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Stickman is a former colleague of mine many many years ago. A decent bloke, a trustworthy bloke. Someone you could rely on, someone who'd go the extra mile to help a fellow farang in need.

The Stickman of the last couple of years is a different bloke. He's become harder, materialistic and untrustwothy. He'd become someone one can not trust. Someone who flirted with some dangerous folks like sex club owners and pimps.

He tried to fool his readers with his own personal endorsements of his sponsors. It was all pretty obvious what he was doing. A group of people decided that enough was enough and went for his ass...

He got what he deserved if you ask me.

Is that you Kieth/John.Or did Stickman piss on your chips??poor wee lad. :o

Stickman peed on Keith's chips?

No wonder he is following him around bothering him! :D

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The Galt reckons its all to do with Stickman spreading rumours about Club Boesche while promoting Catz

Well one thing Stickman always did was say whichever bar Ricky was at was the best bar in the world. This started at Angelwitch Bangkok - then onto Diamond then to Catz when he was trying to get a job there after being sacked from Babewatch which he moved to after being sacked from Diamond.

Can not remember if Babewatch was ever bulled up though but that would have been a hard sell

Its happening to a much lesser extent with FLB now though.

That ricky does seem to get about though - if he was such a brilliant manager of whorehouses why is he in and out of so many of them - a good owner would want to keep a good manager would they not?

His stint at Vixens in Bangkok was no blaze of glory either

Whatever Galt/Summers reasons - he is a guy with problems emotionally somewhere down the line. Stick just wants to make money but its is the way he does it sometimes with advertorials and scare tactics

They deserve each other and watching is funny

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I Prefer Bangkok Bobs site for Bangkok info I find some of the others just down right offensive. I once asked Stick to link with his page which I did for about 8 months from my site to his site but he said it would be unfair to his "paying advertisers" to put our website on his pages.

All my links are free.

Yeah I heard he wanted paying for links or he refused them - his perogative I suppose

Dave the Rave has a link - wonder if he pays as I am sure he got told the same as you before all the kerfuffle.

To be fair, if you start giving out links for free, your advertisers are gonna complain. And when you have a popular site with a lot of traffic, suddenly everyone wants to be your friend. There has to be some way to control it. Fees are one of them.

Edited by cdnvic
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I Prefer Bangkok Bobs site for Bangkok info I find some of the others just down right offensive. I once asked Stick to link with his page which I did for about 8 months from my site to his site but he said it would be unfair to his "paying advertisers" to put our website on his pages.

All my links are free.

Yeah I heard he wanted paying for links or he refused them - his perogative I suppose

Dave the Rave has a link - wonder if he pays as I am sure he got told the same as you before all the kerfuffle.

To be fair, if you start giving out links for free, your advertisers are gonna complain. And when you have a popular site with a lot of traffic, suddenly everyone wants to be your friend. There has to be some way to control it. Fees are one of them.

I agree - if you are running a commercial site you keep it like that.

The only way I could see it working was if you were linking to other similar type sites ie informational rather than linking to say a business rivalling your advertisers.

I think there is a difference between giving a free link to say Billy's Bar when you have paying advertisers than to say giving a link to a rival "content" site such as say Mangosauce or DaveRave - I think this is where Stickman came in for some stick so to speak as these guys had helped him out down the years.

Then again its up to him but do not expect any less schnadenfreude (sp) if something happens to you - the gloating might not be open but there is a feeling of som nom na from not a few I have spoken too although they did think it went a bit far from summers in the end but glass houses and all that.

Put it this way - if I was working with children I would not be running another business promoting whorehouses but if I did I would be very wary about the comebacks and if they occured would not haver much to cry about.

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Put it this way - if I was working with children I would not be running another business promoting whorehouses but if I did I would be very wary about the comebacks and if they occured would not haver much to cry about.

True, although he's got a right to a personal life, sometimes you need to make a choice between what you want to do and what you need to do. Unfortunately someone else made the choice for him.

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He tried to fool his readers with his own personal endorsements of his sponsors. It was all pretty obvious what he was doing. A group of people decided that enough was enough and went for his ass...

He got what he deserved if you ask me.

lol... The only thing Galts done with notstickmanbangkok.com is free advertising for stickman, fair enough his sites been down for a good few months which will have hit the bottom line, but in the months to come if not already hes gonna have a LOT more readers/traffic than ever before! :o

I was talked into having a look for the first time since closure, when I was a reasonably regular reader. He certainly wants to improve on the 13th May weekly column, it's the same old cliche ridden, worn out drivel about Thai women that's been doing the rounds of expat websites for years.

