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Ok, whats the secret to opening a bag sealed with a rubberband. Have tried a thousand times to figure it out.

Can't do it without fish sauce going all over! I always end up just cutting the bag open.

Someone here surely has mastered the technique, please pass it on to this bag opening beginner.

Thank you.

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Ok, whats the secret to opening a bag sealed with a rubberband. Have tried a thousand times to figure it out.

Can't do it without fish sauce going all over! I always end up just cutting the bag open.

Someone here surely has mastered the technique, please pass it on to this bag opening beginner.

Thank you.

I have studied this problem at great length to little avail. Meadish 50% rating is way higher than mine. I reckon I crack it 20-25% of the time. It's an ancient Thai secret taught from birth to confuse all foreigners.


LOL, great topic. :o

If we ever organize the Great Farang Games where we take each other on in various aspects of Thai life, this for sure needs to be one of the events.


i will try to explain it .

is really a simple RUbber band twist and loop of the head .

to understand it you need to understand how it tie in the first place .

what there do is example if you holding the item on your LEFT HAND .

one end of the rubber band is HOOK on your INDEX FINGER .

and then what you do is .. Using the flex of the rubber band you Go ROUND THE top of the package or plastic bag you want .. a few time .. in circle .. when you feel the tension . THE other end of it .. you will Insert it to the LEFT END of the rubber band HOLD by your LEFT HAND INDEX finger ..

after you do so .. what you do is put the end on top of the package or just mount it into the head of the pack .


what you do is .. using your nail .. try to PEEL like layer the rubber band and untidy .. dose not matter which layer you got .. just put the layer over -

i hope my poor english and confusing explaination help ..

if you want i can demo it for you ..

but there is also more complex way of looping the rubber band ..

would love to learn them also ..


GOod luck ..

PM me if you wanna see a Demo - maybe we can meet up and i show you .

BESt way to get the fish sauce out of the small pack .. is biting the lower end of the plastic bag .. that what i alway do .

i will try to explain it .

is really a simple RUbber band twist and loop of the head .

to understand it you need to understand how it tie in the first place .

what there do is example if you holding the item on your LEFT HAND .

one end of the rubber band is HOOK on your INDEX FINGER .

and then what you do is .. Using the flex of the rubber band you Go ROUND THE top of the package or plastic bag you want .. a few time .. in circle .. when you feel the tension . THE other end of it .. you will Insert it to the LEFT END of the rubber band HOLD by your LEFT HAND INDEX finger ..

after you do so .. what you do is put the end on top of the package or just mount it into the head of the pack .


what you do is .. using your nail .. try to PEEL like layer the rubber band and untidy .. dose not matter which layer you got .. just put the layer over -

i hope my poor english and confusing explaination help ..

if you want i can demo it for you ..

but there is also more complex way of looping the rubber band ..

would love to learn them also ..


GOod luck ..

PM me if you wanna see a Demo - maybe we can meet up and i show you .

BESt way to get the fish sauce out of the small pack .. is biting the lower end of the plastic bag .. that what i alway do .

Can you video your demo Ta and load it onto the net in slow motion. This I feel would be a great public service



thank you, seems that is what I’m doing but to no avail. I am disappointed in you, I was hoping you would have some kind of transcendental, Zen or some spiritual way of just willing it open with love…… :o wink wink...


i do have a phone which can take Video clip , but i am all alone now and i try mounting the phone a few time but in vain to take a clip for demo .. and i can't seem to find any rubber band when i need one whhaha

i will see if i have can do it at the pub later -- the place have low light and is not easy to take a demo video with poor lighting .

wahhaha anyone wanna help me ..

i will try again if i did i will post it up is really just a few min of work if i can get the shot right

i do have a phone which can take Video clip , but i am all alone now and i try mounting the phone a few time but in vain to take a clip for demo .. and i can't seem to find any rubber band when i need one whhaha

i will see if i have can do it at the pub later -- the place have low light and is not easy to take a demo video with poor lighting .

wahhaha anyone wanna help me ..

i will try again if i did i will post it up is really just a few min of work if i can get the shot right

We will all turn up to your bar on Saturday and you can get a bunch of the local lovelies show us how to get it on and off




highonthai :o

You can't open it cos you are using your hand and not your heart .

you got to open your mind and feel the item .. and using the contour of the design to release the rubberband ..

i know is hard and is tricky .. but who say life itself is easy anyway .

is this zen enough for you my padawan

i do have a phone which can take Video clip , but i am all alone now and i try mounting the phone a few time but in vain to take a clip for demo .. and i can't seem to find any rubber band when i need one whhaha

i will see if i have can do it at the pub later -- the place have low light and is not easy to take a demo video with poor lighting .

wahhaha anyone wanna help me ..

i will try again if i did i will post it up is really just a few min of work if i can get the shot right

We will all turn up to your bar on Saturday and you can get a bunch of the local lovelies show us how to get it on and off



"i am all alone now and i try mounting the phone a few time but in vain"

I'll be there too, but I'm leaving my phone at home!

