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Open bank account, apply O visa (for retirement) in Bangkok vs. Phuket

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Oh man.  I just looked at my paperwork AGAIN from March.  My statement from headquarters has March 1 date, the mini-statement I got for the week difference has March 8 date and my letter has March 9 date.  This was for an extension, not an O visa.  I don't know what his problem is.   The most important thing is that all the amounts have to be the same.   I don't know about the 100 baht thing.  When I update my passbook (Every Month) I run it through twice.  The first time shows the activity and the second time shows Balance forward: B/F

for example:  Today I ran it through the machine 2x.  First one shows TRF, a transfer I made March 11.  The second time it shows B/F for the balance forward.  Today the two amounts were the same balance, but the date on the second run through was April 3, while the first run through showed a date of march 11 the date of the transfer.  (I hope this all makes sense.)

Now that doesn't seem to be your problem.  It has to do with the statements you are getting from the Bank.  

Hum....Maybe for this one time you will have to go to the bank 2 days in a row.   first day to get the letter and the second day to get the statement.  You can ask branch manager.


I don't know why you should have to, but you might have to this one time to appease this smiley guy.  Or maybe the bank manager can stamp a date in blue ink the actual date you received the statement - same day you get the letter.


I wonder if there is anyone out there that applied for their O visa at the  Phuket office that has a better idea or can help.  When I got my O visa I had to go to Malaysia and, although I don't have the paperwork anymore, I can't imagine Bangkok Bank changing their statement dating procedures from then to now. But, I didn't have to deal with the smiley guy in Penang.

Good luck.  Or....maybe you can ask the bank manager to go to immigration with you.... hahah.   At least get her to talk to someone down there.

One more thing, don't forget Songkran.  If you can't sort it out next week, then skip the following week.  It will be hard to run people the week of the 12th.

Edited by LivingNThailand
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Next week I will try again for the non-O visa for retirement, using the 800k in bank method, at Phuket immigration, with a covid extension of stay ending 13 June. First, I will ask the Bangkok Bank manager to call the phone number given to me by smiley guy room 103 of his boss, a fellow by the name of Mr. Noppong. Anyone know of Mr. Noppong?


If that goes nowhere, I will deposit 100 baht, update the passbook and obtain the bank letter. I will return the next day and obtain the bank statement, which will be dated the previous day. That way all three documents will have the same date and balance. Then I will go to immigration to apply for the visa.


Does that sound like the best way forward? What if immigration wants to see banking activity on the same day as the visa application? Or worse, what if they want all the bank documents dated the same day as the visa application? (as smiley 103 demanded?)

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do you use your "retirement" bank account as a day-to-day account too?  Or do you have a separate account for immigration?  Easier if you have two accounts.


In my experience you don't have to show any activity at all as long as the balances match.   Hopefully the bank manager will help you.  Maybe someone else out there has more experience with your issue.  Good luck.

Phuket immigration website states:


Signed and stamped bank letter AND Signed and stamped bank statement showing the required money and duration before application date. (Max 7 days old)


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On 5/7/2021 at 9:59 AM, LivingNThailand said:

do you use your "retirement" bank account as a day-to-day account too?  Or do you have a separate account for immigration?  Easier if you have two accounts.


It is my only account in Thailand. For day-to-day I am using my Charles Schwab ATM card.

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I have a fixed account with the Floresta branch of Bangkok Bank, with the 800k in it (which I maintain for continued extensions on my permission to stay on my Type-OA visa).  I never touch this 800k amount. 


When I went for my first 1-year extension at Phuket immigration in February, I obtained (1) a letter from Bangkok Bank stating I had 800k in the bank, (2) a statement from Bangkok Bank going back 6-months (this was my 1st extension) showing the 800K, and (2) updated my bank book.  All had the same identical date (ie day I was at Bangkok Bank), and all had the identical amount showing. 


The NEXT day I went to Phuket immigration for my 1-year extension and they were happy with that financial paperwork.  


I also note that the Phuket Immigration Volunteers web site unofficially notes the financial paperwork must be less than the maximum 7-days 'old'.

Edited by oldcpu
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/3/2021 at 8:36 AM, LivingNThailand said:

Hey, did you ever get your Non-O visa?  I was doing my 90-day the other day and saw smiley man walk by when I was in the drive-through line.  I just wondering if you were successful.  I hope so.  For what it's worth, it does get easier.