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Put it this way - if I was working with children I would not be running another business promoting whorehouses but if I did I would be very wary about the comebacks and if they occured would not haver much to cry about.

True, although he's got a right to a personal life, sometimes you need to make a choice between what you want to do and what you need to do. Unfortunately someone else made the choice for him.

Yes they did but what about the right to a personal life that bar girls or even ordinary girls that Stickman spied upon in his non-WP private eye biz?

Somebody else made the choice for them and he profited for it.

I would find some sympathy for the guy if he had been running a site like this and his personal details were put all over the WWW.

As a schoolteacher moonlighting spying on people while promoting whorehouses like the one down soi 7/1 I must say I find it hard to sympathise or empathise.

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I cant believe how much people care about this stick guy.

He's a <deleted> english teacher right ?

Hardly a mover and shaker or someone with any financial clout so to speak.

"Hardly a mover and shaker or someone with any financial clout so to speak."

He did have his legion of adoring fans ;-)

He must have also ruffled more than a few feathers over the years as well

Then there was an American guy Stick took great delight in telling of his tale of woe - how he lost so much in the technology bubble and had to go home - Stick revelled in that one like a pig in shit.

It took a nutter like Galt/Summers to put the stuff all over the www but somebody was definately feeding him material that was not known widely.

Stuff about Sony etc - Stick should be looking very closely at his pals!!!

There was one character who as tied to Stick at the hip - a teacher from Canada who no-one has heard of - I am sure he was alluded to in a Stick weekly

There is a problem when you do this though - it can turn around and bite you on your arse - the quiet life in Thailand without bringing attention to yuorself too much is the best strategy IMVHO

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Hardly a mover and shaker or someone with any financial clout so to speak.

You just described most writers. :o

Do you think so Vic? I honestly believe there have been a few writers who have really moved and shaken this planet, but then you did say most.

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Hardly a mover and shaker or someone with any financial clout so to speak.

You just described most writers. :o

Do you think so Vic? I honestly believe there have been a few writers who have really moved and shaken this planet, but then you did say most.

Well, if you look at the Bible, the Koran, The Sutras, then you could say writers have been the most powerful people in history.

Most of them died broke too. :D

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I just glanced at notstickmanbangkok site, and he put up some photos and claims more on the way that will most likely get his site blocked and perhaps more depending on where it is hosted.

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I just glanced at notstickmanbangkok site, and he put up some photos and claims more on the way that will most likely get his site blocked and perhaps more depending on where it is hosted.

He's more of attention seeking goof than stick ever was.... and that's saying a lot.

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I just glanced at notstickmanbangkok site, and he put up some photos and claims more on the way that will most likely get his site blocked and perhaps more depending on where it is hosted.

The guy does seem to be a little emotional or highly strung as my Nana used to say.

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Put it this way - if I was working with children I would not be running another business promoting whorehouses but if I did I would be very wary about the comebacks and if they occured would not haver much to cry about.

Spot on. Stick is a teacher and in Thailand teachers are expected to behave like teachers. As a parent, I for one, wouldn't want my children to learn English with someone involved in rather seedy nightime stuff...

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Put it this way - if I was working with children I would not be running another business promoting whorehouses but if I did I would be very wary about the comebacks and if they occured would not haver much to cry about.

Spot on. Stick is a teacher and in Thailand teachers are expected to behave like teachers. As a parent, I for one, wouldn't want my children to learn English with someone involved in rather seedy nightime stuff...

I think a lot of parents would agree - there was a thread on this on another board ages ago with a guy saying if he saw any of his daughters teachers in nightlife area's he would have them sacked.

Some called him hypocritical but he said he who pay's the piper calls the tune!

What I can not understand is why Stick chose to keep playing the dangerous game he did walking the tightrope between teaching and promoting brothels. I was told he earned a pretty coin from the board so why stick to teaching which he says is a dead end career?

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Put it this way - if I was working with children I would not be running another business promoting whorehouses but if I did I would be very wary about the comebacks and if they occurred would not haver much to cry about.

Spot on. Stick is a teacher and in Thailand teachers are expected to behave like teachers. As a parent, I for one, wouldn't want my children to learn English with someone involved in rather seedy nightime stuff...

