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Angkhandiao And Angkhankhu

Richard W

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Can anyone help me with this seemingly simple question? In English, a full stop ending a sentence should be followed by at least one space when not at the end of a line. When typing Thai, should angkhandiao (as a terminator, not the abbreviation marker paiyannoi) and angkhankhu similarly be followed by a space?

I'm asking because ISO 11940:1998 specifies that paiyannoi, angkhandiao and angkhankhu should be transliterated to the Latin alphabet using click letters (!!) but I'm worried that so doing will adversely affect automatic line-breaking by text lay-out programs.

Incidentally, I know that paiyannoi and angkhandiao (usually spelt 'angkhandeaw') are the same character in TIS-620 and Unicode, but this ISO standard distinguishes them.


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For paiyannoi, the sign has to be the end of the word without space. But angkhandiao and angkhankhu, after the sentence it needs one space before putting the sign.

That's interesting information. It would be convenient if I could use that as a way for a computer to distinguish them. Unfortunately, paiyannoi with space before seems to be commoner than angkhandiao.

But my original question still stands. Is there always white space after angkhandiao? In the few examples I can find of angkhankhu, it always occurs at the end of a line.

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