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Next Years Compo


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Alright punters?

I'm just having a think about next season's prediction competition.

I'm game [ or mad ] for running it again if you lot fancy another punt?

I've a few ideas to hopefully improve the running of the compo and as always I'm interested in your ideas as well!

The major change is going to be with regards to submitting the weekly predictions.

I'm going to open a thread each week, about 3 days before the first game. Each competitor must post their predictions on this thread. As a mod I will enforce an auto closure of the thread for 11am on the day of the first match. I will also be subject to this.

I feel this will provide a more open playing field. It has been a task at times to collate your predictions, emails, pms, attachments not opening etc. This way there will be no grey areas.

With regards to the dosh compo, it all depends on the decency of the punters. If we/they all pay up, I have no qualms with running another one. Those who do not pay up WILL be banned from Thaivisa.

But I'm sure this will not be an issue. I will act as a mediator between the winner and the payees if any problems occur.

A lot of this years people tended to give up about halfway through, this has proved to be a pain in the arse when it comes to the weekly collation of points.

I haven't decided whether or not to allow them back in...... :o

One chap - ******has had an eventful year and still managed to get his points across to me weekly.

It all depends on how much you want to be included in the whole event.

One or 2 or you have jumped 10 or 15 places in a few weeks, it is never over until...it's over.

Please let me know your thoughts on the above and any other titbits you may have.



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Count Me in Chon......you must be mad :D

You are letting yourself in for another season of hard work , but I have to congatulate you on your ability to handle this compo AND bring up a family :D

I would hazzaed a couple of suggestions.

I think that if everyone posted their predictions on an open foum then there could be some gamesmanship nvolved.

eg....If I was (not likely to happen) winnng the compo and you were my nearest rival 2 weeks before the compo ended it would be easy to look at your predicitions and copy them before sending my own, that way I am guaranteed to stay in front.I know that post your predictions now, but I never look at them unil after Saturdays games....anyway there would be no point now as you ae beating me...but I could have......if you see my point! :o

I think it would be better to send them via spreadsheet one month in advance and post that you have submitted them, you should not have to chase people or post that they have not sent theirs, if people dont post that they have supplied them, thats their own fault, similarly if they post that they HAVE supplied them ,but you can't locate them, THEN you could look into it

This would minimise your workload , but still kepe the predictions confidential.

I would alo suggest that the "Dosh Money" goes to the Charity selectd by he evetual winner, that way if people do not pay up they have got to live with themselves. I wuld aso suggest raising this to 50 pounds....the only person NOT to pay is the winner, and he has the satisfaction of knowing that he has raised maybee a grand for charity.

Just my 2 satangs worth.

Good Luck


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I'm in for next season. Maybe continue the way you are but to keep it interesting for the lower players. Maybe one a month have a double points Saturday. So that way only the games that you predict on the Saturday will acrue double points. Just a thought.

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Yeah, would like another year at it.

Chon as you have the best view of things is it correct to say that very few correctly predict ( result + score) more than 3 or 4 matches each week.

If that is the case then perhaps a bigger reward for doing this would allow more movement among the mid ranking predictors.

I also like Jockstar's suggestion.

I prefer predictions to be private.

Will pm u about how to pay the winner Chon :o

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even though i dont join in on these predictions whatever...i have a suggestion that all you boys add another 4 beers each to your bet, and those go to Chon :o

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I'm in Chon, and thanks for running this seasons compo. :o

I do agree with TP that I like the present system of PMing the predictions, though I guess it is labour intensive for you.. As for opportunities to gain bonus points perhaps the system used on "Challenge Lawro" (the BBC's on-line prediction game) might work. (You get 5 Jokers to use in a season.. nominate the match you're Jokering and if the result is correct the player gets double points for that game). Easy enough to add Joker to the selected match on the spreadsheet for the player.. but more admin for you so it might defeat the object..

Otherwise, including the FA Cup sounds like a good idea, perhaps not via spreadsheet but posted on a dedicated thread as you suggested..

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Cheers for the contributions all, it seems the pm / email system is preferred by most of you, and I will go with the majority.

I'm also thinking more about these bonus points and have some interesting ideas from you already.

The charity idea for the dosh league is a cracker - cheers TP. :D

Any more suggestions ?

ps Mig, lets go halves on some babychams................ :o

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I'll have another go Chon, even though I don't really follow Soccer :o As can be told by my league placings.

I reckon the best method is, which ever is easiest to administrate, I have no real beef either way is chosen.

I think the Charity thing is a good idea, but perhaps should be down to the individual, if I had won then that is where mine would have gone, but that is moot, I will never win a Soccer Compo.

One thing about the Charity option, I know it is an International comp, but with it being a Thai Forum, would it not be nice to make it a Charity in Thailand?

Good Luck


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This way there will be no grey areas.

With regards to the dosh compo, it all depends on the decency of the punters. If we/they all pay up, I have no qualms with running another one. Those who do not pay up WILL be banned from Thaivisa.

But I'm sure this will not be an issue. I will act as a mediator between the winner and the payees if any problems occur.

I'm up for it mate. Only thing is that I'm sometimes back in old Angrit and at other times in the LOS without any consistant regularity either way. So, there may be a problem paying up either way if the prize is in baht.

Cheers for your time and effort.

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Alright punters?

I'm just having a think about next season's prediction competition.

I'm game [ or mad ] for running it again if you lot fancy another punt?

I've a few ideas to hopefully improve the running of the compo and as always I'm interested in your ideas as well!

The major change is going to be with regards to submitting the weekly predictions.

I'm going to open a thread each week, about 3 days before the first game. Each competitor must post their predictions on this thread. As a mod I will enforce an auto closure of the thread for 11am on the day of the first match. I will also be subject to this.

I feel this will provide a more open playing field. It has been a task at times to collate your predictions, emails, pms, attachments not opening etc. This way there will be no grey areas.

With regards to the dosh compo, it all depends on the decency of the punters. If we/they all pay up, I have no qualms with running another one. Those who do not pay up WILL be banned from Thaivisa.

But I'm sure this will not be an issue. I will act as a mediator between the winner and the payees if any problems occur.

A lot of this years people tended to give up about halfway through, this has proved to be a pain in the arse when it comes to the weekly collation of points.

I haven't decided whether or not to allow them back in...... :o

One chap - ******has had an eventful year and still managed to get his points across to me weekly.

It all depends on how much you want to be included in the whole event.

One or 2 or you have jumped 10 or 15 places in a few weeks, it is never over until...it's over.

Please let me know your thoughts on the above and any other titbits you may have.



I'm defo up for it chon seen as I joined well to late to be involved properly and have a pop at winning :D .

Great idea from tp about the cash league being for charity and 50 quid/ 3500 baht wont stretch the bank account :D .

Dont let any quitters back in !!!!!!

Keep up the good work mate :D .

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