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Pro-Trump protests decry president's election loss, opposing groups clash in Washington


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7 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

Sad to see how the divide is being fueled and widened by extremists on both sides.


If the Republicans retain the Senate and were to take control of Congress, then Biden-Harris Administration is in for a rough time. Which won't help the American people one way or another.


Ironic though that the Democrats now call for unity and acceptance when they never would. 


Politicians in the West used to govern on behalf of the people and for the benefit of the people. That era has long gone.



Another "on both sides" rhetoric, plus a good dose of "pot calling the kettle black" straight out of Trumpism 101 thrown in for good measure.


Thanks for the gloom and doom anyway. To parrot "My Fair Lady," we'll muddle through somehow, the sun will still rise without Trump for the 80+ millions of us. Now let me switch to "Hair", let the sun shine in, yeehaw!

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21 hours ago, webfact said:

Eddy Miller of Philadelphia, who was selling Trump campaign T-shirts, said he was sure "there was fraud despite what I see on the news" about court rulings striking down fraud allegations.


Sounds like my sister-in-law.

Ask her "What proof do you have?"

She'll reply "I just know."

Can't argue with that.



Trump gave fuel to the Proud Boys movement by telling the group to "stand back and stand by." He later said he condemned the group and "all white supremacists."

Yes, he says that and all channels play it, the "he later condemned" part is probably not played on Fox and the other nutter outlets. 


Maybe when the armed nutters make their stand Federal LE will settle this problem good and proper.



Edited by bendejo
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15 hours ago, Jonnapat said:

Surely a country that has lost control of itself by rules that allow a defeated President a further 10 weeks in office to wreak havoc, which he is only too happy to be a big part of. Possibilities of big trouble in the next few weeks. 

One has to feel for Biden and the new administration which will have an enormous problem to govern with any authority, all things considered. A really strong AG is essential. 



"A government upheld upon the honor system only works if everyone involved has honor. This seems something that legislators should reexamine,"




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