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What Made You Happy Today.


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this morning, coming out of Ranch 99 market.

a grandmother wheeling her granddaughter on the trolley, and you can see the mother behind with a big stomach.

that little gal on the trolley was roughly toddler age as my neice.

So i tried a wave and tells her see you later.

that little gal, gave a shy tentative wave and attempts to say: See you later.

Baby gals voices saying those 'see you later' is sooooooo cute! Love them!

Made my day that these pretty little beings responds so easily.

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I went into my tax accountant this morning to have him file my income taxes (I am filing 2 months late) for last year and much to my surprise I will be getting a big refund. There is just something about getting money back from the government that you thought you would never see again that really can make you happy and put a smile on your face. :o

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I heard from one of the original members of my platoon when we were in Vietnam together in '69. It is the first time I've heard from Ralph in 16 years. All the other surviving members of the platoon thought he was dead. But out of the blue, Ralph called. And he's off the drugs that have almost destroyed his life. I shed tears when I heard it. He's going to participate in our next "Roll Call" on Veteran's Day, when all the surviving members of the platoon toast our dead comrades. We have been doing this for more than 20 years now. All those fine young men are frozen in time in our memories. As long as one of us is still alive, then their memory will also live on.

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Achieving 1000 posts on TV. Most were complete <deleted> but there are a few gems amongst them. :o

Thanks to all the TV'ers out there who have put up with my BS.



Amen to all that.

But congrats SM, keep 'em coming. :D

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:o Was sunny this afternoon! I got a chance to ride into Phuket Town and PAY PAY PAY for my annual insurance and road use (license/registration) for my bike! ... set me back 480 baht!
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Went swimming today with the little boy.

He was able to swim much longer this time with a round doughnut float. And he enjoyed it.

He still didnt like the cold, but at least this time, encouraging him in a little game to swim to the other side and touch the wall worked and he eventually warm up enough to stick in the pool longer then the last time where we only stayed for 10 minutes. :o

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Looking at the thread by "loadsafun. My 5 month old baby" and seeing the difference from the first desperate post and to "loadsafun's" posts now, where the good advise given by kind TV members have given him something to work with. :o

That made me real happy today. :D:D:bah:

And well done to the good caring TV members :D I know "loadsafun's" problems is not resolved yet, but getting something to work with gets your mind away from despair and to work in a productive and positive mode, and that is a long way towards solutions.

Kind regards :D

Edited by larvidchr
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Today is my Mom's 89th birthday. Over the past two years she has been beset by numerous health problems and I never envisioned that she would still be here to celebrate her birthday with us. We have planned a nice quiet birthday celebration for her today, topped off with an ice cream cake with her favorite ice cream -- butter pecan. Happy birthday Mom. Now let's shoot for a 90-year celebration!!!!!

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Today is my Mom's 89th birthday. Over the past two years she has been beset by numerous health problems and I never envisioned that she would still be here to celebrate her birthday with us. We have planned a nice quiet birthday celebration for her today, topped off with an ice cream cake with her favorite ice cream -- butter pecan. Happy birthday Mom. Now let's shoot for a 90-year celebration!!!!!

Congratulations to your Mother and you Farang Prince :o , cross my fingers for your Moms big 90.

Kind regards :D

Edited by larvidchr
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Today is my Mom's 89th birthday. Over the past two years she has been beset by numerous health problems and I never envisioned that she would still be here to celebrate her birthday with us. We have planned a nice quiet birthday celebration for her today, topped off with an ice cream cake with her favorite ice cream -- butter pecan. Happy birthday Mom. Now let's shoot for a 90-year celebration!!!!!

Congratulations to your Mother and you Farang Prince :o , cross my fingers for your Moms big 90.

Kind regards :D

:D Thanks Larvidchr. I'll pass it on to Mom. Take care.


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Looking at the thread by "loadsafun. My 5 month old baby" and seeing the difference from the first desperate post and to "loadsafun's" posts now, where the good advise given by kind TV members have given him something to work with. :o

That made me real happy today. :D:bah::bah:

And well done to the good caring TV members :D I know "loadsafun's" problems is not resolved yet, but getting something to work with gets your mind away from despair and to work in a productive and positive mode, and that is a long way towards solutions.

Kind regards :D

Here here!!!

Well said, larvidchr, Noones more happy than me today please read my last post on the subject. Cigars all around, but no pics of you smoking them. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
seeing my luggages.

i will have to pay a fine for the extra luggages at the airport. But I am still happy. The extra luggage contains bike parts for friends.

finally got the electric on for my houses :o without a backhander

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We all survived the 4th of July here in the USA. No one in the family had their hand blown off. We didn't burn down the house. And the dogs were only slightly traumatized by the incessant high-pitched screams of bottle rockets. Now we can be safe for another year. Songkran is a much nicer celebration. The dogs liked to get soaked. They just can't stand fireworks.

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Federal Express delivered to me a new box for my Satelite Television. After some hassle I was finally able to get it to work. I connected it a different way and I have a better picture. I am a Channel Surfer so I am hard on the Descrambler Box. Also I did not have to work.

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I start a new job tomorrow but in Papua New Guinea so thats good news but it means being away from my wife and 3 year old son for 4 to 6 months.

They are still asleep upstairs and they will take me to the airport after lunch. I never did like goodbyes and it will be the first time my son has been to the airport to see Dada fly away. On the other hand he can see Dada come back again when I return.

I have told him he can talk to his big teddy bear and Dada will hear him.

On the other hand the money will be useful so that she can build the shop she wants and also start growing bamboo shoots and bamboo canes for sale.

If the job lasts longer perhaps we will start pig farming in a small local way as well.

Good luck in your new job, I bet time will pass very quickly and you will be holding your Son in your arms again before you know it.

Kind regards :o

I am now in the hotel in the Highlands of PNG and I called my wife as usual twice a week and today my son spoke to me. He didn't say much but he did say he loves me. 4 week on Friday I will be home for a weeks holiday and I just can't wait.

I managed to get an internet connection on Friday and this is the first time I have got on TV for 3 weeks. 158 pages of unread stuff but I cancelled it all and just read todays.

It is election time here and there a few rock concerts going on. In PNG this means that they throw rocks at your car and sometimes people get dragged out and bashed about a bit. Usually whute men (farangs) are left alone. I had a small stones concert yesterday when a couple of kids threw some at the pickup truck but "truk im bilong Avis" (pidgin speak) and not mine. :D :D

Thanks larvidchr

Edited by billd766
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I'm very happy and excited, got to tell the world.

It's my lucky day! :D

Having seen two aligators, one is around 8' and the small one is around 3' ( I would assume it's the female gator and her off'spring ) sunning themselves by the edge of the pond through my screen patio. Sometimes later I went out infront of my house, I spot a beautiful Florida panther on my driveway. We were both caughted off guard :o . So we just staring at each other. This was the first time I had confroned this gorgeous creature up close. Seconds later it took off running. I would never forget what happened next, two of her cubs sprung from the flower bush on the front lawn, running to join her. The sight of two tiny cubs running along side with its mother was beautiful pictured that captured my sight and mind.

You will never forget a moment like that, not in a million year. :D

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