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Whats the boy sick with?

The Ladys english s real krab, much worse than mine.

As far as I undestood, sth with the heart, astma, fever,

I know, sounds doubtful.

She isnt able to explain it to me.

One of my concerns is, that she is getting into the buisness now, and that her "new friends", maybe streethores or katois, whatever are pushing her to get a bit out of me.

But you never know, it could be serious,

I think, I m gonna just call the hospital, I got the names, but will they give me info?

"Getting into the business"? Pray tell what? If it's what I think you mean, you shouldn't have to wonder-- you are being suckered.

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Listen mate its like this.Do you think that if her son was sick that she wouldn't go to the goverment hostpital? It is a fact of life that you live to the manner that you can afford no matter where you live.The gov hostpitals here are just as good as England.The thai's look after each other.She is on a scam 100%.Private hostpital my arse.She must of got the money from somewhere because at the private hostpitals they want proof that you can pay before they do anything.The logic behind her buying you afew things is that she will get more out of you in the long run.The story you have put forward is the most comon of the lot (child ill ,parents dead, all alone hostpital bills) wake up & smell the coffee.You are western educated Do you really want to show the world that a uneducated girl out of the jungle can out think you? As for you telling her that you have no money well no thai i have ever met thinks a farlang could not have money.They think that we are all loaded & from there side it must look like that.If you come over here & just spend 1000 baht a day in one week you are spending the equivalent of 2 months thai wages.8000 baht digs a month & it's 4 months digs to a thai.Are you really so foolish to beleave all the crap that is spilling out of her???

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Unless you can support her, the government hospital is her only choice. It's nice you want to help but not realistic to her and her son.

There are sick kids all over the world. You can't save everyone. You can't even save this kid in Thailand.

Your best bet would be to say a prayer for the boy and try to forget about him and his mom. I'm not sure how much time she is spending away from her son to contact you, but time with her son would be time better spent.

It's possible your giving her false hopes which will come crashing down around her when you can't produce any help.

Either way, I hope the boy gets better.

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Wunzen / Vincent whatever.. Please read Private dancer then think again about your situation. I am not saying she is scamming you, but the chances are very high..

Download part of the book here http://www.stephenleather.com/unpub.html ..

And if you are a troll ..<deleted>..

Leather hit the spot with this one. I felt like I knew the character after witnessing so many similar messy relationships there.

It will be good for Vincent to learn so young; he'll maybe pass on some wisdom later to the new generation of farangs.

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Like others have said. Make her take him to the free govnt hospitals or the 30 bht plan, whatever it is. If she is too proud to bee seen in a govnt hospital for whatever reason, thats her choice and her responsibility what happend to HER son. If you really wanna help, and she knows your poor, just cover any extra costs at a govnt hospital, but doing anything more is stupid on your behalf untill you are absolutly sure of everything, and have more money.

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Is a troll someone, whos just making fun of the board members? If yes, I am not a troll.

Thanks for all the warnings.

But I am not as stupid as it sounded in the first post.

Shes got strategies, sure, but I try to handle them.

"The girl from the jungle" as someone wrote :o

Well, I think, shes a bit scizophrenic(as many I met), wich makes it more difficult, to get an idea, of what shes thinking. Probably impossible. I remarked her having halluzinations sometimes.

Scares me a bit, to be honest.

On the other side, shes quite traditional, good and shy, scared.

Listens only to music from her homeregion, doesent like, to show too much skin.

Well she pretends to be christian, but didnt know about good friday, is that normal? :D

One time I went with her to see some friends, and she didnt want to go inside the house, because those farangs having a party seemd her to be crazy and dangerous. Indeed half of them were mad junkies. :D

On the other side, I know, she is cheating me, I m not nuts.

I just want to handle her strategies, live a couple of months with her, then I will know more. As I really liked and loved her, more than any girl before. Yes, I m only 22.

But when I was sick, every day she washed me with a wet towel! :D Yes, im really 22.

I know she can make maybe 10 or 20 thousand a week, now, in low season...

But I ve been to the Bangkok Hospital 2 days: 100`000 Bath!

Sureley cheaper for her, than for my insurance, but sureley still expensive for a bar lady.

When I was living with her, she told me, I could come to her as I have enough money for the flight.

But I really remarked, that all the thai people around us were makin fun of her, as she always paid for everything.

I know, she didnt like this at all. She also told me that her friends are insulting and laughing at her for that, and that therefore, I should at least have money for my own food and beer next time. I can imagine.

Its very confusing, because both sides, well...

