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Round worm in puppy: Should we humans be treated?


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Hello All,


We just acquired a Pomeranian puppy about three weeks ago and today it expelled a 3 inch long round worm.  (Impressive for a 1kg nine week old dog!). The dog has been inside, and crated, but has had accidents on the floor of our house as she is potty training.  I suspect round worm eggs are basically everywhere.


We have toddler and three adults in the house.  Typically, would the humans be treated?  I've seen mention of albendazole. I'm particularly concerned about our toddler - we'll see the pediatrician on Monday, but I'm not sure if we should find a clinic tomorrow rather than wait, considering these suckers can grow and spread fast.



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Definitely treat everybody quickly. Puppy should be treated also.

Toddlers put fingers in their mouths so easily caught.

I have seen worm bigger than that in toddlers nappy.

Clean floors properly not just wiping. If my house be washing with bleach and dettol in hot water.

This was common in PNG when I was there.

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Quick update: Spoke with two doctors at our local private hospital.  They prescribed the albendazole, but advised us not to give it to our toddler unless he exhibited symptoms.  Their advice was very much "it's up to you", and when asked what they'd do "I would not take it unless there are symptoms". 

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1 hour ago, leftrighter said:

Quick update: Spoke with two doctors at our local private hospital.  They prescribed the albendazole, but advised us not to give it to our toddler unless he exhibited symptoms.  Their advice was very much "it's up to you", and when asked what they'd do "I would not take it unless there are symptoms". 


Children with roundworm will usually be asymptomatic unless/until the infestation is severe.


WHO approves the routine prophylactic administration of albendazole to children aged 6 months and up in areas where parasites are prevalent. I would consider your household as qualifying.



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