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Foreign tourist arrivals in Thailand fall to decade low


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21 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

As per the pic in the OP, I sure do miss seeing those chinese cuties in the hats-sundresses and sneakers! 555

The ones we see wandering around Pattaya just don't seem to look like that.... if any do they must be keeping them well cordoned off to stop them finding employment, 

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I have no plans to return to Thailand until I have been vaccinated, as well as hearing that

the bulk of Thailand's population,  also have been vaccinated.  I do not have any wishes

to get Covid 19 now or in the future.  I think the Winter of 2021- 2022 will have some

brave, desperate people travelling to Thailand, but I do believe it will be the WInter of 2022-

2023 before I venture very far from my home.  Guess I will have to see how the Spring,

Summer or Fall  goes.  Some of my friends who have property in Thailand say it is so

dead, with many businesses closed, that their stay is quite boring.  They do go to 

restaurants to have some meals out, but they miss their friends who did not travel

to Thailand this year.  They are not looking forward to their 2 weeks quarantine on

returning to Canada in the Spring, and now they may have to pay an extra 2000 CDN

dollars to stay in a Quarantine hotel after arriving back in Canada as well.

  I will keep my mind open as see how the situation is doing, but i do not see the millions

of tourists travelling, before 2022 or 2023.


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4 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Some of my friends who have property in Thailand say it is so

dead, with many businesses closed, that their stay is quite boring.

Thailand without the crowds is actually quite special. Yes, the various restrictions can make certain aspects more boring, but this is a chance to experience Thailand in a way that hasn't been possible since the 80's.

6 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I think the Winter of 2021- 2022 will have some

brave, desperate people travelling to Thailand

If they can get vaccinated by the summer, why would traveling to Thailand in the winter, on a plane containing only other vaccinated people, be a brave or desperate act?

I genuinely don't understand why, after vaccinations become more generally available, people would voluntarily choose to wait another year or two before traveling.


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There we go, actual finished research based on three trials. AstraZeneca reduces transmission by 67% after just one shot, making it far harder for the virus to spread.

If reflected in the other vaccines, this pretty much guarantees that quarantine and test requirements will soon be dropped, worldwide, in favor of vaccination passports.

More importantly, it will knock the wind out of Covid's sails in any country that manages to give at least a first shot to even a third of their population.



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4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

The ones we see wandering around Pattaya just don't seem to look like that.... if any do they must be keeping them well cordoned off to stop them finding employment, 

They look exactly like that in Cm, and send them up north, I may be able to use a personal assistant, or 2..... ????  First 100 applicants get a small bag of dried seaweed

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1 minute ago, ChakaKhan said:

They look exactly like that in Cm, and send them up north, I may be able to use a personal assistant, or 2..... ????  First 100 applicants get a small bag of dried seaweed

We get some right mouthy ones down here.... shouting their heads off. Rude and pushy..... 

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December 2019/January 2020 tourism to Thailand had already dropped to 60% and was trending down the Covid crisis has just accelerated this trend Thailand was a cheap and cheerful destination however the resort's like Pattaya are now expensive and they fail to maintain the city infrastructure so the are also unsafe places. Tourists willing to spend money also want safety (for example when crossing the road) there are plenty of other sunny warm places that do provide this safety for the same expense. Tourists walk and gawk but pedestrians safety is totally ignored in Thailand

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