Ta22, I've just got to meet you. U crack me up sometimes.

i do have a phone which can take Video clip , but i am all alone now and i try mounting the phone a few time but in vain to take a clip for demo .. and i can't seem to find any rubber band when i need one whhaha

i will see if i have can do it at the pub later -- the place have low light and is not easy to take a demo video with poor lighting .

wahhaha anyone wanna help me ..

i will try again if i did i will post it up is really just a few min of work if i can get the shot right

We will all turn up to your bar on Saturday and you can get a bunch of the local lovelies show us how to get it on and off



"i am all alone now and i try mounting the phone a few time but in vain"

I'll be there too, but I'm leaving my phone at home!

Ta22, I've just got to meet you. U crack me up sometimes.

I was going to pick up on that line also but thought Mmmm Naaah better not :D

Ta22 is just the same in real life as he is on these forums - he is a genuinely nice guy with an interesting look on life and a fount of (often bizarre) knowledge.

You'll like him - we sure do



Happy to be able to bring a smile to anyone -

while some had meet me , alot had not . i am really just another guy . notthing much ,, beside the poor english .

and lot of crap which i enjoy on my finger work out .

i am really another fat guy . :o

everyone is welcome Sat would be fine with me - i will go down early - the Pub open at about 6 pm .

since is new some day is abit quite which is good in a relaxing sence . but my thai shareholder don't think the same whhahahah

anyway a few already had my contact number and if you need it please Pm me .

would be happy to show you'll how to do it .. but to do it real life feel funny especially if a doz eyes is looking at you demo .

whahha a

plus i am not that skille dthat releasing the rubberband . but i do have a few rubber band trick :D if you wanna see it . :D


anyone know the trick that you use rubber band to make a aero plane .. i wanted to learn that since i was a kids .

and lot of crap which i enjoy on my finger work out .

See that is another line I would not even consider daring to respond to

Being good, fighting the temptation



Ok, whats the secret to opening a bag sealed with a rubberband. Have tried a thousand times to figure it out.

All these years, I thought that I was the ONLY one that couldn't figure this out! :o


whahahah don't listen to them . crowboy and the rest who is saying this is just trying to be nice . whahah

find out yourself :o

whahahahah whahah i miss using a rubber band to shot someone whhaah

during my school days i would fold paper into small bits and then shot my friends with it .

trust me is really pianful but everyone seem to have alot of fun from it ..

straw is another good material to use as a projector and can be really painful ..

i alway wanted to build a rubberband gun .. like a machine gun anyone know how ?


on another note - i do enjoy all kinda chat ..all kinda topic ..

maybe we can meet up once a month or every few week just to chit chat .

i was hoping to restart some kinda Chit chat meeting .

so hopfully can meet up with more people ,

hope the weather get better soon too .

so much i wanna do and so much i wanna know

life so wonderful

  • 2 weeks later...

Use The Force Luke - focus, concentrate and then repeat - "whahahahahahaha" until it loosens by mystical force.

It might not happen overnight, but it will happen.


I have made two posts invisible here. One because it contained an attached photograph of a member, the second because it referenced the previous post.

Please note, we deeply respect our members' absolute right to privacy here and any posts that might lead to the member becoming recognised or otherwise known is not allowed unless it is posted by the member concerned.

This is particularly important in these days of heavy internet censorship in Thailand. The thought police take a note of everything and can take action against the seemingly most innocuous statement.


Here's one that has baffled and confused me for years, and it may not sound relevant to the topic title at first, but stick with me.

I have two sets of key-rings, one set for the house keys, the other for the car. One came from Toyota, the other I brought from the UK (it's a sturdy bottle opener which I would be lost without)

Both key-rings are what I would call 'wound the right way' i.e. if you need to add a key or remove one you hold it in your left hand and split the ring with the nail on your right index finger.

Whenever I have bought anything here, 9 times out of 10, especially if it has a Made in Thailand sticker, say, a new padlock for example, the ring part for the keys is wound the opposite way, great if you are left-handed, but a pain in the bum if you are of Dexter persuasion.

I am now going to the fridge to find a bag sealed with a rubber band just to see if it is put on clockwise or anti ....... that would explain quite a bit. :o


Really? I've never found it that hard to get the rubber bands off. Take a close look at the band and find the place where one part is wrapped across or around a few other strands. Grab that part with the fingertips, or if need be fingernails, of the thumb and forefinger of whichever hand is most dexterous for you, and pull it away. Once you pull it free from the rest, the loose end comes out pretty easily, after which the band is released from the bag.

Ta22 is just the same in real life as he is on these forums - he is a genuinely nice guy with an interesting look on life and a fount of (often bizarre) knowledge.

You'll like him - we sure do


Bears a remarkable resemblence.............Is that ok P1P?


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