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Very Slow Tot Adsl


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I was just wondering if anybody else has been experiencing incredibly slow TOT ADSL speeds (in the Pattaya area) over the past week or two. During the day, they're seriously slower than a dial-up connection on the WWW and downloads are usually 20-30 KB/s at best. upload speeds seem to be fine but using the web is almost hopeless. Does anybody know if TOT is experiencing ADSL problems lately? I've had my Cybergold account for about 9 months and it has never been this bad for such an extended period of time. I'd appreciate some feedback to help me decide if I should get A TOT tech to tale a look at it or wait it out (or get so fed up I cancel my service).

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I'm the same here in BKK, even though I've got their lowest package, it seems something isn't right.

Thanks for the feedback, samran.

I had my girlfriend go into the local TOT office to pay the bill last week and ask about any problems with the service. She was told to call 1177 for that type of info, but when I tried it today I got that fast busy signal indicating that the line wasn't in service. Has anybody else tried to get some info from those crooks, TOT?

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My understanding is as follows after a few interesting conversations.

Summary, there is a reconfiguration going on, which it appears is targeted at enabling the new monitoring requirements and that during this, effort is being expended in commissioning traffic shaping and traffic management software. Yesterday, for example, a routing table was incorrectly edited and was not patched until early evening. There is no full test system so everything is 'done on production', hence issue that appear and disappear over the course of a day.

Ultimately the net here will be less p2p friendly {no surprise there} and logging will be enabled at the ISP allowing for traceback to IP by time against account.


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My understanding is as follows after a few interesting conversations.

Summary, there is a reconfiguration going on, which it appears is targeted at enabling the new monitoring requirements and that during this, effort is being expended in commissioning traffic shaping and traffic management software. Yesterday, for example, a routing table was incorrectly edited and was not patched until early evening. There is no full test system so everything is 'done on production', hence issue that appear and disappear over the course of a day.

Ultimately the net here will be less p2p friendly {no surprise there} and logging will be enabled at the ISP allowing for traceback to IP by time against account.


Thanks A Traveller. I was wondering if it might have something to do with the new cyber laws, and from what you've said I assume that's true. I'm really concerned that TOT and the government are going to suck up so many resources and cause so many bottlenecks with monitoring that the internet will go from being bad in Thailand to being something so laughable that nobody will go near it, especially at 1000 baht a month. I sure as heck won't continue to pay my 1000 every month for service like this. Looks like they're heading for another one of those giant steps backwards that this country seems to have a global reputation for taking on a near daily basis.

Edited by pattyboy
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Thanks A Traveller, this is really useful information. I had slow TOT speeds during the day, but what really got me was that the line seemed to be down half the time, for short intervals. I had to hit reload on web pages multiple times to get them to load.

A live reconfiguration sounds about right. I am not all against that because when the TOT systems don't work properly it's in the end bad for us paying customers who want to get what they paid for.

For example, their traffic shaping implementation seems to have been done by a CS student in his first year using a perl script. It doesn't work at all. I can get around it easily. But that means others can get around it easily too and will probably abuse it more than me.

My understanding is as follows after a few interesting conversations.

Summary, there is a reconfiguration going on, which it appears is targeted at enabling the new monitoring requirements and that during this, effort is being expended in commissioning traffic shaping and traffic management software. Yesterday, for example, a routing table was incorrectly edited and was not patched until early evening. There is no full test system so everything is 'done on production', hence issue that appear and disappear over the course of a day.

Ultimately the net here will be less p2p friendly {no surprise there} and logging will be enabled at the ISP allowing for traceback to IP by time against account.


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I run Gold (Business, 1024/512, 2700 Bt+VAT) in Pattaya (Walking Street Area) on TOT, and while the DL speeds (on FTP, http and Bittorent) are most of the time up close to the theoretical figures, Webbrowsing is almost impossible most of the time, with initial response times in the 2 - 10+ Seconds bracket, more often than not timing out. This seems to have gotten worse in the last half year than better. Calling thier help line is useless, either turned off, busy, no answer at all, or someone totally clueless (cleaner?) answering and promising a call back which never ever happened so far.

On top of all that I now (since about 2 month) have recurring outages daily between 5:30 and 10 pm, where the connection gets lost, and the modem tries tin vain to synchronize. Sometimes it gets connected for a minute or two, but usually the line is dead in that time.

