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Deep deep into brexit - Opportunity Knocks?

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The sad fact is companies who operate in the small to medium space in Europe do not want to be saddled with the extra work of having to pay vat prior to receiving goods, they don't want the tax man inspecting their goods to ensure tax is correct and even if some get deferment accounts it's still an extra hassle which begs the question... Should they find new suppliers without this hassle.


Add that to an extremely poor start to the year transport wise and you really do need to think about just cutting your losses with the UK suppliers. 


So I have sat watching this nightmare unfold for nearly 3 weeks and I am thinking about:


The amount of US/EU distribution agreements that are handed to UK companies, these agreements are now open to discussion.


The amount of UK companies who will be looking at Ireland as a springboard partner to Europe.


Ireland (ROI) has 12.5% Corp tax, UK is 23%. 


Ireland seems extremely attractive, surely this time right now is a time of opportunity. 


It would be like a triple whammy bonus. Every company you ever dealt with in UK would see your relocation and want to extend the best pricing to recapture the lost trade.


You could aggressively hunt US/EU distribution agreements and take over the EU and you could make your existing clients motivated more than ever to work with you and you could literally ask them what they need that they no longer get from UK and handle that sourcing too.


Seems like a win win win. Seems to good to be true.


All sensible advice hugely appreciated.

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