She belived me, that I slept with one Thai lady before her.

In 2 months, and it was my first time in thailand.

In reality I felt like in a kind of sexual cockaigne.

But I really stopt with it, when I lived with her.

And she told me, that she slept with 5 Fallangs, :D

I think the only way, to find out, if this has future, is to live with her for a couple of months.

From me this could really have future, but I wont make it that easy.

And she accepts, that I save money for flight and lifecosts without sending her money.

She could also tell me, to give her money now, and come back 6 months later, but that would definetly finish us.

As I said, I m not nuts...

And how is that working with private hosptals?

They have to proove, the client is able to pay?How?

Yesterday she told me, she ran out of money absolutley and brought her son to the hospital. Hmmmm...

If I would get one cent per lie...

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we all know you not "stupid" as you seem to be...............lol.

this not a flame he used word first in describing hisself.

20k in a week. wow! 10 barfines paying 2,000 each, in the sticks mind you. oops, sorry phuket not sticks. but quite the earner she is.

Edited by blizzard
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To clear the situation and return to the subject.

In the very unlikeley case, that its not a scam:

Maybe she doesent know about such systems etc.

It wouldbe...

No, impossible, she cant be that ignorant, can she?

Wich hospitals in Phuket provide this 30B-system?

All the governmentHs?

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I do sympathise with your predicament, but it seems to me she is taking you for a ride. Call the hospital definately and if they do not know of this womans son, drop her like hot pastrami and put it down to bitter experience. Like other posters have mentioned, Government hospitals are decent wnough.

A final thought - you may catch her out lying. If so, she will lie, deny and use all the many tricks up her sleeve to keep you hooked. Think about this; what kind of disgusting human being would use the health of her own child to get money?

In the very unlikely event she is genuine, I apologise to her. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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To clear the situation and return to the subject.

In the very unlikeley case, that its not a scam:

Maybe she doesent know about such systems etc.

It wouldbe...

No, impossible, she cant be that ignorant, can she?

Wich hospitals in Phuket provide this 30B-system?

All the governmentHs?

If she's Thai she knows the set up

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Take it from another Thai, we know about the 30 THB scheme. And we know government hospitals are a lot cheaper than private ones. Use common sense here, people with limited budget for health care need to know these things in order to survive and put their hard-earned money to best use.

I can't think of a Thai, who can't afford a private hospital, insists on going to one. It just doesn't make any sense.

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no thai i have ever met thinks a farlang could not have money.They think that we are all loaded & from there side it must look like that.

Do you honestly believe, in your widest dreams, that Thai people think all Farangs are loaded ? :o

Those days are long gone.

Edited by Maigo6
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Take it from another Thai, we know about the 30 THB scheme. And we know government hospitals are a lot cheaper than private ones. Use common sense here, people with limited budget for health care need to know these things in order to survive and put their hard-earned money to best use.

I can't think of a Thai, who can't afford a private hospital, insists on going to one. It just doesn't make any sense.

Elsie, if you're really Thai, you can give this boy all the wisdom he'll ever need in Thailand.

P.S. maigo. If those days are gone how come I keep on hearing over there "Thai people very poor you know. Farang have money too much". Are these trolls in the flesh or are they serious?

Edited by qwertz
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P.S. maigo. If those days are gone how come I keep on hearing over there "Thai people very poor you know. Farang have money too much". Are these trolls in the flesh or are they serious?

They're generally the Thais best avoided mate.

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P.S. maigo. If those days are gone how come I keep on hearing over there "Thai people very poor you know. Farang have money too much". Are these trolls in the flesh or are they serious?

They're generally the Thais best avoided mate.

Thanks BKK, that's the best advice yet. And I do, studiously.

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Elsie, if you're really Thai, you can give this boy all the wisdom he'll ever need in Thailand.

P.S. maigo. If those days are gone how come I keep on hearing over there "Thai people very poor you know. Farang have money too much". Are these trolls in the flesh or are they serious?

Me really Thai. To be very honest, I think he has his mind made up about his, errm, girlfriend.

Let's see, boy meets girl from the naughty industry with "Oh I just work bar 3 months before" line. Girl makes some investment while he is in the country. Girl is trying to see if the investment works. Boy knows girl is cheating on him and is probably trying to milk money out of him. Boy says "But I love her and want to see how to handle her tricks. Maybe live together a few months, etc etc....."

Vincent, if you think you are only worth that sort of girl, who lies to you, cheats on you, and treats you like an idiot, then go for it. Don't forget to keep us posted.