TOT (Internet as well as phone) is a rare example of a company even less efficient than the current Thai government.


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I am not a expert but it seems that there is someting wrong whit the DNS from Tot and Maxnet .

As I was not even able to access my internet banking website today because the poor international internet connections today i did the following thing:

i setup a vpn connection whit a friends router back in my home country (Holland) and now the connection is a bit slower of course but i am able to access all websites also youtube because i am using my friends dutch gateway.

I know not everyone has a friend back home whit a vpn open for them but the ones who do might be happy whit this trick.

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I livin in Nonthaburi, and have Truehispeed internet i believe its 1024. I have noticed too that the internet was slower. I play some online games (World of Warcraft) on a european server and my latency is a lot higher. This is bad of course but its only a game. But i also use skype a lot and recently i can hardly communicate with anyone because of my connection its important to use skype for me because i use it for my business.

I gues taking a faster Truehispeed subscription would not help ?

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I am not a expert but it seems that there is someting wrong whit the DNS from Tot and Maxnet .

Forgot to mention I use opendns.org DNS servers since long time, but still not more than a slight improvement. Seems that DNS requests are not prioritised the way they should be.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Terrible today again with TOT. I use a VPN and it now gets disconnected every 5 minutes in the evening. There seem to be lots of connection outages, getting worse again today.

I used to have this problem with 1024 GoldCyber (for 1000/m), then switched to business 1024 - SAME EXACT problem. LAME.

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After trying to get in touch with their "service" for about 6 weeks (usually noone answer the phone, or they pretend to write down my number and call me back, but never do) I finally managed to talk to someone on Tuesday. They wanted to check the phone line, although I told them that the modems test for the line gives ok results, and the results of my traceroutes and the fact that the outages appear only between 6 and 10 means there has to be other reasons. By the way I had exactly the same problems (timeout, and disconnects between 6 and 10 pm) when I tried a free test account by Loxinfo.

Nevertheless they sent someone over to the bar (I wasn't aware of it so wasn't there) to check the line. SINCE THEN THE WHOLE INTERNET IS CUT OFF!!! Now there are no more timeouts, no more frequent disconnects, just PAP AUTHENTIFICATION ERRORS!

Wednesday morning they called me to see if all is ok. I told them no, I have Authent Errors in my logfile, and no connexion!!! She said she will send someone over to check the line again on Friday!

I will give TT&T Office a visit on Friday instead. They are even more thick than the current and last Thai Government together!

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Does anyone else has problems with voibuster or skype ? Those are my main problems at the moment. Before i could call holland without any problems but lately it sucks.

goldcyber 1024/512

Same problem here in Chonburi. Been driving me insane. Checked all wiring, reinstalled everything software and hardware, even connected the modem directly at the box. Can connect a times. Then the connection drops, router never gets an answer. Sometimes, the router displays all the proper lights but browseres go nowhere.

Download speeds have dropped to about 9kB from 103.

It seems also that when I do manage to connect, turning on Skype or ICQ will drop the connection...

We were the first ones connected in the area and it worked mighty fine but the service has degraded slowly over that period.

Right now I'm actually surprised that the lights are still on, I'd better click on ''Add Reply'' now.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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leave this company.! I advice all the farangs to leave this company and hurt them in the pocket. this is the only way !!

or they will improve the system OR they will close this service.

Both situations will be good for all of us.. have enough companies to choose and ToT feels like no option for the costumers so they give a crap service.

I left them already.. what about YOU ?...... :o

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leave this company.! I advice all the farangs to leave this company and hurt them in the pocket. this is the only way !!

or they will improve the system OR they will close this service.

Both situations will be good for all of us.. have enough companies to choose and ToT feels like no option for the costumers so they give a crap service.

I left them already.. what about YOU ?...... :o

The problem for me is I can only get TOT because of where i live. So i have to stay with them because otherwise i will have no internet alltogether. It is crap, for sure, but just about worth having even at the slow speeds, as otherwise I'd have nothing. Like you say, I am getting a crap service, but there is no other option. It sucks.

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TOT is sometimes good, sometimes bad. I download from Rapidshare with Flashget and get always around 106Kbs ... the full speed. Web browsing was quite bad the last weeks, but it has been improved.


They are all crap and unfortunately open competition doesn't exist here so unlikely to change


So consider carefully if you want to change provider.

Edited by sniffdog
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