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Cd Burning Problem.


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Could someone please help me out? My PC has a CD drive with the following written in it.


Compact Disk Rewritable 52x32x52x

Now, I want to transfer some of my photographs from hard drive to CD. I have done it before, but quite a while ago. When ever I try it the PC says there is no disk in the drive, even through there is a brand new disk in the drive. When I check the disk properties it says the disk is full. I have checked several disks and they all say the same. I even threw some disks away last week thinking they were duff. The disks are ‘PRINCO CD-R80 2X-56X’. Am I in some way supposed to format hese disks before use? I bought the disks locally, 10 for 50 Baht.

Also, should I be able to copy from VCD’s to these disks?

Any help appreciated.

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Could someone please help me out? My PC has a CD drive with the following written in it.


Compact Disk Rewritable 52x32x52x

Now, I want to transfer some of my photographs from hard drive to CD. I have done it before, but quite a while ago. When ever I try it the PC says there is no disk in the drive, even through there is a brand new disk in the drive. When I check the disk properties it says the disk is full. I have checked several disks and they all say the same. I even threw some disks away last week thinking they were duff. The disks are ‘PRINCO CD-R80 2X-56X’. Am I in some way supposed to format hese disks before use? I bought the disks locally, 10 for 50 Baht.

Also, should I be able to copy from VCD’s to these disks?

Any help appreciated.

are you using NERO or some other program to burn?

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The drive still plays music and software ok.

I’m not using Nero, I am dragging the files across from My Documents to the disk Icon and then asking to burn them to disk. Should I try another way?

I’ll get my old Laptop out in a little while and try the same thing on there.

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Sounds a bit basic but are you certain that you have the proper format cd in there? (+r/-r). Most handle both now but if it can't read the format it will show as no disk in the drive.

Also, you could go to add/remove hardware and uninstall/re-install the drive.

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What operating system are you using? (windows xp ? )

I may be wrong here but i thought that not all versions of windows support drag and drop to the cd burner. You have to use software that tells the CD burner to burn a CD and not to just play it.

I have used Princo CD's and most of them are ok - though some are dodgy and you may have gotten a dodgy batch - though i think its unlikely that they are all duff.

I think you just arent using the right software. In fact, you arent using any software !!

Thats what the other posters are talking about when they mention Nero.

You can get a free cd burner here


Just click on the download menu on the right of the web page

it's open source software - so its free, easy to use, and quite a small download.

Edited by markg
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I have just tried the CD’s in my laptop and that says they are full too, whilst at the same time not recognizing that there is anything there. Properties says it's full, but when I drah to it I'm told there is no Cd present.

XP does have a drag and drop facility.

I tried opening my Nero and it’s all in Thai, so I gave up on that.

I am going to Tuk.Com in Pattaya tomorrow to buy a few things. I will take one of the CD’s and ask someone to check it for me and show me how it’s done. Otherwise I will give up.

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I bought a pack of 10 Princo DVD+R from a shop in comcity in Pattaya. 2 or 3 out of the 10 turned out to be duff. Since I only found out at the end of a 3 hour burn process for some DVD movies I was making, I was a bit annoyed to say the least :o)

It could very well be a duff batch, especially if you tried them on a couple of drives. If the disc is saying full, it sounds like the line out has all ready been written to the disc meaning no more information can be copied to it.

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I tried opening my Nero and it's all in Thai, so I gave up on that.

had the exact same prob when i moved here .

open up nero start smart lower right hand side there is 3 buttons hit the middle one this will open up a sub menu ... the first drop down menu is for languages scroll to the top english is first.

i cant offer any help with your burning problem though.


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I have just tried the CD’s in my laptop and that says they are full too, whilst at the same time not

I tried opening my Nero and it’s all in Thai, so I gave up on that.

I am going to Tuk.Com in Pattaya tomorrow to buy a few things. I will take one of the CD’s and ask someone to check it for me and show me how it’s done. Otherwise I will give up.

Dont give up softlad. I gave you a link to some open source CD burning software. Its about a 6MB download.

It's open source - so it's free, not copyrighted etc

It's also in English.

Try that first before giving up.

Take your lap top into Pattaya and get them to show you/have a look at the problem.

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Funny that, up to about 5 months ago, I had no problem burning DVDs or VCDs using Nero, but now although things look as if they are going through the motion so to speak the fi ished (or should be finished) product is empty !!!!

Are you sure you are sending it to the right burner? Nero has a burner select as one of the last screens and if you send a DVD to CD drive by mistake it will look as if it is working but nothing will happen on the DVD and there will be no warning that anything was wrong.

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Thanks for all the advice.

A changed my ACD to English. It’s easy when you know how.

I would download the fee software, but I am having problems with my PC at the minute, the download time is terribel: see my other thread.

I think the overall problem is my PC. It is causing all sorts of problems for me at the moment. I am having a guy round tomorrow to try to right it for me.

I took one of the CD's to TUK Com in Pattaya today. A man very kindly let me check it one his machine. It was fine and showed as an empty, blank, accessible CD.

The only think that confuses me now is that when I tried the Cd in my Laptop it had the same problem as my desk top! Now I am confused.

I will see how things go after I've had the man round to check my PC.

Thanks again.

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