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What Made You Happy Today.


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Went for a rip on the motorcycle on the twisties, swam 24 laps in the pool, had some simple Thai soi food for dinner, laughed my a.s off reading postings on TV, ah, the list goes on and on. It's all good in the 'hood.... :o

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Took my two Golden Retrievers and my wonderful Thai ladyboy for a great walk in the Jemez Mountains of Northern New Mexico. We saw three beautiful deer, lots of squirrels and some beautiful hawks. Then we stopped at Los Ojos (The Eyes) Bar in Jemez Springs for some great green chili cheeseburgers and some cold beer. Our dogs each had a hamburger patty and after chasing deer, birds, and squirrels all through the woods, they slept a contented sleep on the drive home. It couldn't have been a better day.

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I was delighted to find the abundance of fresh fruit in the refrigerator to make my morning smoothie: I used mango, guava, mangosteen (seeds and all), pineapple, banana and rose apple. Such a great time of year for fresh fruit. I'm living on it!

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knowing that today i just got a 17% pay rise and 5000 big ones back pay. :D:o:D

its my buy punters and i'll see you all at the chapel rambuttri. :D:bah:

We'll be happy to help you drink it up Terry :D:bah::o

just send out the invites.

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We had a black bear come onto our property in Santa Fe, New Mexico, today. He was a pretty young cub and he was looking for food. He started rattling our trash can and got it open and chowed down on some old fruit that we had thrown away. I was watching the bear from our upstairs balcony. My Golden Retrievers were going crazy. And my Thai ladyboy was terrified. She hid in the bathroom. The bear stayed for about 15 minutes, then wandered up the street to find more food. At one point the bear looked up at me and seemed to say, "Can you please throw away better food next time?" One of the great joys in my life is observing wild animals in their natural habitat. In a way, the black bear was in his natural habitat. I'm sure thousands of bears have roamed over the same land that our home is on for many centuries. But in those days, there were no homes. So it is us who are encroaching on their territory now. I hope the young bear found more food down the road at one of our neighbors' homes.

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The Girlfriend and I gave the garden the big going over yesterday, getting up today and looking at the garden, everything neat and good looking, made me happy :o:D:D

happy for you 'larvidchr'....it reminds me of things I have done in love, great memories, and looking forward for the next to come!

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Last week on the Mrs farm i was busy as usual picking up rubbish [plastic bags in trees,ice-drink plastic mugs,polysteyrene food boxes ect] i stood wrongly and twisted my knee, Mrs came over and helped me up and got me to the Docs, 2 injections and some tabs, alls ok now, I went to the farm today and it was so clean and nice i coundnt believe it!!

Apparntley, the Mrs had a word with the occasinal labour and told them if they left a mess,then they would not come back anymore,they were very concerned about this, 4 worked the morning setting seeds,watering ect, then this afternoon, they cleaned the whole farm of rubbish, and only asked for half days wages, now thats a result and made me very HAPPY, now we understand eachother, we will get along happily together,..

Cheers, Lickey.

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Bought the morning newspaper--read the Obituary page--my name was not there--I know it is another happy day for me ! :o

Today I had a chance to do some acrobatic flying which has always been one of my great passions. Any day I get a chance to get airborne and do some fun flying is a happy day for me because all the cares and worries of everyday life seem to suddenly disappear and I feel at total peace with the universe once I am off into the sunlit silence of the sky.

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Walking back from the supermarket with my nephew.

Got him some chocolate dipped chocolate chip ice cream drumstick.

He was walking real slow, enjoying his ice cream and occasionally smiling at me when I looked back and wait for him to catch up. That smile....with my hat perched on his head against the evening sun, the ice creams smudged on his nose, mouth and chin.

Then when I figured he might need a lift, I squat down and he will come running over and I piggy back him. Little Tyke, when asked if he is tired, will always say NO. But I know he appreciate the piggy back ride, especially on the uphill walk.

Then we chance upon a mexican lady and possibly her 4/5 year old grandson. I offer the remaining pieces of ice cream (Its 4 ice cream drumstick in a box)ice cream to the grandma for her kid. The boy was sooo happy even before the ice cream was popped up for him. his thank you and his smile was so loud & bright.

And when we made our way in our estate, folks was just starting to walk their dogs, and I have just purchased a huge box of doggie treats. Little boy was able to offer treats to so many doggies along the way. There was 2 little gals, who asked me separately at different occasions why I have dog treats with me when I dont have a dog.

My answer was very simple: I always tries to have dog treats on me, so that little boy can feed the dogs as and when we encounter dogs.

Its good that I bring little boy out too. Cos sis and little gal got a much needed nap in the house too.

Edited by viciouskitty74
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My 1 year old daughter getting the movements to the Pizza Hut Song sort of right for the first time.
seeing my daughter all dressed up in her new school uniform (god she has grown up quick ) :o

There is nothing more grotesque and violent in life than abandoned children....it gives happiness to see fathers taking care and loving theirs, as it should be....

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> it gives happiness to see fathers taking care and loving theirs

I'm pretty sure that's the most common scenario? :o

And it's not like you don't get a lot in return; for starters they make great alarm clocks. :D

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