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Guys Who Introduce Their Girl With A Title


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i see this all over thai visa and with my experience of meeting other farang's girl friends and wifes. when many farang talk about their partner, they will always mention immediately that "she is from a good family", or that "she is a good girl". this gets on my nerves. it seems like alot of farang have definitely bought into the class mentality - and i wonder how many of the guys with good girls from good families have spent time, or still spend time with the bad girls from the bad families?

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My first wife in California was from a very good family, well known in conservative Pasadena, California. She was a speed freak and part-time dominatrix; marriage lasted 5 weeks. So much for good families. My Thai wife is wonderful!

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I don't think saying she's a "good" girl has anything to do with class issues. As qwertz mentioned, they probably do it because they don't want people thinking their mrs used to be a "pro."

Actually, when someone says "she's a good girl," I immediately assume the opposite. True "good girls" don't need to be introduced with a title.

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I'm never actually convinced these kind of introductions are for anybody's benefit other than the guy who's doing the introduction.

Its my own observation that in such cases these guys either want to stroke their own ego for having met a good girl, or are busy telling themselves a lie that they have.

More often the latter.

And as I often say, the most dangerous lies in Thailand at those that Farangs tell themselves.

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I think I usually refer to my partner simply as 'my boyfriend.' When it seems relevant, I'll say he was the assistant GM of a big hotel when we met, which is true.

Similar to mdeland's case, I married an Alamo Heights girl who was attending Trinity University; she never learned to cook or clean, but she has a good heart and she gave me 6 nice kids. But I never introduced her by her native zip code (78209, similar to 90210).

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I think the OP is mistaken. They don't introduce her with a title, it's and explanation. and that, to me puts a whole different spin on it. Not a great one either.

Ps. in this world of equality why don't they introduce themselves?

I'm fighting hard the urge to say THEY HAVE PROBABLY ALREADY MET!!!!

Edited by Loz
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my experience of meeting other farang's girl friends and wifes. when many farang talk about their partner, they will always mention immediately that "she is from a good family", or that "she is a good girl".
In the case of written communication, I can understand it, I suppose, as the reader has no other cues to the character of the person. It still makes me think of Lassie - "good girl ! " and her Evil Twin - "bad girl ! drop that postman !" Have not encountered it in personal introductions, though. Wonder what the appropriate response is :D ?
Ps. in this world of equality why don't they introduce themselves?

I'm fighting hard the urge to say THEY HAVE PROBABLY ALREADY MET!!!!


Edited by WaiWai
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thanks for the sensible comment.

I think it's defence mechanism on the part of some guys in case you ask if the wife was a BG before they met. As if it matters.
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This is a tough one – as too many people assume that because a Thai woman is dating a Westerner, she must be (or have been) a "working girl". I would not say I introduce a GF with a title, but when asked about her, I will tell what she does for a living and where she went to Uni. I admit, I don't want people thinking my GF is a prostitute (how wrong of me!) - part of that is to protect her, part of that is to protect me.

While some Westerners will hint at it, trying to figure out where your GF comes from, I have had Thai business associates be quite blatant about it, then become very relieved when the learn my GF's background. Reason being, before extending invitations to certain events, introducing my GF to their wife or GF, they want to ensure my GF is someone worth meeting and avoid a potentially very embarrassing loss of face. You can scream from the rafters that this is unfair, wrong, no one should do this, etc., but if you want to be successful with the Thai business community and take your GF or wife out and about, she better be someone who can mingle. No one will say boo (to your face) if you have a wife from another background, but you better not bring her to business events.

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I am trying to think what I do

If its a work colleague I say, "This is so and so - she works with me"

If I am introducing a Thai girl to a work colleague its usually, "This is my friend XXXX"

Then there are some girls I do not introduce ;-))))

Thai's and any farang in the country more than 5 minutes "Know" - there is no need for false introductions!!!

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I have to admit it has troubled me sometimes over the years when people, whatever country we've been in, assume things. The worst was the looks I used to get with a young Thai niece (like 12-13 at the time) when we'd be walking around (just the 2 of us) in Pattaya.

But I've reached the point now where I just don't do any explanation because it just seems like a cop out.

During a recent visit to the small town in the small state where I'm from in the US, a guy in a bar was drunkenly fondling his friend's breast and she told him to stop. The guy then caught my girlfriend staring at him and said "what are you staring at, little miss ######ing won ton?" I told the bartender we were quite offended because my girlfriend is Thai and not Chinese. The joke went right past them...

But the point being some people are just too ignorant to bother with--they will think what they will think regardless of what one says. And in any event, why give in to the classism that so many of us hate wherever we see it?

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But the point being some people are just too ignorant to bother with--they will think what they will think regardless of what one says.

Too true. You'd think with how common stupidity and ignorance is that it would blend into the background and be easy to ignore. Unfortunately ignorance is often louder than wisdom. :o

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I get peeved whenever I read "My TG" or "My thai wife" or "My Thai gf" etc. etc.... why not just say "my wife" or "my gf?"

I don't refer to my gf as "my swedish gf," just "my gf."

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Hmmm, maybe I move in the wrong circles, but I don't know anyone who introduces their wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend with anything other than "This is Noi/Lek/Nid/Id/Goy my wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend" nobody ever assumes they are bar staff.

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I have to admit it has troubled me sometimes over the years when people, whatever country we've been in, assume things............

But I've reached the point now where I just don't do any explanation because it just seems like a cop out."

I admit I am with you a bit here but still cringe inside at some of the looks I get when with a female Thai colleague. It just does not seem to happen with any of the girls from any of the other Asian countries and we have staff from most.

I also admit I might be over-sensitive myself as none (of the girls) have ever mentioned anything to me.

There were times when I was with my ex I would speak Thai (not very good) not English to her in hotels or the like when we got looks from westerners in the mistaken belief that if they heard us talking Thai they might then think we had been together quite a while and not a overnighter - what an idiot!

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