That's a valid concern that would likely be shared by the vast majority of parents.

Has there ever been anything written by either of them concerning the backlash to him from his school after both were identified and exposed? With a school's image so important, I can't imagine why the school would not sever their relationship if parents were aware of his alter-ego and complained. It's not like he's irreplaceable.

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I Prefer Bangkok Bobs site for Bangkok info I find some of the others just down right offensive. I once asked Stick to link with his page which I did for about 8 months from my site to his site but he said it would be unfair to his "paying advertisers" to put our website on his pages.

All my links are free.

Yeah I heard he wanted paying for links or he refused them - his perogative I suppose

Dave the Rave has a link - wonder if he pays as I am sure he got told the same as you before all the kerfuffle.

To be fair, if you start giving out links for free, your advertisers are gonna complain. And when you have a popular site with a lot of traffic, suddenly everyone wants to be your friend. There has to be some way to control it. Fees are one of them.

Well I can see the point to a degree but paid adverts usually go in a prominent position ie first page of a website and links usually just get a page to themselves. Mine stay free because I have no advertisers and links stay on page 1 .

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What I can not understand is why Stick chose to keep playing the dangerous game he did walking the tightrope between teaching and promoting brothels. I was told he earned a pretty coin from the board so why stick to teaching which he says is a dead end career?

Probably can't get a work permit for doing the website.

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What I can not understand is why Stick chose to keep playing the dangerous game he did walking the tightrope between teaching and promoting brothels. I was told he earned a pretty coin from the board so why stick to teaching which he says is a dead end career?

Probably can't get a work permit for doing the website.

Maybe but I doubt it - more to do with tax I reckon - none paid on the website nor the PI biz is my guess

- form a company as lots do.

Put it down as IT Consultancy or whatever - he had a computer company back in his home country so that would help.

He has a diploma in computer studies as well but no degree in any subject though so the story goes!

Then there is the whole telecommunting arguments which wil take us off on a tangent ;-))))

Edited by Prakanong
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It would be an interesting conversation:

Stickman to Labor official: "Yes, I would like to submit my paperwork to obtain a work permit in order to run a website on bargirls and which go-go has the sexiest dancers."

Labor official to Stickman: ______( Fill in the blank )_______

Edited by sriracha john
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It would be an interesting conversation:

Stickman to Labor official: "Yes, I would like to submit my paperwork to obtain a work permit in order to run a website on bargirls and which go-go has the sexiest dancers."

Labor official to Stickman: ______( Fill in the blank )_______


That had me laugh out loud!!!!

Then he asks for one for his PI business stating locations to be worked ;-)))

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Prakanong,you seem to know an awfull lot about stickman.You obviously read him all the time.

Anyone who had read Thai websites since say 1999/2000 would know all of this. Its all been posted by his detractors and fans alike.

As for reading his site actually not that much. The weekly I used to when I was reading a batch of Thai sites but not much else on there.

All the info has been posted on various Thai boards over the years and I just have a retentive memory ;-)

I have seen him in the old Woodstock back in 2000 and in another bar in 2002 but never after that.

Come to think of it that was around the last time I saw Trink ;-)

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I understand your point of view go-go and teachers is never a good idea. But wake up and come back to reality, stickman was and still is in the way of many Thailand based webmasters wannabe. You have no idea what some people are willing to do to "divert" a slice of traffic to their website. Then you have the battle with adsense ( google advertising) , some websites have been banned by the "program" because of their offensive/adult content, others are still in, but they are not exactly the UNICEF web site ..herm. People tend to make justice by themselves.

Money , the nasty beast...

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Yeah some sites lost their Google Adsense money while others did not - arbitary but its up to Google ;-)

Well the figure of 12k THB per quarter has been bandied about all over the www for a baner advert on Sticks site - if true would he need Adsense?

While there is probably a market for nightlife sites I do think their heyday has past - 1999/2000 was the time to be getting in there and being the best but now a "General" Thai site/forum is better but there is a market leader there and we are writing on it.

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its pretty funny how many times i have been on a bts and there is a farang teacher talking to his students until his stop comes, N-A-N-A.

my english teaching friends say you know naaaaaaaaaaaaaahthing.

In fact, many go to Soi Cowboy, sa-tar-nee dtor bpai Asok. Neck stay-chun Asok.

'Sir'racha John - POST OF THE WEEK :o:D:D

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