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Restriction To Build On A Land?

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I was wondering if it was any restriction to build a house on a land? Some areas where it is not allowed? style of house? ......

Thank you for your comments

Hi Jahil,

I don't think you've given enough information for anyone to offer you a helpful response. Perhaps you could add more details?

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Thank you for this comment: you are completely right. My question was a little bit to short!!

Here are some more details:

I intend to buy (my TW) a 4-5 rai land around Chiang Rai (approx 15-20 km from the city).

The idead is to buy it in or next to a village. later on we would build a house.

My question is based on the situation in Europe where there are some regulations like:

  • specific areas can not be built
  • some style of house are not allowed
  • you have to respect a miniumum distance between two constructions
  • and so on....

I hope that everybody will understand my question better with this

thnaks in advance for your replies

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There are very few restrictions here in Thailand regarding what can be built and where. While this may give you momentary relief concerning your own home, know that anyone else can build practically anything right next door to you. Zoning laws here aere not at all like what we westerners have become used to. It's a double edged sword. You have a great deal of freedom to build as you wish, but so does your neighbor. Anyway, when you get closer to choosing the land, come back again with more specific details. Best of luck.

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If you are outside town, you have to apply for permission at the local Or Bor Tor.

They have to look at and pass your plans. Needless to say if the person who draws up your plans has good connections you probably won't have any problems and it will be quicker.

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