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Hi, I have to leave Thailand for 2 months and come back. For that I need 100 000 US $ Insurance they said, I  FIXED  IT. For that I need  PCR  test, 72 hours before  departure ( also  FIT  TO  FLY Certificate )  IT  IS  EASY  TO  FIX  THEM . For that you must have a valid visa and  re-entry visa they said , OK  I  HAVE  THEM  TOO .  For that  you  need  a COE  certificate they said,  YOU  HAVE  TO  DO  THIS  ONLINE  They said,  nobody can help you they said.  Web side is  :  coethailand.mfa.go.th   .  Ok.  You go in there and fill your name and address abroad and Thailand and passport number, spouse information and  scan 3 pages of your passport and a photo and your Insurance certificate etc.

When you come to the end THEY TELL YOU , WAIT  A  LITTLE  YOU  SHALL  GET  A  6  DIGIT  K CODE  and   THAI  EMBASSY  IN  THAT  COUNTRY  IS  GOING  TO  ANSWER  YOU  IN  3  DAYS.  The reality is  Thai Embassy is going to answer you in 6 days, WHY   they say  we were busy.  They tell you to do this to do that ( another 6 days )  But you have only 15 days to wait,  if you have paid your flight and the Quarantine hotel  you have to cancel , Airline give you some money back  but the hotel keep your money if you cancel in less than 10 days before your arrival.

Actually many times  people don't get this 6 digit code  and  sometimes you get an answer from the  Thai Embassy  *  YOU ARE REJECTED * without any explanation why.

This is what I have learned about and still I do not know when and how shall I pay the Quarantine Hotels and see their prices and when shall I buy my flight ticket.

And did you know that after you get that COE  certificate *  IT IS ONLY VALID 15 DAYS * If you are late the whole circus start all over again.

There is a web side *  hsscovid.com *  for Quarantine hotels.  But there is no price list. You have to go in and check every hotel, do you want balcony etc.  then you get the price afterwards  * 65 000 Baht *  you get a shock.  Probably you have to check every hotel for a lower price, it can take a week.

Insurance web side is * covid19.tgia.org  *  There  they give you an insurance ( only covid )  immediately. The price was for me 43 500 Baht. I looked for a cheaper insurance and I have found one ,  it  costed 30 000 Baht yearly  but it took 2 weeks.

Probably other countries ( Malaysia ) also very difficult to enter now the pandemi is on and it can go on FOREVER.  Because now in Sweden they have found plenty of COVID19 virus in nature and kanalisation waters and everywhere . The virus doesn't die so easly.  And you go there one day pick some fruit and you touch your nose and mouth and get the virus and a new PANDEMI starts. This can happen any day because the virus has come to the World to STAY. 

I am going away but I need help , Is there anybody know when shall I pay the hotel and how to pay, after I get my COE  certificate  or before and when is the best time to pay also the flight together with the hotel and do you know a nice hotel on Phuket not so expensive.

Thank you very much for listening.

I can help you with all difficulties I have met when I am through this.

God help me.


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Understand it is many loops you have jump but it is possible so don't give up.

Regarding ASQ Hotels please check facebook - there are some "ASQ Review" groups.

After you received your pre-approval COE you should book Hotel and flights and submit that information in between 14 days which is sufficient.

So "su tor pai", don't give up and enjoy.


I left Thailand in early January and come back in late February.  The COE process is not Rocket Science or Brain Surgery.  But it is definitely not easy, simple but can be done alone.  Just one rule:  Give yourself more time than the recommended 15 days. Problems could develop.  Perseverance and patience area absolutely necessary.  

As for ASQ hotel booking, I used Agoda.  Agoda has a section for ASQ certified hotels.  For an Agoda booking one must pay the full amount upfront.  On the other hand changing dates and even getting a refund will be easier when you deal with Agoda.  Of course my comments are based upon my experience only.  Others will offer different thoughts.  


Thank  you  Onlywhenimportant .

Thank you  Prince77.

I think I have to decide  not to go.

Everything  feels like I am going to be cheated SPECIALLY  after I've found out that EVEN my 100 000 US $ insurance is not valid when I arrive to Thailand but first 2 weeks after SOOOOO  IF  I  GET  ILL  AND  TAKEN  TO  A  HOSPITAL  FOR  TREATMENT  ,,,  INSURANCE   IS  NOT  GOING  TO  PAY  FOR  IT  .  Probably I have to pay  200 000 THB monthly  to the Hospital.  

I talk to my wife and she says  WAIT  UNTIL  1st  of October , then everything is over.

Maybe she can come and visit me during the time. 

I was going to come back in June but 3 months more makes  7 500 quid more expenses,,,, no problem.

Thank you all, but we have it better in Europe. Development. 

Cheers,  Everybody


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