As for her son, if he is really ill and she has limited fund, tell her to take him to a government hospital. It's not all crap. The money she got from a, ahem, friend is not going to last forever. The same amount she paid for one day treatment at a private hospital might cover bills for a month at a government hospital.

And if you are a troll, I want those 5 minutes of my life back.

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Whats the boy sick with?

The Ladys english s real krab, much worse than mine.

As far as I undestood, sth with the heart, astma, fever,

I know, sounds doubtful.

She isnt able to explain it to me.

One of my concerns is, that she is getting into the buisness now, and that her "new friends", maybe streethores or katois, whatever are pushing her to get a bit out of me.

But you never know, it could be serious,

I think, I m gonna just call the hospital, I got the names, but will they give me info?


Ask yourself this question:

Why, if there is state care avalible for the child (which there is - Baht30 card or not - no state hospital in Thailand would decline a child health care - it's not a priviledge, it's a citizens right) would a genuine caring mother be so insistant on burdening you for funds to pay for something her child is entitled to for free?

I think that sums it up.


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My, errm, girlfriend send me new fotos today.

Oh, how nice they are... It is more than obvious, that one of them has been shot on the balcony of an expensive hotel. Wonderful! Would like to meet the fotographer so much... :D:o


She makes me angryer every week, more with her stupidity than with her butterflying...

But after all, I just dont understand, why she let me live one month on her costs, as I told her all the time, that I will study for the next 3 years, so wont have any money and dont know if I ever will come back...

Probably because money is just one of the two things she like...

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I am not as stupid as it sounded in the first post.

Shes got strategies, sure, but I try to handle them.

Well, I think, shes a bit scizophrenic(as many I met), wich makes it more difficult, to get an idea, of what shes thinking. Probably impossible. I remarked her having halluzinations sometimes.

Scares me a bit, to be honest.

On the other side, I know, she is cheating me, I m not nuts.I just want to handle her strategies, live a couple of months with her, then I will know more. As I really liked and loved her, more than any girl before. Yes, I m only 22.

I know she can make maybe 10 or 20 thousand a week, now, in low season...

And she told me, that she slept with 5 Fallangs,

I think the only way, to find out, if this has future, is to live with her for a couple of months.

From me this could really have future,

As I said, I m not nuts...

Yesterday she told me, she ran out of money absolutley and brought her son to the hospital. Hmmmm...

If I would get one cent per lie...

You asked for advice, but you don't want to hear what you already know.

You're going to need more than luck son, I think you are going to find out the hard way.

She is a bar girl after all and much much smarter than you.

Edited by Robski
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Wunzen, your last post didnt mention the sick child, has this particular aspect left you now knowing that she can get free/cheap healthcare for it?

Was you with her all the time the month she looked after you? or did she go off "shopping" alone sometimes, leaving you holding the baby?

You are a young man with a good heart and im sure want to repay her for her kindness, Perhaps send her 4000bht for the month she looked after you, any remaining, put towards her kids heatlh,

To continue with this relationship at your young age could give you lasting damage for a future relationship with another,

Im not you, but if i was, send her some money, and bow out gracefully, her generosity and her kids misfortune has left a footprint on your heart, but your last post suggests this is wearing thin,

Good luck Wunzen with whatever you decide,

Regards, Lickey..

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Does this look like a bed for a child, not even 2, in a hospital.

Not for me.

Its a nice double bed in a nice hotel.

Can one person alone be so stupid.

She even knows, that I spend 2 days in the same hotel, ehem hospital.

And I know it doesnt look like this...

I think thats too much now, not for the lies, not for the cheating,

for the stupidity!

wich is hard to top.

Maybe by beliving one word from her mouth...

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[quote name='Lickey' date='2007-05-19 03:27:57' post='131114

Wunzen, your last post didnt mention the sick child, has this particular aspect left you now knowing that she can get free/cheap healthcare for it?

Was you with her all the time the month she looked after you? or did she go off "shopping" alone sometimes, leaving you holding the baby?

You are a young man with a good heart and im sure want to repay her for her kindness, Perhaps send her 4000bht for the month she looked after you, any remaining, put towards her kids heatlh,

To continue with this relationship at your young age could give you lasting damage for a future relationship with another,

Im not you, but if i was, send her some money, and bow out gracefully, her generosity and her kids misfortune has left a footprint on your heart, but your last post suggests this is wearing thin,

Good luck Wunzen with whatever you decide,

Regards, Lickey..

Sorry, busy forum, this is reply to Post 54,

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