmmm, memories of the sunset over Nong Han yesterday evening.......one of the best I've seen in a long time with ever-changing cumulus clouds bubbling up high over a wide, multi-coloured skyscape, all reflected in the lotus lily speckled waters. :bah:

Just a pity I didn't have my camera with me............. :D

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Flew back in this morning, wife and i suprised little Jez - bugger broke ranks at school and gave me the best hug ever. Then proceeded to tell his new class mates: "THIS <points> is *MY* Daddy" :o

I'm fluffy.

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