When I returned to the bank (Central Floresta branch of Bangkok Bank) the manager was not there, so I didn’t bother to ask them to call immigration. I deposited 100 baht, updated the bank book and obtained the bank letter. 


Next day I returned to bank and got the bank statement, so now the bank book, bank letter and bank statement all have the same date and balance. Then on to immigration where I approached smiley man 103 and he stared at me briefly as he recognizes me. I lift up my papers and he twitches his head from side to side as if to say “no, no” and I sit down. A few seconds later he walks over and without making eye contact, takes my papers. He shuffles the papers for a few minutes. During this time a Russian woman walks up and exchanges documents with him, boom, done, she’s out of there. He comes back to me and says the bank statement is ok but I need to update the bank book and bank letter with today’s date, AND draw a map of my residence. Again, this is for the non-O visa, not the one-year extension. He got up close and stared at me with searing eyes as he quietly but firmly issued his commands like a cruel school teacher. ????


At that moment a feeling of calm washed over me like a wave. It was at that moment I vowed never return to room 103. I would use an agent, get a covid extension or go home.


I utilized one of the reputable visa agents for the non-O. They only asked for my passport and some photos. I didn’t have to go to immigration. I received my passport back yesterday. The 90 days was calculated from the date of the non-O stamp rather than from the end of my covid extension, so I lost some days but don’t really care. The non-O was issued by an immigration office in a province far from Phuket. Again, I don’t really care and didn’t ask why. I’m going to start spending down my 800k. I don’t care anymore. I followed the rules, but this rogue IO has it out for me, so I will play the visa agent game and let the chips fall where they may. It's not corruption until it's translated into English.


I will return to the bank soon to show my visa and request international internet banking and whatever other banking privileges are now available. And endure their insurance products sales pitch most likely. I wonder if the bank will notice – or care – that my visa was not issued by Phuket immigration?


I downloaded the Bangkok Bank Savings Account Product Catalog – available only in Thai language – and while translating it, discovered that non-residents’ Thai baht and foreign currency accounts are not protected by the Thailand Deposit Protection Agency Act of 2008. Another ugly surprise, but at this point I don’t care.


I will use the agent for the one-year extension and get a re-entry permit, then think about how long I want to stay. Here in Phuket it’s like watching a slow train wreck as the province tries to reopen. But as I said before, I feel calm and at peace knowing I will never return to Thai immigration to apply for a visa or retirement extension. The agent is worth it in that regard.


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That's a terrible story.  That guy has a serious problem and he shouldn't treat people the way he treats them.   Especially when we treat all the immigration officers with respect.  It's too bad you can't report him to some higher authority.  


You will need the 800,000 for your extension.  All the details are on the phuket immigration volunteer website.


Don't let this one guy sour you on Phuket.  It's a very nice place to live and most of the people are very nice.  Good luck for the future.

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I've decided to return to the US in early October. I don't want to retire in Thailand. I would rather just be a tourist. So I need just enough extension of stay to fly out in October. 


@ubonjoe My non-O visa expires on 24 August. I used an agent, and the visa was stamped by Khon Kaen immigration. But I still live in Phuket and still have my certificate of residence (a copy, not the original). Can I get a covid extension in Phuket? If so, when should I apply? Will Phuket immigration question the Khon Kaen visa stamp? I would need about 2 weeks prior to 24 August to send off for the 1-year extension (14,000 baht agent fee) if the covid extension is denied.


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Hey I just saw this.   Sorry things didn't work out for you.  It's probably the worst time to move to Phuket.  The last 18 months have been very hard mentally and emotionally.  But at least you tried something new and got new life experiences.  Ok, enough of that.

Three suggestions.

1.  Start a new post.  It may jump to the front of the queue and you can get some answers.

2.  Message ubon Joe directly.  I'm pretty sure you can do that.

3.  Go to Phuket immigration, second floor, room in the front.  They have some nice volunteers and should be able to help you.  There was a guy, I think on a Wednesday, that helped me with my new passport when I was having difficulty registering for the vaccine program. (unfortunately after it got straightened out they ran out of AZ-but that's another story).  Volunteers on the 2nd floor, not 1st floor.  Or you could even email them.  They are really good about responding.

Hope that helps and let us know what the end result was.  Good luck.

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