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Thailand’s Tourism Industry Meets - Asks for Opening of Borders and Skies


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I have not looked up any statistics but I do believe covit is amazing it has eradicated most of the deaths caused by influenza, any lung problems bronkitus etc etc. If you take all the statistics into the right proportion I think you will find covid does not kill as many people as we are lead to believe.

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23 hours ago, Walker88 said:


"98% survive"....therefore, open the economy?


Wow, that's cold. So the US has 330 million, and losing perhaps 6.6 million is 'acceptable'. Lots of sad families and friends.


The US lost around 450,000 in WWII, 74,000 in WWI, about 54,000 in Korea, 55,000 in Vietnam, 3000 on 9-11, and 685,000 in the Civil War.....the total of all major wars is 20% of what is acceptable to you from Covid.


Since the invention of the automobile, approximately 120 years, around 3.6 million Americans have been killed in car accidents. Losing 3 million more than all traffic deaths ever to Covid is acceptable to you.


In the US now young people with no underlying condition are dying, and survivors are suffering brain damage, nervous system damage and heart problems. The effects of the virus are somewhat mercurial, and its effects are more than death.


Lives are individuals, not statistics. The US is not Stalin-esque (1 death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic).


Widespread distribution of the vaccine will take time, perhaps a year to reach the sought after 70% uptake. if we value our fellows in any way, perhaps wearing masks, social distancing, limiting close quarter contact, and govt assistance to suffering businesses is worth it to save more lives than the US lost in all wars and road accidents combined.


As for Thailand, 2% is 1.4 million souls, a heavy price.




Yes, it is acceptable as it saves the livelyhood and economy for a multiple of this figures for others. Law of nature, the weak will die first

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22 hours ago, Walker88 said:

Why create a straw man? I did not conveniently forget anything. Thai road deaths are unrelated to the subject at hand. Are you saying, well, since Thailand loses 20,000 per year on the roads, they should be willing to accept 1.4 million deaths from Covid?


All I did was compare deaths from US road accidents and all major wars---for which we've erected countless monuments owing to their gravity and importance---with the amount that poster was willing to accept as a fair price for re-opening the economy. Losing 2% of the population should be, if we were a moral society, unacceptable.


Sadly, the US seems to have a moral rot, and many feel so long as those 6.6 million are not 'me', I'm willing to accept it, but please don't inconvenience me by making me sit 6' away in a restaurant or wear a mask. I wonder when we lost our concern for our fellows, but surely many have lost it and care solely about themselves.

i take your point totally and I'm in no way saying that Thailand should be willing to accept 1.4 million deaths but that is just like saying should  they be willing to accept 20k deaths a year on the roads? no. but death is unfortunately a part of life. 

so a virus will kill people as its the nature of the beast  just like flu etc.   and that doesn't mean i don't care i'm just being a realist and yes we should do everything we can to minimize the threat.

 but it must be in proportion to the threat. and the cure shouldn't be worse than the problem.      

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When times get tough, a lot of people go into denial or other defense mechanisms. You can see this enmase all over the world, fools leading fools.


We use defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or guilt, which arise because we feel threatened or because our ID or superego becomes too demanding.

Defense mechanisms operate at an unconscious level and help ward off unpleasant feelings or make good things feel better for the individual.

You will see this in many people now a days, it is an epidemic in it self.

- Projection, people think covid is a one world government plot, an attack on their rights and freedoms. Even Fox news, Donald Trump believed this.

- Displacement, covidiots attack people who ask them to wear a mask or they remove arrows from the floor, etc.


- Reaction Formation, people go out and hug other people without a mask, go and protest against wearing a mask.


- Rationalization, Fallacies "Covid is only natural there is nothing we can do about it." "People die every day from car accidents."


- Denial. If a situation is just too much to handle, a person may respond by refusing to perceive it or by denying that it exist. "It is just a flu, it only kills very old people etc." "It is scamdemic"


Many times people who deny covid, not wear a mask, they end up catching it or infecting their family members. That's what happens when you deny a problem.


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On 12/13/2020 at 11:19 AM, khunPer said:

Originally the capacity for incoming ASQ was 40 a day, recently it was mentioned in the news that space had come up to 100 new incoming persons a day. So if fx. 4 foreigners tests positive in one day it equals 4 percent.


Imagine just a few percent of turists with a fast spreading G-string Covid-19 visiting crowded areas.

Ok but what I mean , imagine it is 4% ( seems high to me as actually in the world 73milion infected, on world population it is far from 4%)  than is my question how much where detected in the first 7 days.  What I read that incubation time is average 4-5days and exceptionnaly up tot 14days. So if with Quarantaine of 7 days they cover 95% of this 4%... The last 7 days  one should be report on a mobile app and if get sick there is a perfect contact and source tracing possibility. (Same as they do now with local infections when detected) 

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1 hour ago, Patjqm said:

seems high to me as actually in the world 73milion infected, on world population it is far from 4%

Depending of the whole World's population is tested. A lot tests positive without symptoms. Countries with a huge number of daily tests, and of course havind the virus outbreak, find just around 3 percent is positive.


I have not seen any reports of how many that tests positive within the first 7 days of people in Thai quarantine, nor have I looked for any statistics, so there might be, if you Google for it.

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3 hours ago, khunPer said:

Depending of the whole World's population is tested. A lot tests positive without symptoms. Countries with a huge number of daily tests, and of course havind the virus outbreak, find just around 3 percent is positive.


I have not seen any reports of how many that tests positive within the first 7 days of people in Thai quarantine, nor have I looked for any statistics, so there might be, if you Google for it.

I found this , but not specific Thailand. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-incubation-period/   and also this https://www.frontiersin.org/files/Articles/604339/fpubh-08-604339-HTML/image_m/fpubh-08-604339-g003.jpg?fbclid=IwAR2t5OzMnF3vJ_hHMPrZUhU9MhXu3_M2kNn1t2lqqdc7Iu1dB1ax4e3kMNw

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